Spring MaxUploadSizeExceededException not handled ExceptionHandler - spring

I wanna handling MaxUploadSizeExceededException.
# application.properties
class MyControllerAdvice {
public MyDTO myHandler(MaxUploadSizeExceededException ex) {
return MyDTO.build();
When I upload file large size, then it caught by application.properties and go to ExceptionHandler. And
swagger test
log is printed
response MyDTO
But web page's request
log is printed
but in my Chrome console, I cant see MyDTO
Chrome Network tab display failed to response data no data found for resource with given identifier
Why it doesn't work?


Error handling on quarkus mutiny rest client

On my quarkus rest project i have a restclient that uses mutiny:
#RegisterRestClient(configKey = "my-api")
public interface MyClient {
Uni<MyBean> get(String body);
I wanna handle propery non 2XX httpError so i have made my ExceptionMaper
public class MyExceptionMapper implements ResponseExceptionMapper<MyException> {
public MyException toThrowable(Response response) {
return new MyException();
a bad call on the client shows that MyExceptionMapper handle the response but the exception raises and does not became a failure on my Uni Client response object
Uni<MyBean> bean = myClient.get("") // i do not have a failure in case of 4XX http
.onFailure().invoke(fail -> System.out.println("how can i get here?"));
Am i using mutiny on a rest client in the wrong way?
ok i forgot to add the dependency quarkus-rest-client-mutiny, adding this i notice 2 things,
i still pass through Myexceptionmapper
i also produce a Uni.failure, but the exception into the failure is not the custom exception i created into MyExceptionmapper but a RestEasyWebApplicationException
Failure : org.jboss.resteasy.client.exception.ResteasyWebApplicationException: Unknown error, status code 400
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.exception.WebApplicationExceptionWrapper.wrap(WebApplicationExceptionWrapper.java:107)
at org.jboss.resteasy.microprofile.client.DefaultResponseExceptionMapper.toThrowable(DefaultResponseExceptionMapper.java:21)
Does the ExceptionMapper becomes useless in this context?
I think this is a bug in quarkus-rest-client-mutiny. I created an Github issue based on your findings.
It will work as you expect if you switch to quarkus-rest-client-reactive

Spring Boot doesn't show error pages implementing a custom ErrorController

I'm trying to show custom error pages depending on the HTTP status code. What I have done is implementing Spring's ErrorController interface in a CustomErrorController but it seems that Spring Boot is not recognizing it.
I have followed this tutorial to do that: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-custom-error-page (section 3.1).
There I have read that first you need to get rid of the famous Spring's default Whitelabel Error Page. So I did this:
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = { ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration.class })
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
This seems to work since the Whitelabel error page hasn't appeared anymore but now when an error happens the Apache Tomcat error page (that ugly one with the stack trace included) appears instead of mine.
Then I've just implemented my CustomErrorController like this:
public class CustomErrorController implements ErrorController {
public String handleError(HttpServletRequest request) {
Integer statusCode = (Integer) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE);
if (statusCode != null) {
// Specific error page
return "redirect:/error/" + statusCode;
// Global error page
return "error/error";
public String getErrorPath() {
return "/error";
public String notFoundErrorPage() {
return "error/404";
// Other error codes mapping methods
I'm using Thymeleaf and my error views are under src/main/resources/views/error, where every specific error page name follows the recommended format of <error_code>.html so, for instance, a 404 error would have a 404.html page associated.
I haven't had any problem with other application views resolving so far. Actually, I have configured my Spring Security to call the /error/403 endpoint if access denied occurs and the error page is shown properly.
Same happens with /error/500, that is called when an internal server exception occurs since I have also implemented the following #ControllerAdvice #ExceptionHandler method:
public class GlobalDefaultExceptionHandler {
public String defaultErrorHandler(Exception exception) throws Exception {
if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(exception.getClass(), ResponseStatus.class) != null) {
throw exception;
return "redirect:/error/500";
So, if each of these endpoints works individually, why if Spring throws an error the handleError method is not called ever?
Thank you.
Seems as if your GlobalDefaultExceptionHandler is catching every Exception upfront. That's why handleError is never called.
Your other endpoints work, cause you are calling them directly - as you describe it.
I would recommend using #ControllerAdvice to handle specific Exceptions an let your CustomErrorController implementation handle all not already handled Exceptions. Spring boot will wrap them inside NestedServletException with Http Status 500. You can get the root cause inside handleError with:
Object exception = request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception");
if (String.valueOf(exception) != null) {
log.info("Nested Exception: " + String.valueOf(exception));
Check those answers for further information on ordering and the error work flow in spring boot:
spring boot error handling flow

Cannot properly test ErrorController Spring Boot

due to this tutorial - https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-custom-error-page I wanted to customize my error page ie. when someone go to www.myweb.com/blablablalb3 I want to return page with text "wrong url request".
All works fine:
public class ApiServerErrorController implements ErrorController {
public String getErrorPath() {
return "error";
public String handleError() {
return "forward:/error-page.html";
But I dont know how to test it:
public void makeRandomRequest__shouldReturnErrorPage() throws Exception {
print() returns:
Status = 404
Error message = null
Headers = {X-Application-Context=[application:integration:-1]}
Content type = null
Body =
Forwarded URL = null
Redirected URL = null
Cookies = []
So I cant created something like this:
because it fails, but on manual tests error-page is returned.
Testing of a custom ErrorController with MockMvc is unfortunately not supported.
For a detailed explanation, see the official recommendation from the Spring Boot team (source).
To be sure that any error handling is working fully, it's necessary to
involve the servlet container in that testing as it's responsible for
error page registration etc. Even if MockMvc itself or a Boot
enhancement to MockMvc allowed forwarding to an error page, you'd be
testing the testing infrastructure not the real-world scenario that
you're actually interested in.
Our recommendation for tests that want to be sure that error handling
is working correctly, is to use an embedded container and test with
WebTestClient, RestAssured, or TestRestTemplate.
My suggestion is to use #ControllerAdvice
In this way you can work around the problem and you can continue to use MockMvc with the big advantage that you are not required to have a running server.
Of course to test explicitly the error page management you need a running server. My suggestion is mainly for those who implemented ErrorController but still want to use MockMvc for unit testing.
public class MyControllerAdvice {
public ResponseEntity<Throwable> handleFileException(HttpServletRequest request, FileSizeLimitExceededException ex) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(ex, HttpStatus.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE);
public ResponseEntity<Throwable> handleUnexpected(HttpServletRequest request, Throwable throwable) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(throwable, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

issue with Spring and asynchronous controller + HandlerInterceptor + IE/Edge

I am working on a Spring application that serves up REST endpoints. One of the endpoints essentially acts as a proxy between the HTML client and a third party cloud storage provider. This endpoint retrieves files from the storage provider and proxies them back to the client. Something like the following (note there is a synchronous and asynchronous version of the same endpoint):
public class CloudStorageController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/fetch-image/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> fetchImageSynchronous(#PathVariable final Long id) {
final byte[] imageFileContents = this.fetchImage(id);
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(imageFileContents);
#RequestMapping(value = "/fetch-image-async/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE)
public Callable<ResponseEntity<byte[]>> fetchImageAsynchronous(#PathVariable final Long id) {
return () -> {
final byte[] imageFileContents = this.fetchImage(id);
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(imageFileContents);
private byte[] fetchImage(final long id) {
// fetch the file from cloud storage and return as byte array
Due to the nature of the client app (HTML5 + ajax) and how this endpoint is used, user authentication is supplied to this endpoint differently that the other endpoints. To handle this, a HandlerInterceptor was developed to deal with authentication for this endpoint:
public class CloudStorageAuthenticationInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
public boolean preHandle(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final Object handler) {
// examine the request for the authentication information and verify it
final Authentication authenticated = ...
if (authenticated == null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return false;
else {
try {
request.login(authenticated.getName(), (String) authenticated.getCredentials());
} catch (final ServletException e) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Bad credentials");
return true;
The interceptor is registered like this:
public class ApiConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private HandlerInterceptor cloudStorageAuthenticationInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(final InterceptorRegistry registry) {
public void configureAsyncSupport(final AsyncSupportConfigurer configurer) {
final ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
Ideally, the image fetching would be done asynchronously (using the /fetch-image-asyc/{id} endpoint) because it has to call a third party web service which could have some latency.
The synchronous endpoint (/fetch-image/{id}) works correctly for all browsers. However, if using the asynchronous endpoint (/fetch-image-async/{id}), Chrome and Firefox work as expect.
However, if the client is Microsoft IE or Microsoft Edge, we seem some strange behavior. The endpoint is called correctly and the response sent successfully (at least from the server's viewpoint). However, it seems that the browser is waiting for something additional. In the IE/Edge DevTools window, the network request for the image shows as pending for 30 seconds, then seems to timeout, updates to successful and the image is successfully display. It also seems the connection to the server is still open, as the server side resources like database connections are not released. In the other browsers, the async response is received and processed in a second or less.
If I remove the HandlerInterceptor and just hard-wire some credentials for debugging, the behavior goes away. So this seems to have something to with the interaction between the HandlerInterceptor and the asynchronous controller method, and is only exhibited for some clients.
Anyone have a suggestion on why the semantics of IE/Edge are causing this behavior?
Based on your description, there are some different behaviors when using IE or Edge
it seems that the browser is waiting for something additional
the connection seems still open
it works fine if remove HandlerInterceptor and use hard code in auth logic
For the first behavior, I would suggest you use fiddler to trace all http requests. It is better if you could compare two different actions via fiddler (1) run on chrome, 2) run on edge ). Check all http headers in requests and responses carefully to see whether there is some different part. For the other behaviors, I would suggest you write logs to find which part spend the most time. It will provide you useful information to troubleshot.
After much tracing on the server and reading through the JavaDocs comments for AsyncHandlerInterceptor, I was able to resolve the issue. For requests to asynchronous controller methods, the preHandle method of any interceptor is called twice. It is called before the request is handed off to the servlet handling the request and again after the servlet has handled the request. In my case, the interceptor was attempting to authenticate the request for both scenarios (pre and post request handling). The application's authentication provider checks credentials in a database. For some reason if the client is IE or Edge, the authentication provider was unable to get a database connection when called from preHandle in the interceptor after the servlet handled the request. The following exception would be thrown:
ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Could not open connection] with root cause
java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-0 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30001ms.
So the servlet would successfully handle the request and send a response, but the filter would get hung up for 30 seconds waiting for the database connection to timeout on the post processing called to preHandle.
So for me, the simple solution was to add a check in preHandle if it is being called after the servlet has already handled the request. I updated the preHandle method as follows:
public boolean preHandle(final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse, final Object pHandler) {
if (pRequest.getDispatcherType().equals(DispatcherType.REQUEST)) {
... perform authentication ...
return true;
That solved the issue for me. It doesn't explain everything (i.e., why only IE/Edge would cause the issue), but it seems that preHandle should only do work before the servlet handles the request anyways.

Implement Best-Practice Error Message in Spring REST Controller

I am writing a server-side REST application for a mobile app. I have been trying to setup an exception handler which follows the explanation here, where instead of showing some HTTP error page, the client receives a JSON object similar to this one:
"status": 404,
"code": 40483,
"message": "Oops! It looks like that file does not exist.",
"developerMessage": "File resource for path /uploads/foobar.txt does not exist. Please wait 10 minutes until the upload batch completes before checking again.",
"moreInfo": "http://www.mycompany.com/errors/40483"
I have modeled my exception on those detailed in the guide, and they seem to be working well (the custom errors are being shown in the console). But I got stuck at this point, because I don't know where I'm supposed to put the bean configuration.
Given that I have all my exception handlers, resolvers, etc., I thought I'd try go around it differently. At this point I would still get Spring's Whitelabel error page when I entered an invalid HTTP request, but this time with my custom error messages from my exceptions. So I figured if I tried to implement my own ErrorHandler as explained here, I might be able to construct the JSON objects using Gson or something, instead of the way the previous article went about it.
I tried to get a bare minimum ErrorHandler working:
package com.myapp.controllers;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ErrorController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
public class ErrorMessageController implements ErrorController {
private static final String ERROR_PATH = "/error";
public String getErrorPath(){
return ERROR_PATH;
#RequestMapping(value = ERROR_PATH)
public String renderErrorPage(HttpServletRequest request){
String errorPage = (String) request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code");
return errorPage;
So I expected to get something like a solitary 404 appearing on the webpage. But instead I'm getting a Tomcat error page:
Why is this? I'd appreciate any help.
This happens because request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code") should be an Integer and you're casting it as a String. This causes an error during the error handling, which pops up the default Tomcat error handler.
If you cast it as an int, it will work:
#RequestMapping(value = ERROR_PATH)
public int renderErrorPage(HttpServletRequest request){
int errorPage = (int) request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code");
return errorPage;
Alternatively, if you just want to return certain JSON structure, you could use #ExceptionHandler methods in stead of implementing an ErrorController.
For example, let's say you have the following controller:
public String getFoo() throws FileNotFoundException {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File resource for path /uploads/foobar.txt does not exist");
If you want to handle all FileNotFoundExceptions in a particular way, you could write a method with the #ExceptionHandler annotation:
public ErrorResponse notFound(FileNotFoundException ex) {
return new ErrorResponse(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value(), 40483, "Oops! It looks like that file does not exist.", ex.getMessage(), "http://www.mycompany.com/errors/40483");
In this case, ErrorResponse is a POJO containing the fields you want. If you want to re-use this for all your controllers, you can put this in a #ControllerAdvice.
