Homebrew failing install on macOS Catalina - installation

Hi developers i seem to be having trouble installing homebrew on my mac devices for the past 2 days now I have been trying different solutions but nothing works everytime I get the same output
remote: Counting objects: 100% (127/127), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (93/93), done.
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly12 MiB | 268.00 KiB/s
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed
Failed during: git fetch --force origin
I know it may seem. annoying but please spoonfeed me the answer I'm quite new to mac
Thank you in advance!


Git Clone Works With CMD But Not With PowerShell

I can clone a particular repository with cmd.exe without problems but it fails with PowerShell.
Git Version: 2.27.0.windows.1
Required certificates were added to git install dir\mingw64\ssl\certs\ca-bundle.crt
PowerShell Error
PS D:\git> git clone https://foo/bar.git
Cloning into 'foobar'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1352, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1352/1352), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1016/1016), done.
error: RPC failed; curl 56 Malformed encoding found in chunked-encoding
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed
Snippets from my .gitconfig
I already added the following properties after googling for the problem:
file:C:/users/doej1/.gitconfig core.longpaths=true
file:C:/users/doej1/.gitconfig core.autocrlf=true
file:C:/users/doej1/.gitconfig http.postbuffer=524288000
Why does it work with cmd.exe but not with PowerShell?

error: waitpid for fetch-pack failed: No child processes

I am getting this error when trying to clone any repository.
cant find much help on this from google.
C:\wamp64\www>git clone https://github.com/codeg8/laravel-crud-generator.git
Cloning into 'laravel-crud-generator'...
remote: Counting objects: 50, done.
remote: Total 50 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 50
Unpacking objects: 100% (50/50), done.
error: waitpid for fetch-pack failed: No child processes
Try running Git application as an Administrator (right click-> Run as Administrator), if its Windows.
It worked for me.
Run the Git Bash as admin and clone the directly.
I had the same issue and above solution worked for me.
This was a problem with the version of Git Installed on my system. I was using an older version of Git.
If anyone is facing the same issue, try upgrading your git installation to latest version. This solved my issue.

Git (Windows) - cannot create file on clone. Works as Superuser

I'm using Windows 8, 64bit - I recently installed Git to use it on this computer. However, it is not possible to clone any repository. It exits with the message:
$ git clone ssh://me#some.address.com/some/git/repository.git
Cloning into 'repository'...
error: Unable to create c:/Users/Danyel/workspace/repository/.git/HEAD
When I open cmd as Administrator and try the same command, it succeeds (cmd as normal user fails just like with Git Bash):
C:\Users\Danyel\workspace>git clone ssh://me#some.address.com/some/git/repository.git
Cloning into 'repository'...
remote: Counting objects: 221, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (195/195), done.
remote: Total 221 (delta 34), reused 167 (delta 15)
Receiving objects: 100% (221/221), 9.23 MiB | 1.38 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (34/34), done.
Checking connectivity... done
I'm using this version of Git: Git-1.8.4-preview20130916
Any help or clues are welcome! I have checked for the permissions and have ownership in parent folders ("repository", ".git"). What else can it be??
The GIT_TRACE option did not give any clue about it either:
$ GIT_TRACE=2 git clone ssh://me#some.address.com/some/git/repository.git
trace: built-in: git 'clone' 'ssh://me#some.address.com/some/git/repository.git'
Cloning into 'repository'...
error: Unable to create c:/Users/Danyel/Desktop/repository/.git/HEAD
As illustrated in this thread, that kind of error message only happens when one of the parent folders is a symlink.
Check if you can clone it in another path (C:\ or C:/Users/Danyel).
But I suspect that Desktop\workspace is a symlink, and as such, not very compatible with a cloned repo path (because that would un-symlink that path, which might not be compatible with other apps/process using that same path).
The only other instance of that issue is related to a path-length limit.

Heroku git pull error on mac

I have a Heroku project that has worked for months with no issues relating to git cloning, pushing, or pulling. Recently, I started getting this error when performing a git pull:
remote: Counting objects: 729, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (308/308), done.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedlyKiB | 76 KiB/s
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed
There has been no significant changes to the code base. I am well under the storage limit on Heroku. A coworker of mine also cannot do a git clone of the heroku repository. It results in the same error. I have noticed that the early EOF line sometimes also includes this:
fatal: early EOFs: 24% (153/637), 196.00 KiB | 117 KiB/s
I am on a Mac OS X Mountain Lion Macbook Air, with the native server being utilized, and no other deep customizations that would impact the system.
Any ideas?
Well, I have heard several say that Heroku is not a reliable repository platform, so I am taking that to heart, and moved my repository on over to BitBucket. That solved my problem. From now on all other repositories I create will be hosted there, and still deployed on Heroku.
Here's a workaround:
"Edit local .git/config"
Add compression = 0 to the [core] section.
Other solution:
Run git config --add core.compression -1 from the terminal.

git flow installer fails to install shFlags on the Mac OS X 10.8.3

Tried this several times including nuking the previous download and manually getting the submodule. Does anyone have a workaround?
SilverFir-2:SRC mike$ sudo ./git-flow-installer
### gitflow no-make installer ###
Installing git-flow to /usr/local/bin
Cloning repo from GitHub to gitflow
Cloning into 'gitflow'...
remote: Counting objects: 1407, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (602/602), done.
remote: Total 1407 (delta 893), reused 1285 (delta 790)
Receiving objects: 100% (1407/1407), 358.18 KiB | 121 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (893/893), done.
Updating submodules
Submodule 'shFlags' (git://github.com/nvie/shFlags.git) registered for path 'shFlags'
Cloning into 'shFlags'...
fatal: unable to connect to github.com:
github.com[0:]: errno=Operation timed out
Clone of 'git://github.com/nvie/shFlags.git' into submodule path 'shFlags' failed
install: gitflow/git-flow -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow
install: gitflow/git-flow-init -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow-init
install: gitflow/git-flow-feature -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow-feature
install: gitflow/git-flow-hotfix -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow-hotfix
install: gitflow/git-flow-release -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow-release
install: gitflow/git-flow-support -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow-support
install: gitflow/git-flow-version -> /usr/local/bin/git-flow-version
install: gitflow/gitflow-common -> /usr/local/bin/gitflow-common
install: gitflow/gitflow-shFlags: No such file or directory
SilverFir-2:SRC mike$
It looks like it may just be a temporary connection issue (though it's unusual that you were able to manually get the submodule but the script couldn't do it). The make-less installer appeared to work fine on my Mac OS 10.8.3 system. The make-less installer isn't doing much, you can run the steps yourself to install it-
git clone https://github.com/nvie/gitflow.git
cd gitflow
git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo make install
