I wrote a gradle task to generate jooq models from a postgresql testcontainer. After starting the container, I run migrations using flyway and then the jooq GenerationTool.
The relevant part of my build.gradle.kts looks like this:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
task("jooqGenerate") {
doLast {
.apply { start() }
.use { pgContainer ->
val flyway = Flyway(
.dataSource(pgContainer.jdbcUrl, pgContainer.username, pgContainer.password)
When I run ./gradlew jooqGenerate I can see that flyway finds the migrations and runs them, jooq logs a bunch of warnings but no code is being generated in src/main/java. What am I missing?
I have also created a reproducer here: https://github.com/wowselim/nemrut
Turns out the target config from the official docs didn't work for me.
When I added the projectDir prefix it started to work.
I started a new project with kotlin-multiplatform to create a library usable on iOS and Android using this tutorial :
It seems to work fine but I wanted to add the Serialization library mentioned at the end of the tutorial (https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization) and I can't make it work.
The setup guide in the library is not in Kotlin DSL so I tried different things to adapt the code but without success. Here is my project gradle :
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.50'
repositories {
maven { url "https://kotlin.bintray.com/kotlinx" }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.1'
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-serialization:$kotlin_version"
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
allprojects {
repositories {
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
And now my build.gradle.kts
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinNativeTarget
plugins {
kotlin {
//select iOS target platform depending on the Xcode environment variables
val iOSTarget: (String, KotlinNativeTarget.() -> Unit) -> KotlinNativeTarget =
if (System.getenv("SDK_NAME")?.startsWith("iphoneos") == true)
iOSTarget("ios") {
binaries {
framework {
baseName = "SharedCode"
sourceSets["commonMain"].dependencies {
sourceSets["androidMain"].dependencies {
sourceSets["iosMain"].dependencies {
val packForXcode by tasks.creating(Sync::class) {
val targetDir = File(buildDir, "xcode-frameworks")
/// selecting the right configuration for the iOS
/// framework depending on the environment
/// variables set by Xcode build
val mode = System.getenv("CONFIGURATION") ?: "DEBUG"
val framework = kotlin.targets
inputs.property("mode", mode)
from({ framework.outputDirectory })
/// generate a helpful ./gradlew wrapper with embedded Java path
doLast {
val gradlew = File(targetDir, "gradlew")
+ "export 'JAVA_HOME=${System.getProperty("java.home")}'\n"
+ "cd '${rootProject.rootDir}'\n"
+ "./gradlew \$#\n")
I have no errors but I cannot use the library in my code.
Can someone please explain how to integrate this dependency or any dependency with this setup ? What do I do wrong ?
Note : I'm using Android Studio 3.5.1, Gradle 5.4.1, Kotlin 1.3.50.
Ok, so I found the issue.. just the version of the library.. 0.13.0 not 0.14.0. No error is thrown when you sync a wrong library version. I hope this post helps someone anyway.
I am trying to integrate Liquibase in my project using Gradle.
For that I made below changes to build.gradle but it gives me error as follows:
Below is my build.gradle file:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
dependencies {
classpath "org.liquibase:liquibase-gradle-plugin:2.0.1"
allprojects {'
apply plugin: 'liquibase'
dependencies {
liquibaseRuntime 'org.liquibase:liquibase-core:3.6.1'
liquibaseRuntime 'org.liquibase:liquibase-groovy-dsl:2.0.1'
liquibaseRuntime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.34'
liquibase {
activities {
doFirst {
if (!project.hasProperty('runList')) {
project.ext.runList = "main,test"
main {
defaultsFile "$projectDir/sql-migration/mysql/app_mysql.properties"
logFile "$projectDir/sql-migration/mysql/logs/liquibase-" + new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")+".log"
test {
defaultsFile "$projectDir/sql-migration/mysql/app_test_mysql.properties"
logFile "$projectDir/sql-migration/logs/liquibase-test-" + new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")+".log"
// To execute liquibase on single environment, gradlew app:update -PrunList=test
runList = project.ext.runList
I am not able to get why it is not able to find out 'liquibaseRuntime' repositories.
Any help in this would be really appreciated.
Assuming that you have a changelog file, make sure that the changelog file is properly referenced from build.gradle.
Also I would suggest defining the liquibase.url, username and password.
Refer to this post for detailed implementation:
The error message
Cannot resolve external dependency [...] because no repositories are defined
indicates that you're missing a repositories block. You have one in your buildscript, but you probably need to move it to the top-level, as shown here.
I am trying to execute my Kotlin class using the command:
./gradlew -q run < src/main/kotlin/samples/input.txt
Here is my HelloWorld.kt class:
package samples
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Hello, world!")
val lineRead = readLine()
Here is my build.gradle.kts:
plugins {
application {
mainClassName = "samples.HelloWorldKt"
dependencies {
repositories {
The code executes, but the data contained inside the input.txt file is not displayed. Here is the output I get:
Hello, world!
I want to be able to execute the gradlew command above and the input.txt stream be redirected to stdio. I can easily do that in C++. Once I compile my .cpp file, I can run:
./my_code < input.txt
and it executes as expected.
How can I achieve the same thing with Kotlin and Gradle?
Update: Based on this answer, I've tried adding this to build.gradle.kts but it is not a valid syntax:
AjahnCharles suggestion about run { standardInput = System.in } is correct, but to port it to kotlin-dsl you need a different syntax.
run in this case is the task name and you configure existing task of application plugin.
To configure existing task in kotlin-dsl you should use one of this ways:
val run by tasks.getting(JavaExec::class) {
standardInput = System.`in`
val run: JavaExec by tasks
run.standardInput = System.`in`
The upcoming version of Gradle 4.3 should provide API for plugin writers to read user input.
The reason of difference between of Groovy and Kotlin in this case because Groovy uses dynamic types, but in Kotlin you must specify task type to have autocompletion and just to compile config script
I finally settled on this (Gradle 7.1.1):
plugins {
tasks.getByName("run", JavaExec::class) {
standardInput = System.`in`
I don't know enough Kotlin yet to judge whether this is equivalent to https://stackoverflow.com/a/46662535/253921.
Almost, but this doesn't work :'(
In Theory
My understanding: < input.txt sets the standard input for the gradlew process, but by default this is not forwarded to your program.
You want to add this to your build.gradle.kts:
run {
standardInput = System.`in`
In Practice
These build configs look about the same to me, yet Groovy works and Kotlin doesn't. I'm starting to think that the Gradle Kotlin DSL doesn't support the standardInput term yet :/
Here's my working Groovy version if that's any help:
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'application'
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.4'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
repositories {
dependencies {
// api => exported to consumers (found on their compile classpath)
// implementation => used internally (not exposed to consumers)
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"
mainClassName = "samples.HelloWorldKt"
run {
standardInput = System.in
When performing gradle clean and then gradle swagger a ClassNotFoundException is thrown. If gradle swagger is then run again (basically after the api build is done in previous run), it works fine.
build.gradle looks as below:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url hydraMavenRepo }
maven { url hydraPluginsRepo }
dependencies {
classpath "com.github.kongchen:swagger-maven-plugin:3.1.4"
apply plugin: 'java'
configurations {
dependencies {
addclasspath files(project(':api:desktop-api').configurations['runtime'].files)
addclasspath files(project(':api:desktop-api').sourceSets['main'].output)
addclasspath files(project(':api:desktop-api').sourceSets.main.output.classesDir)
runtime project(':api:desktop-api')
sourceSets {
main {
runtimeClasspath += files(project(':api:desktop-api').sourceSets['main'].output)
runtimeClasspath += files(project(':api:desktop-api').sourceSets['main'].output.classesDir)
runtimeClasspath += files(project(':api:desktop-api').configurations['runtime'].files)
import com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin.ApiDocumentMojo
import com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin.ApiSource
import io.swagger.models.Info
task swagger(dependsOn: [':api:desktop-api:build']) {
doLast {
logger.info 'Swagger GenDoc...'
// a trick to have all needed classes in the classpath
def customClassLoader = new GroovyClassLoader()
buildscript.configurations.classpath.each {
//println it.toURI().toURL()
configurations.addclasspath.each {
// the same settings as in the swagger-maven-example/pom.xml
final ApiDocumentMojo mavenTask = Class.forName('com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin.ApiDocumentMojo', true, customClassLoader).newInstance(
apiSources: [
new ApiSource(
springmvc: false,
locations: ['com/vmware/vdi/hydra'],
schemes: ['http', 'https'],
host: 'vmware.com',
basePath: '/api',
info: new Info(
title: "Hydra DS-REST API's",
version: 'v100',
description: "Hydra DS-REST API's",
swaggerDirectory: reportsDir
logger.info 'Swagger GenDoc task is completed'
You have several flaws in your build script.
You should not depend on built things in build script dependencies. This is a hen and egg problem. You need to execute the build to get the classes that are necessary to execute the build. This cannot work reliably, if at all.
Instead you should declare them as dependencies outside the buildscript block. The buildscript block is only for dependencies that are needed by your build script to run itself, like Gradle Tasks and Gradle Plugins or classes you use during the build, like the swagger-maven-plugin stuff which is correct in the buildscript block.
Besides that, you execute part of your swagger stuff (the instanciation, execution and printing) during the configuration phase instead of during the execution phase. Everything you do in a task closure, but outside any doFirst or doLast blocks is run during the configuration phase, when the build is configured and thus always, no matter what tasks you actually want to execute and no matter whether the task may already be up-to-date or not. For the up-to-date check to work and save your time you need to declare all inputs like files and properties that might change between executions and all outputs that you generate, then Gradle can do its magic to only execute the task when actually necessary.
Also you should not use println in build scripts. That is like using System.out.println in Java programs. Instead you should use the provided logging facility directly, e. g. doing logger.info 'Swagger GenDoc task is completed'.
buildscript.classloader is what I was looking for.
Below is the code that works:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url mavenRepo }
dependencies {
classpath "com.github.kongchen:swagger-maven-plugin:3.1.4"
import com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin.ApiDocumentMojo
import com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin.ApiSource
import io.swagger.models.Info
task swagger(dependsOn: ':api:build') {
doLast {
logger.info 'Swagger GenDoc...'
FileCollection apiRuntimeFiles = files(project(':api').configurations['runtime'].files)
apiRuntimeFiles.each {
FileCollection apiClassFiles =files(project(':api').sourceSets['main'].output)
apiClassFiles.each {
final ApiDocumentMojo mavenTask = Class.forName('com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin.ApiDocumentMojo', true, buildscript.classLoader).newInstance(
apiSources: [
new ApiSource(
springmvc: false,
locations: ['<loc>'],
schemes: ['http', 'https'],
host: '<host>',
basePath: '/api',
info: new Info(
title: "REST API's",
version: 'v1',
description: "REST API's",
swaggerDirectory: <dir>
logger.info 'Swagger GenDoc task is completed'
I am trying to use the avro-gradle-plugin on github, but have not gotten any luck getting it to work. Does anyone have any sample code on how they get it to work?
I figured out how to do it myself. The following is a snippet that I would like to share for people who might run into the same issues as I did:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'avro-gradle-plugin'
sourceCompatibility = "1.6"
targetCompatibility = "1.6"
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
// your maven repo information here
dependencies {
classpath 'org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:2.2.1'
classpath 'org.apache.avro:avro-compiler:1.7.1'
classpath 'org.apache.avro.gradle:avro-gradle-plugin:1.7.1'
compileAvro.source = 'src/main/avro'
compileAvro.destinationDir = file("$buildDir/generated-sources/avro")
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir compileAvro.destinationDir
dependencies {
I found "com.commercehub.gradle.plugin.avro" gradle plugin to work better.
use the folllowing:
// Gradle 2.1 and later
plugins {
id "com.commercehub.gradle.plugin.avro" version "VERSION"
// Earlier versions of Gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.commercehub.gradle.plugin:gradle-avro-plugin:VERSION"
apply plugin: "com.commercehub.gradle.plugin.avro"
more details at https://github.com/commercehub-oss/gradle-avro-plugin
When evaluating a plugin the following questions needs to be asked:
Are generated files included into source jar?
Is plugin fast? Good plugin use avro tools api instead of forking VM for every file. For large amount of files creating VM for every file can take 10min to compile.
Do you need intermediate avsc files?
Is build incremental (i.e. do not regenerate all files unless one of the sources changed)?
Is plugin flexible enough to give access to generated schema files, so further actions, such as registration schema in schema repository can be made?
It is easy enough to implement without any plugin if you are not happy with plugin or need more flexibility.
// define source and destination
def avdlFiles = fileTree('src/Schemas').include('**/*.avdl')
// Do NOT generate into $buildDir, because IntelliJ will ignore files in
// this location and will show errors in source code
def generatedJavaDir = "generated/avro/java"
sourceSets.main.java.srcDir generatedJavaDir
// Make avro-tools available to the build script
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath group:'org.apache.avro', name:'avro-tools' ,version: avro_version
// Define task's input and output, compile idl to schema and schema to java
task buildAvroDtos(){
group = "build"
inputs.files avdlFiles
outputs.dir generatedJavaDir
avdlFiles.each { avdlFile ->
def parser = new org.apache.avro.compiler.idl.Idl(avdlFile)
parser.CompilationUnit().getTypes().each { schema ->
def compiler = new org.apache.avro.compiler.specific.SpecificCompiler(schema)
compiler.compileToDestination(avdlFile, new File(generatedJavaDir))
// Publish source jar, including generated files
task sourceJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: buildAvroDtos) {
from sourceSets.main.allSource
// Package schemas into source jar
into("Schemas") { from avdlFiles }
// Clean "generated" folder upon "clean" task
clean {
Configuration for avro with gradle as build tool need to add along with applying java plugin.
below changes in settings.gradle
pluginManagement {
repositories {
below changes in build.gradle
plugins {
id "com.github.davidmc24.gradle.plugin.avro" version "1.3.0"
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation "org.apache.avro:avro:1.11.0"
generateAvroJava {
source("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/avro")//sourcepath avrofile
if you want to generate setter methods too add this task too in build.gradle
avro {
createSetters = true
link for reference