I am very new to vb and have been stepping my foot into the waters. I read a lot of posts on this site and it has helped me tremendously. Thanks all!
I have been searching to no end trying to figure out how to write the rest of this code. Basically, I have a directory with a lot of member text files in which stores data about each member. Each line of each member text file is the same criteria: Line1: FirstName, Line2: LastName, Line3: ExpDate, Line4: Status. I need a way to pull Line2 into Listbox1 and Line4 into Listbox2 from each text file. I have tried the following code and it partially seems to work but doesn't complete itself and gives an error.
Error: "Index was out of range. Must be a non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index"
Dim DirActiveMembers() As String = Directory.GetFiles("C:\SPCMembership\Active\")
For Each Member In DirActiveMembers
Dim Line2 As Integer = 2 'Last Name
Dim Line4 As Integer = 4 'Status
Dim LastName As String = (File.ReadAllLines(Member).ElementAt(Line2).ToString)
Dim Status As String = (File.ReadAllLines(Member).ElementAt(Line4).ToString)
Help! please and thank you for your time! :)
I dont have time to test out code at the moment but I was thinking something like this:
Dim Line As String
Dim fn as Integer
For Each Member In DirActiveMembers
fn = FreeFile()
FileOpen(fn, Member, OpenMode.Input)
line = LineInput(fn)
line = LineInput(fn)
line = LineInput(fn)
line = LineInput(fn)
Sorry for any formatting issues I'm on my phone
Edit: So for a little explanation if I understood correctly you only need lines 2 and 4 so just read the first line and dont do anything with it. Read the second and add it to the 1st listbox, then read the 3rd (don't do anything with it) and then finally read the 4th line and add it to the 2nd listbox, then close the file
I tried almost all the methods (CLEAN,TRIM,SUBSTITUTE) trying to remove the character hiding in the beginning and the end of a text. In my case, I downloaded the bill of material report from oracle ERP and found that the item codes are a victim of hidden characters.
After so many findings, I was able to trace which character is hidden and found out that it's a question mark'?' (via VBA code in another thread) both at the front and the end. You can take this item code: 11301-21
If you paste the above into your excel and see its length =LEN(), you can understand my problem much better.
I need a good solution for this problem. Therefore please help!
Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks to Gary's Student, because his answer inspired me.
Also, I used this answer for this code.
This function will clean every single char of your data, so it should work for you. You need 2 functions: 1 to clean the Unicode chars, and other one to clean your item codes_
Public Function CLEAN_ITEM_CODE(ByRef ThisCell As Range) As String
If ThisCell.Count > 1 Or ThisCell.Count < 1 Then
CLEAN_ITEM_CODE = "Only single cells allowed"
Exit Function
End If
Dim ZZ As Byte
For ZZ = 1 To Len(ThisCell.Value) Step 1
CLEAN_ITEM_CODE = CLEAN_ITEM_CODE & GetStrippedText(Mid(ThisCell.Value, ZZ, 1))
Next ZZ
End Function
Private Function GetStrippedText(txt As String) As String
If txt = "–" Then
GetStrippedText = "–"
Dim regEx As Object
Set regEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
regEx.Pattern = "[^\u0000-\u007F]"
GetStrippedText = regEx.Replace(txt, "")
End If
End Function
And this is what i get using it as formula in Excel. Note the difference in the Len of strings:
Hope this helps
You have characters that look like a space character, but are not. They are UniCode 8236 & 8237.
Just replace them with a space character (ASCII 32).
Based on the string in your post, the following VBA macro will replace UniCode characters 8236 amd 8237 with simple space characters:
Sub Kleanup()
Dim N1 As Long, N2 As Long
Dim Bad1 As String, Bad2 As String
N1 = 8237
Bad1 = ChrW(N1)
N2 = 8236
Bad2 = ChrW(N2)
Cells.Replace what:=Bad1, replacement:=" ", lookat:=xlPart
Cells.Replace what:=Bad2, replacement:=" ", lookat:=xlPart
End Sub
(I'm quite new to vb, but familiar with vba).
I'm trying to find out how to read a text file from bottom to top as:
the text file is updated 'x' period of time; lines being added,
and I need to find the last entry "line" that contains the contains the text "System Pass". However between the last line of the file and the last line that contains the needed string are a lot unnecessary "dump" lines.
With excel I used to import the text file and loop through the rows starting at the bottom and to determine if I had the correct string line with the inStr function. But this doesn't work, or I just simply don't know how to convert the code to vb.
Help is greatly appreciated.
Here is an example of how to read a txt file into an array and poll through it from bottom to top using instr to search for text:
Const ForReading = 1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\test.txt", ForReading)
strText = objTextFile.ReadAll
MyArray = Split(strText, vbCrLf)
For X = Ubound(MyArray) to lbound(MyArray) step -1
If instr(1,MyArray(X),"T") > 0 then
Wscript.Echo MyArray(X)
End if
My Test file contained this:
The VBS file popped up 2 message boxes, one with "Text" and one with "This"
You can DIM them if you want:
Dim objFSO
Dim objTextFile
Dim X
Dim MyArray
But VBS doesn't support types so don't try Dim X as Long or anything like that.
Hope that helps
I recommend import the data with Excel, you can use NPOI library, with NPOI you can easily read Excel files in .NET.
Read txt files with VB: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yw67h925.aspx
I am in a problem while reading a text file with readline and trying to compare first line with a string. I want to compare the first line of the text file with a string and then will go for next process. But I can't do that. Here is my code:
doc = File.open("example.txt", "r")
line1 = doc.readline
if line1 == "sukanta"
line2 = doc.readline
line3 = doc.readline
line4 = doc.readline
My example.txt file contains:
Software engineer
Please give me solution. While I am trying to get string length with line1.length it's not showing the exact number.
i got the answer. Its silly mistake .. i should use "sukanta\n" to compare
When i am using readline to read each line then i have to set each line in their place sequentially. i cant break the order. Whil i am using loop like
doc = File.open("example.txt", "r")
doc.each_line do |lines|
puts lines
getting the whole text as a line. cant separate each line from others. i need to break the order. How to do that?
I suspect you are not taking into account that a line ends with $/ ("\n" on UNIX). So you probably intended
line1 == "sukanta\n"
line1.chomp == "sukanta"
and you are not including $/ when you count the length (which is one or two characters less than the correct length depending on the OS).
Hi I have a text file that I would like to assign to an array and then assign each item in the array to a custom defined variable. When I open the file in notepad, it seems as if the data is on one line and there's about 10 tabs worth of space until the next piece of information.
I use the following code to successfully view the information in a msgbox as MyArray(i).
In my code example, all the information is listed in MyArray(0) and MyArray(1) gives me an error of subscript out of range. The information in the text file seems to appear as if it were delimited by vbCrLf but that does not work either...
Is there a way to trim the spaces from MyArray(0) and then re-assign the individual data to a new array? Here's what the first two pieces of information look like from my file:
Public Function ReadTextFile()
Dim TextFileData As String, myArray() As String, i As Long
Dim strCustomVariable1 As String
Dim strCustomVariable2 As String
'~~> Open file as binary
Open "C:\textfile\DATA-SND" For Binary As #1
'~~> Read entire file's data in one go
TextFileData = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , TextFileData
'~~> Close File
Close #1
'~~> Split the data in seperate lines
myArray() = Split(TextFileData, vbCrLf)
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray())
MsgBox myArray(i)
End Function
Under normal circumstances, I'd suggest that you use Line Input instead:
Open "C:\textfile\DATA-SND" For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Redim Preserve myArray(i)
Line Input #1, myArray(i)
i = i + 1&
Close #1
However, you're likely dealing with different end-line characters. You can use your existing code and just change it to use vbCr or vbLf instead of vbCrLf. My method assumes that your end-line characters are vbCrLf.
So for UNIX files:
myArray() = Split(TextFileData, vbLf)
And for old Mac files:
myArray() = Split(TextFileData, vbCr)
I am looking for a way to count the number of lines in a text file, excluding the CRLF which will be the very last line per say.
Any chance there is a simple code example for this?
Try this (though I found it searching the very title of your question in Google):
If you are worried about empty lines at the end, then loop from all lines until you find one with contents, and delete all of them until the end. This is easy, since:
Returns a vector of Strings.
Hope this helps.
Try with this:
TextBox1.Text = ""
With OpenFileDialog1
.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt"
If .ShowDialog <> DialogResult.OK Then Exit Sub
End With
Dim intLines As Integer = 0
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
TextBox1.Text += sr.ReadLine() & ControlChars.CrLf
intLines += 1
MessageBox.Show(intLines, Me.Text)
basically you need to calibrate the md5#sum and then check to see if the HTML is linked to the CSS and make sure you have turned on javascript