Jenkins batch with spaces in variables - jenkins-pipeline

So I'm trying to use bat scripts to get the information I need for my pipelines.
An example of that is the line below, where "path" is a variable that contains an absolute path to a file or folder.
String dirOutput = bat(script: "dir ${path}", returnStdout: true)
This works well, except when this path has spaces in it. At which point I will have an error.
I have found this answer:
But wasn't able to add the double quotes in the script argument.
Any idea how to add the quotes there?
Note: This has been an issue for other scripts as well, not just dir, so I would prefer to find a solution about the quotes and not specifically about the funtionality of the line.
Thanks all


Is it possible to wrap a Doxygen filter command in quotes?

I am trying to write a Doxygen file filter that lives in a subdirectory that works from Doxyfile on both Windows and Linux.
I seem to be unable to specify the path using a forward-slash on Windows unless it is quoted:
However, trying to quote the command in Doxyfile does not work.
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.glsl=""scripts/runpython" scripts/"
On Windows, you get an error that implies the quotes don't exist.
'scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Doxygen uses popen() to run these commands and will remove the wrapping quotes around the command, but it does not seem to remove all quotes.
popen() call:
filter name quote strip:
However, the result is the same as if there were no quotes.
I was able to get command logging in Doxygen, and it appears the extra quotes are being stripped in an odd way. You can see how there is a space in front of the command.
Executing popen(` scripts/runpython scripts/ "C:/dev/g3d/G3D10/data-files/shader/AlphaFilter.glsl"`)
I submitted a bug report/feature request but I doubt it will be read.
Doxygen Bug Report
The issue was reported to the doxygen project, and they have provided a solution where any '/' in the command is replaced by '\' on Windows.
This was done to resolve a similar issue here:
What is the QHG_LOCATION path relative to for doxygen?
The pull request for the project on github here:
When using double quotes within double quotes in a single string, it sees the first double quote as the start string and the next double quote as the end of the string.
So in your example:
""scripts/runpython" scripts/"
The first 2 quotes are seen as open and close, then it sees scripts/runpython as the next command etc.
I do not have the same tool, but these 2 examples will probably sort out your issue.
This example wraps each set in double quotes, and the entire set in single quotes.
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.glsl='"scripts/runpython" "scripts/"'
Where this example wraps the first set in double quotes and the entire set in single quotes.
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.glsl='"scripts/runpython" scripts/'
NOTE!! I am unable to test this as I do not have the same environment as you. I am therefore not sure if the second option will work, as it might also need scripts/ in double quotes, I am adding it to the answer regardless.

pathnames with spaces in batch script

I have a problem with spaces in directory names in a batch script.
I store a base directory and then use that to make subdirectories and files, something like:
set basepath=c:\some\path
set logdir=%basepath%\log
set logfile=%logdir%\test.log
But the basepath on some servers have spaces in it. Earlier I used dir /x to get the shortened 8.3 names but I encountered one server where this doesn't work (apparently there is some setting to disable this, and I don't have privileges to turn it back on). So now I'm trying to figure this out. I need to concatenate filename/directories to basepath, which may have spaces in it. I tried using double quotes, but it didn't work.
At the command prompt, you can do things like cd "some path"\with\spaces using a combination of double quoted directories and non-double-quoted directories. But this doesn't work in a batch script.
Any suggestions?
set "basePath=c:\somewhere\over the rainbow"
set "logDir=%basePath%\logs"
set "logFile=%logDir%\kansas.log"
>> "%logFile%" echo This is a test
cd "%logDir%"
Don't insert quotes inside the variable values (unless it is necessary).
Use quotes surounding the set command to ensure no aditional spaces are stored in variables and to protect special characters.
Place quotes in the correct places in the final commands that make use of the variables.
Put double quotes around the environment variable only when you need to actually use it.
set basepath=c:\some\path with spaces
set logdir=%basepath%\log
xcopy *.log "%logdir%"
Then reference it as "%logdir%" and it will expand to "c:\some\path with spaces\log". This works because set puts everything after the = except for including trailing white-space into the environment variable.

Shell command for $

I using script to apply folder permission. The script is working fine for applying permission.
On the script I just need to key in the complete path of directory.
However I meet challenge where the directory name is using $. e.g. G:\$Tobe-Review
Mean while on the script:
$PATH = "G:\$Tobe-Review"
The output of course give an error.
How to counter the $ sign for the folder name?
You could use the single-quote to prevent from interpolate the $. Difference between single and double quotes in bash might be very helpful to you to understand the reason.
Enclose your path in single-quotes.
The answer:
$PATH = 'G:\$Tobe-Review'

wildcard in scripts

It is fine to run
evince ./result/demo_1000000_10000*.ps
on a shell window. But when I put it into a scripts file, then run that file, it can not find all those files ./result/demo_1000000_10000*.ps... here * is meant to be a wildcard and following is the scripts.
evince ./result/demo_1000000_10000"*.ps"
So are there any changes that should be made when putting commands into scripts?
It should work the same way in a script or on the command line. The quotation marks prevent the wildcard from being expanded. Just remove them from the script. (Why did you add them in the first place?)
If the command runs from the prompt as shown, then it should also run from a shell script if the current directory of the invoking process is the same - with exactly the same notation. There is no reason to include quotes in the scripted version if you want it to do the same as the unscripted version. And if you ran the quoted version at the command line, it would fail the same as the quoted version in the scripted version does.
However, in a script, you do have to worry about whether the Postscript files you plan to work on are in the correct location. Sometimes, the script uses an absolute pathname, sometimes the script uses cd to change directory to the correct place, sometimes there's an argument or environment variable that locates the files.
So, if used carefully, you don't have to change anything for the script to work - but there are many ways you can prevent the script from working. One of those is by adding quotes around wildcard characters.

CMD: Check for quotes

Let's say, the user drag and drops an file into my batch file, which causes that the batch file copies the file to a certain directory. the problem is the following command:
copy "%1" "C:\path\to\it"
The problem here is the quotes around%1. When you drag and drop something in a batch file, normally, it wouldn't put quotes, so everything's fine. But when i convert my batch file to EXE, it actually puts quotes there.
So, what i want to do is, checking if the file does have quotes, if not, than do the command above, otherwise, do the command without quotes.
Would the following work?
copy %1 "C:\Dir1\Dir2"
my few attempts to find a problem not quoting %1 have not resulted in adverse effects.
Not sure if the answer given here was what you were seeking, and I may be a couple of years late, but I would like to offer an alternate solution to your quoting problem as I have run into it something similar myself. Maybe it will benefit someone else.
You ARE able to strip the quotes from around variables, including the ones that are dragged and dropped. Here's how:
add a tilde to the %n variable (e.g., copy %~1 "C:\path\to\it")
For other variables within the batch file, use a similar technique, this time performing a substitution of the double-quote for nothing :"=, as in:
set filename="C:\path\to\it"
echo %filename% (will give you "C:\path\to\it")
set noquotefilename=%filename:"=%
echo %noquotefilename% (will give you C:\path\to\it without the quotes)
It is not my original solution, but I found it near the bottom of the following post:
Removing double quotes from variables in batch file creates problems with CMD environment
The substitution technique has other applications, as you could easily substitute any character for any other (e.g., :\=_ to substitute a back-slash for an underscore).
Hope this helps!
The problem is the process by which you are converting to EXE. Try a different BAT to EXE converter.
