Add shadow to Babylon js point cloud - point-clouds

I am creating a point cloud visualization tool using babylon.js, I hope to render information like volume to each point, making it casting shadow to the ground.
I could find any useful information in documentation, how to realize this?


Google Cloud vision couldn't detect one character

I have used Google Cloud Vision API for my small project to detect text from an image. The API works very well almost text in the image be detected by the API but I found when the image has only one character in a line, the API will skip it.
Do you have any solution for this problem? I try to change color and resize the image but it still not work.
for example please look : [The API can detect only 'AMATA' but not 'S']
I think this is something related to Vision API model. There is a related FR about this issue and you can star the issue to get notification about its updates

Mulesoft Design Center issues

I am designing my System API using RAML 1.0 in Anypoint Design Center. Unfortunately, the RAML Library that got auto-generated using js2dt convertor from the response schema of my third party(system) is as huge as 1,45,000 lines. I have tried splitting up the library into multiple datatypes and referencing back in the library, but it didn't help either. When I publish this as a fragment to Exchange, and try to consume from my actual API Specification RAML, my Design Center is causing a lot of issues like.. the spinner on the top right corner just keeps spinning, the page crashes, the "Try me" doesn't appear. I am pretty sure this is because the design center is not able to handle this huge RAML fragment. When I try using a simple RQ/RS, it just works fine.
I am looking here for help on how to handle this situation.
How to handle such huge RQ/RS in RAML ?
How to improve the performance of design center ?
How to turn off the preview in Design Center ?
The best way to do this is to, generate a json schema from the third party model and refer the type as schema in the RAML. That was light weight and worked like a charm.

How to access GPS location from the web browser

I am developing a mobile based web-application, in which I need to integrate Google maps. I need to fill latLng info from Google maps. Is it possible to get the GPS location and use it in my application?
The browser is able to share the location with you thanks to Geolocation API, but you have to be aware of that, user when asked if he permits accessing the geo-data, might not agree. There is no way of forcing the locations to be shared with you.
Because it is part of Web browser API - there are JavaScript methods to be used.
The core of it is in very descriptive names of methods:
geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
Check this great tutorial of how to implement the solution on your own. It's really good, well explained and covers edge cases.
It covers much more code, so there is no point of copy-paste all of it here.
Hope that helps!

Geoserver with Mapstraction

Do someone know how to use a custom hosted Geoserver's Tile Layers or WMS layers to be laid on Mapstraction as a base layer?
MapStraction has base layer plugins for google, yahoo, microsoft, openlayers etc., But unfortunately it lacks a plugin for custom open layers on geoserver. Do any one know how to neatly implement such a plugin?
Managed to find how to do the above.
Made a Copy of mxn openlayers.
Changed the TMS url to WMS where the geoserver is hosted. There would be 2 urls of OSM and OSM Mapnik, kept only one of them and replaced with the WMS Url.
There was only one problem in calling toProperietory and fromProperietory calls. Did not honestly understand the logic, but replaced them with just returning same values
And it worked.
PS: If someone understands the logic behind step 3, please feel free to explain.

Dynamically updated graphs on a web page - howto?

I need to understand a good way to design a web page with dynamically updated graphs. It should be something close to what stock market graphs look like (e.g. Google Finance), although with a bit more complicated functionality, which is not the point. Naturally I am thinking of writing an ajaxy-style flash control, which would communicate with the server through, okay, something like XMLHttpRequest, but from within flash code, and draw things basing on data received. Is this doable with flash? Does security model allow such kind of client-server interaction? If yes, could you think of any references for me to get started (similar opensource projects, articles, whatever)? Or should I forget about flash and use a Java applet right away?
An important thing to note: I don't think I can use Google charting API, because I need also to have user interaction. In the link above to Google Finance the user can drag the graph to and forth with the mouse, that's close to what I need (I will also need to implement some actions from the dropdown menu).
Thanks for your answers and opinions!
Try this: JQuery Flot
Flot is a JQuery plugin to plot graphs. You keep replotting in-place with the latest data at the desired frequency to generate a dynamically updated graph. It is based on the <canvas> tag. We use it successfully to generate pretty complex dynamically updated graphs in our applications. The updates are fetched via periodic AJAX calls.
Another alternative is YUI Charts
We did not explore this a lot but this uses Flash and AJAX like you wanted to do.
I have used the Google Charts API to do this sort of thing. For a simple example, see my Sunrise and Sunset page. This page calculates sunrise and sunset times for a given latitude and longitude, all in Javascript, then uses the Google Chart API to replace the graph on the page with the requested data.
Update: The Stack Overflow reputation graph (see your user page) isn't Flash and yet allows interactive dragging. (Click and drag on the left to update the posts on the right that reflect the highlighted reputation region.) Perhaps you could look at how that is implemented.
You have described Flex...
This is very possible in flash.
You can use the URLLoader class to obtain data from a server at run time and the draw your graph using a custom control. In actionscript3 you'd subclass the Shape class and write a little drawing code to draw your graphs. Flash has support for drawing and filling so it would probably be very good at this.
The flash client can poll the server for updates. Or if you want a "live" connection you can establish a socket connection to the server and let the server push updated data live. Flash is good for this as you can push XML data over the socket and use the built in support for processing the XML, or you can send binary data just as easily.
As for the security model it's just the standard flash one. You can make network connections back to the server that the swf file came from with no issues. If you want to make a connection to a different server then that server needs to give your client permission to connect to it by hosting a crossdomain.xml file
I'm not sure about the Flash side of things, but this would be pretty simple to do in Silverlight. I am pretty sure you'd easily be able to make a server request in Flash too.
I'd do some searching for long polling.
