Can we use laravel-permissions for multi tenant application? - laravel

I am creating one multi-tenant app in Laravel with Single Database and thinking to use laravel-permission package by spatie.
My Requirement is pretty straightforward, I want my tenants to create their own Roles, whereas permissions will be managed by Super Admin only.
My problem is when I was trying using, It worked for 1st client but 2nd time it gives error:
A role 'Admin' already exists for guard 'admin'.
As I mentioned client can create roles, so they can crate duplicate roles.
Please recommend better approach or package or should I try writing custom code.
Any help appreciated!

Because the name is indexed in the role table, you cannot create a duplicate role name, I ask you not to change the package, but in case you have 2 ways to handle this
1- unindex the name collemn or disable unique feature, and add you tenant id to table so by do this you can manage and get right role for each tenant
2- add another table to manage your sub role (tenant role) and connect you sub role with master role by id

I would consider using a hidden prefix: on the roles and permissions that would scope them to a particular tenant. So for example:
The prefix would not be assignable by a Tenant, the system would automatically assign that based on the User. However, if you're a System Admin (i.e. Super Admin) then you could create/view/assign a prefix in order to manage the roles and permissions.
This would require you to write some custom logic for handling the prefix, however, it is pretty flexible (you could nest unlimited identifiers - a:b:c:d:e etc.) and doesn't require you to go messing with any underlying packages (i.e. laravel-permissions).


Creating admin guard VS using the default guard for both users and admins

Since I had problem with Passport multi auth, I wonder is it necessary to have an admin guard (and an admins table) or it's better to use the default guard (and users table) for both admins and users with the help of role and permissions? Which is better?
That's a really hard question to answer without more information, but I'll try looking at it from a few perspectives:
You have an application that has users that can turn into admins (and vice-versa)
In this situation, I would probably have a single table that contains an is_admin column and use the column to validate whether the user can perform administration tasks (e.g. by using Laravel's gates). The downside to this is that if you wanted to create a third type of user (e.g. supervisor), you would need to change the model used.
You have an application where users are completely separate from administrators
If you control the administrators and everyone else is just a user, creating separate guards could be used, this does allow for a lot of flexibility in the future if you wanted to implement different authentication flows for both administrators and users (for example, using SAML). If you were to add a third type of user (e.g. supervisor), you could then just create another guard.
You have an application that can have different (customisable) permissions for each user
In this case I would recommend implementing a roles table, a permissions table, a role_permissions table and adding a column called role_id to the user table. This provides the most flexibility and is also usable with the Laravel's gate system, but is probably the most difficult to setup and hardest to maintain.
For the application I develop, we use a mixture of roles and guards. We use roles for users as each user gets a customisable set of permissions. We then use a separate guard for API users which inherit the permissions of the user they were authenticated with.

laravel users with several roles having several permissions

I want to create a RBAC system in laravel where a user can belong to several roles, and each role can have several permissions. The middleware should check if the user has a certain permission (within any of their roles) before it continues with the request.
I am able to implement a case where
A user belongs to one role which has many permissions
A user belongs to several roles which are used to determine access control (without the permissions bit)
I need to implement a user with multiple roles having multiple permissions. Any pointers?
If you are not interested in coding this yourself the a package like Laravel permissions would do exactly what you want.
Otherwise you need to create pivot tables between the users ans their roles and the roles and their permissions
So you would have a user_roles table that would consist of user_id and role_I'd.
You would also have a role_permissions table which would have role_id and permission_id.
This would allow you to have many to many relationship and have many through relationship to get straight from user to role and role to user.
Hope that helps
As an overview. You need to have a roles table in your database which defines different types of user's your application can have , Like (Admin, Author, Editor, Moderator etc)
You also need to define a table role_user which contains data on which user has which role. This will be a Many to Many relationship since a user can have multiple roles.
Next you need to define a Middleware CheckRole which basically checks if user has a particular role. You can use this Middleware on different parts of your application to restrict authentication.
You might find this tutorial useful :

Outsystems:Is it possible to have same user in different tenants in a Multi-tenant application

I created a multi-tenant application where each tenant have different set of users. I am trying to implement a functionality where same user might exist in different tenants. Does outsystems provide such functionality or I have to create my custom logic ?
Right now, I did create a user having same username in 2 different tenants and during login I am showing user to select tenants. But on changing tenants and logging to that tenant, the environment doesn't switch to that tenant that user has selected.
Below is the image of the logic of switching tenants and logging in the customer.
During debugging I saw that after executing TenantSwitch action it did change the Site.TenantID property but after User_Login action is reverted to the first tenant not the one user selected.
When you use User_Login(), the system will log you in the first Tenant it finds in the DB that has that username, thus ignoring your TenantSwitch().
So, if you want to login to a specific Tenant in your case, you need to be more explicit and instead use the Login() action - after the tenant switch.
For a thorough explanation of this, with example code, please check out the following deepdive Master Class on Multi-Tenancy starting around the 27:20 minute mark.
This isn't available out of the box as OutSystems assigns users (and all entities) to a specific tenant. Entities belonging to single tenanted modules are assigned to the default tenant.
OutSystems uses a hidden .Tenant_Id attribute on each entity to indicate which tenant that user belongs to. You can unhide this attribute for the users entity by selecting it, clicking More... and then ticking the relevant box in the Advanced tab. You can then access the attribute directly, but be aware this will hinder OutSystems' ability to do some of the stuff it does automatically to ensure that you access tenant specific data.
When you use the User_Login action OutSystems will deduce which tenant to use from the User.Tenant_Id attribute regardless of which tenant you've switched it to previously. The user would need an account for each tenant they need to use, but there's no reason this couldn't be done behind the scenes with OS fetching the correct username before logging in. You'd need to ensure they all stay in sync though, especially the passwords ofc.

Azman with multiple stores

I want to have a multi tenant feature for Azman, for Eg: Each hospital should have particular roles to task link.
Or in short multiple stores in single DB.
Kindly suggest.
You can create a custom role provider and have the following setup
Adding a TenantId as a column in the Roles Table
For every getting of the roles, get the union of the tenant specific roles and the global roles if any.
In case of a customization of the global role by a given tenant, use the privileges from the tenant context.
This also facilitates the copy of the global role to the tenant. However, your business demands should be considered as well for more details on the implementation.

How do I manage two different authentication in Laravel?

since laravel's built in authentication uses user model? For example I want to separate the admin from the user so I will build two different layers in my application, the admin and the user. How can I achieve this to laravel since it's default auth uses users table and user model?
In my opinion, there's no real need to separate the two. Administrators and typical users can exist on the same database table, because they are both users but can have different permissions.
It seems like you're just looking for a typical permissions system (ACL). There's multiple packages available that can help you handle this.
Orchestra Auth
Normally as an admin is still an user you give them a role column and let say you have : users, moderators and admins. Then you got role 0,1,2 for them. Just make it an enum and if you need to check in Laravel use : Auth::user()->role == 2 for example of admin rights :)
