Why Data Factory can access to my secured Blob? - azure-blob-storage

I can't find the answer to this question :
Why can Data Factory / Synapse access to my blob data without Private Endpoint?
Does the System-Assign Managed Identity allow this?
Can I be sure that the traffic is routing safely?
Here you can see the network configuration
and Private endpoint connections
Here is the Dataset configuration


Azure Data Factory LDAP Connection

Using a self-hosted integration runtime, I would like to use Azure Data Factory to connect to an on-premise Oracle database. Using the provided Oracle linked service, I can specify Host and Port, which works fine. Now I need to make a connection using an LDAP server, and I cannot find a way to do this using any connector in Azure Data Factory. Is this even possible?
You can use Teradata connector to authenticate LDAP.
Create Teradata linked service in Azure Data Factory.
Browse to the Manage tab on the left panel in your Azure Data Factory and select Linked Services, then click + New.
Search for Teradata and select the Teradata connector.
Configure the service details, select Authentication type as LDAP and test the connection, and create the new linked service.

Read datasource from a database or a file and based on API identifier, save data in the database? Which tool to use?

In a Spring Boot Application, there is a method mapped with a POST API for posting certain data in database. The issue is based on API URL parameter, data source will change.
Like the API is: {baseURL}/api/{someIdentifier}/addUser
Now, there is another file or consider a database which maps Database Connection Strings (like Datasource, Username, password, driver) to this {someIdentifier}. There could be a lot of such identifiers (corresponding to which there could be multiple databases and their parameters).
Now when this API gets hit, based on this identifier there will be a method which will fetch connection strings, make the connection and then it should save the data in that database. On every API, creating a connection is not feasible.
Can anyone please suggest which tool or technology can be helpful for solving this problem, especially using Spring Boot.
Thanks in advance!
You are looking for the AbstractRoutingDataSource.
From its documentation:
Abstract DataSource implementation that routes getConnection() calls to one of various target DataSources based on a lookup key. The latter is usually (but not necessarily) determined through some thread-bound transaction context.

Using Spring Cloud Connector for Heroku in order to connect to multiple RedisLabs databases

I have a requirement for multiple RedisLabs databases for my application as described in their home page:
multiple dedicated databases in a plan
We enable multiple DBs in a single plan, each running in a dedicated process and in a non-blocking manner.
I rely on Spring Cloud Connectors in order to connect to Heroku (or Foreman in local) and it seems the RedisServiceInfoCreator class allows for a single RedisLabs URL i.e. REDISCLOUD_URL
Here is how I have configured my first redis connection factory:
#Profile({Profiles.CLOUD, Profiles.DEFAULT})
public class RedisCloudConfiguration extends AbstractCloudConfig {
public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
PoolConfig poolConfig = ...
return connectionFactory().redisConnectionFactory("REDISCLOUD", new PooledServiceConnectorConfig(poolConfig));
How I am supposed to configure a second connection factory if I intend to use several redis labs databases?
Redis Cloud will set for you an env var only for the first resource in each add-on that you create.
If you create multiple resources in an add-on, you should either set an env var yourself, or use the new endpoint directly in your code.
In short the answer is yes, RedisConnectionFactory should be using Jedis in order to connect to your redis db. it is using jedis pool that can only work with a single redis endpoint. in this regard there is no different between RedisLabs and a basic redis.
you should create several connection pools to work with several redis dbs/endpoints.
just to extend, if you are using multiple dbs to scale, there is no need with RedisLabs as they support clustering with a single endpoint. so you can simple create a single db with as much memory as needed, RedisLabs will create a cluster for you and will scale your redis automatically.
if you app does require logical seperation, then creation multiple dbs is the right way to go.

Spring Integration. Unknown host and tcp-connection-factory

I'm implementing the TCP client using the Spring Integration.
The requirements are:
1. Through the UDP connection (from somewhere) receive the ip or host address of the TCP server.
2. Open TCP connection to the server, to the destination host from previous step and send some business data to this server.
I use the Spring Integration framework, version "2.2.0.RELEASE", and the problem is that in the default configuration of the tcp-connection-factory the host attribute should be "hardcoded" in xml. For example:
<ip:tcp-connection-factory id="client" type="client" host="localhost" port="1234" single-use="true"/>
The question is how to avoid the static definition of the destination host in application context, and be able to 'lazy' initialise the tcp-connection-factory when the destination host will be known.
I know that this flow could be easily implemented by the standard Network APIs of Java, and the question is specific about the Spring-Integration API
At this time, the configuration is static.
You could however use a similar technique to that used in the dynamic ftp sample which configures ftp outbound adapters at runtime.
As far as <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory> provides some instance of AbstractConnectionFactory. And from other side <int-ip:tcp-outbound-channel-adapter> applies that instance via connection-factory, so, there is no stops to implement your own RoutingConnectionFactory.
The implementation may rely on some value from ThreadLocal. The idea is here:
It's not currently possible/easy - even if you customize or extend the class for tcp-connection-factory to be able to connect to changing hosts. There is an open new feature request in JIRA to provide this functionality.

Proxy Service & Business Service

Can i use a proxy service without a business service while configuring message flows in Oracle service bus? If so is what scenarios would we use it?
You can create a proxy service that does not use a business service.
Some reasons for such an approach is to create a common proxy module that is used by other proxy services that may do some common message processing before forwarding to a business service.
I think you cannot create a proxy service without a business service call in OSB, but you can call dummy business services that publish on a JMS topic that nobody listens on. This kind of proxy service could implement data transformation (e.g. XSLT) between the request and response, or enrich the response with data retrieved from a lookup table (fn-bea:execute-sql()).
A service bus, like OSB is meant to provide a façade to back-end (business) services: route to and compose existing services. What you are asking for is to create new back-end services which is more suited for Java EE servers or Oracle BPEL.
Update: You can create stand-alone proxy service, if you use pipeline pair and stage, but no route steps.
You can create a proxy service without a business service. A simple scenario is suppose you want to fetch the data from the queue, could be jms or mq, and you don't want to do anything with that data. You just simply want to empty the queue and do not want to store the message. In this case, your purpose can be fulfilled by simply creating a proxy service.
