Flow designer in servicenow getting hanged - servicenow

I had created a flow to add user to AD group in ServiceNow (San Diego).
Steps in the flow followed:
Submit the catalog item
Get the details from catalog item like the username, group name
Add user to AD group
Wait for 10 sec
-Validate if the user added to group as expected
Update the ticket (request item) to closed complete
When I tried to do couple of tests with the flow it was working fine. But later the flow was getting hanged (In progress/ waiting) in between while the flow execution.
Could you please help me, why the flow is getting hanged for a long time.
Thanks, and Regards


Automated Load test with 100 new users order product at the same time using jmeter each time to use the unique user

I have an online order site. How to Load test with 100 new users order a product at the same time using JMeter(not one user after another. Order with 100 users at the same time).
For order submitting user has to go multiple pages like as Menu > Checkout > Basket > Your Details with email & password > Payment > Confirmation page. I have tried it by BlazeMeter recorder tools for 1 user order process and then save as a JMX file and then import it on Jmeter. Finally unable to get a solution. I have passed 2-3 days did not get a solution. Could you please advise?
First of all make sure that the test works fine for 1 user as record-and-replay in the majority of cases won't produce a valid script due to dynamic parameters which need to be correlated (at least add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan to automatically handle Cookie-related headers). So inspect each request and response details using View Results Tree listener and amend your test so each request will give the anticipated result up to the payment confirmation page.
Once you will be able to run test successfully several times with 1 user you will need to get the list of 100 username/password combinations and save it into a CSV file. Then add CSV Data Set Config to read the credentials from the file and replace recorded hard-coded username and password with the JMeter Variables from the CSV file

Selenium webdriver takes 25 mins to identify and click an element

This is Salesforce application with selenium Java.
Login to Salesforce with username, password and click on login
After that click on account tab in the Salesforce homepage.
Salesforce login functionality is working fine. No issues.
After login to Salesforce it take 23 mins to perform the next action (click on Account tab link)
Here I used explicit wait of presence of element for 30 secs for the account tab link before click operation.
My script is not getting failed. I am not getting any timeout exception or no such element exception and my script is successful only after 23 mins (it takes 23 mins to identify element and click an element)
With same selenium code I tried with different Salesforce application but this time everything works as expected(after login I am able to click on account tab link). I never change the code. I just changed the application URL
I am thinking there might be an issue with application.but I am not sure about exact issue.
At least I should have received timeout or no such element exception
Or my script should have executed right after login without 23 mins of delay
I tried all the possible options like Page load strategy, fluent wait and explicit wait. Nothing works for me
If you are facing cannot read property 'defaultview' of undefined. Or
If you are unable to perform any actions on Salesforce homepage or
If selenium web driver takes much time to perform the actions in Salesforce home page or
If your script is working fine with debug mode and not in run mode, please follow the below steps:
Launch the Salesforce URL
Do not login immediately, this will create the above problems instead apply some wait ( Apply thread.sleep for 8 to 10 sec)
3)Enter username and password and click on login button
now you are all set. Your are good to perform any actions in SF home page.

Unable to Assign an Incident in workflow- CRM

We have used the case Entity, there is default user that is used to assign a case on new creation or reactivation.
We have a workflow created for Case Reactivation, so whenever a case is reopen it is assigned to the default system user. It was working fine till September 20, but now when you give the survey after case resolution and then try to reactivate it it throws error in workflow. It works fine when you try to reactivate without giving the survey.
The real-time workflow named "Case is Resolved/Reopened" failed with the error "Principal user (Id, type=8, roleCount=1, privilegeCount=619, accessMode=0), is missing prvReadmsfp_questionresponse privilege (Id) on OTC=10247 for entity 'msfp_questionresponse'.
The System user has the role assigned as of salesperson, giving permission for this entity to salesperson does solve the issue, but the salesperson role is being used by many others to whom permission for this entity can't be given.
Can anyone tell us why this started causing issue after a particular time. Was there any updates from Microsoft Forms Pro for this entity?
Its very possible there have been updates from MS. You can review the solution history in make.powerplatorm.
Look for the forms pro solution and check the solution history.
Is the "Default" user an actual person that logs in? Or a Service account that is only used for automation/workflows?
In any case, I'd suggest creating an add-on or feature role called something like "Question Response Reader" that only has the read permission for that entity. You can then add that role to the default user, and any other users that need to read that entity.
Probably Microsoft changed something in the background especially w.r.t security of forms Response entity msfp_questionresponse.
You easily solution is to give proper security rights to user who is ruining your workflow.
If it is run by the owner of the workflow then that user, if workflow runs under the context of user then that user should have read rights for entity msfp_questionresponse

NiFi User related information in Flow

I have enabled AD authentication in my NiFi cluster. Now I want track the activities of users like (Which user has triggered a particular flow). Is there any possible way to do this?
How can I pass logged in username as a attribute in a flow?
Components in the flow purposely cannot access user information since they are running independent of any user.
User actions are already tracked by NiFi itself, if you go to the hamburger menu in the top-right and select Flow Configuration History you will see every change to the flow and which user made it.

FileNet 5.2 subscription run as user

IBM Knowledge Center states that
Server disables security access checks during subscription execution
but does not mention the user credentials the code uses to execute which you need to know in order to map user RunAs roles on the application server.
What user credentials does FileNet use to execute event action code?
As I understand, when you create async subscription it will be executed under p8boostrap user.
And it will keep user context when you execute syncronious subscription.
But you can check it for sure.
It is using the user who triggered the action. E.g. if a user changes a property of a document (let's say DocumentTitle because it is always there) and clicks save, then an update event will be triggered which launches the subscription (if subscribed to the update event) which launches the action. Use synchronous for short running tasks, you can immediately show the update to the user. With asynchronous the user will have to click "Refresh".
Security can be a pain if not planned carefully at the beginning, for the action to be executed, the user has to have rights for the subscription, action event, document class etc. basically for everything involved or the user will get a cryptic error message when trying to modify the DocumentTitle.
Source: personal experience, sorry no official reference, if in doubt verify first.
