How to display array, json directly in freemarker template? - freemarker

Problem arises when data coming to template is not fixed in nature, for example we were trying to show headers of an API call snippet of which looks like this:
"pragma":"no-cache","via":"1.1 vegur","access-control-allow-credentials":"true","CF-Cache-Status":"HIT","x-content-type-options":"nosniff","NEL":{"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800},"Report-To":{"endpoints":[{"url":"https://url?s="}]


How to add objectId to array in Parse Core Data Browser

I am trying to create an array of objects within the Parse Data Browser, in my web browser. I was wondering how I would go about doing this?
Looks like each Pointer is just a dictionary structure so the following works:

Joomla Component override template

I'm writing a Joomla 2.5 or 3.x component
which make data elaboration and returns some data.
I want that work as a service that is invoked and returns data
I call
and result for example my json data ..or xml or what i need after my elaboration
so i need that my output view is raw.
i need no template and no css or js..
only my result..
but now the results are inserted into the template
Is it possible?...
I tried to create a RAW mode in my template
like Here .
this works but is not what I want
but it is a dirty solution
because it work if the url i have to call is like ...
I'd like my component can output as raw.
Create RAW view views/[myview]/view.raw.php inside your component
In requests require RAW format
Like in com_banners/views/tracks/view.raw.php.
Sames goes for JSON and XML.
Here's a list of generic document formats: libraries/joomla/document
To use JSON format in response, I recommend new JResponseJson class:
// Anything that may be serialized with json_encode or an Exception
$data = array('some' => 'data');
echo new JResponseJson($data);

Obtain XML element's value from REST server response using Ruby

n00b REST question. I'm making a GET request to an API's endpoint and getting the proper XML response. The question I have is, how do I get the value of a particular XML element in the servers REST response using Ruby?
So let's say one of the elements is 'Body' and I want to assign its value 'Blah blah blah' to a variable
Part of the XML response:
<Body>Blah blah blah</Body>
How would I do that with the response? Basically I want to do something like this
variable = params["Body"]
Thanks in advance!
The best solution is to use RestClient or HTTParty and have it parse the response for you.
Otherwise, you'll have to parse the response itself using a library such as Nokogiri:
doc = Nokogiri.XML(response)
variable ="body").text
You'll want to use an XML parser of some kind.
It sounds like you want something like XmlSimple, which will turn an XML document into ruby arrays and hashes. There's tons of examples of how to use it on the page that has been linked.
One thing to be aware of is that XML to native container mappings are imperfect. If you're dealing with a complex document, you'll likely want to use a more robust parser, like Nokogiri.
If you want full XML Object Mapping, HappyMapper is a decent library, although it isn't very active anymore. It can work with XML from any source, so you'll still want something like the libraries mentioned by #Fitzsimmons or #MarkThomas to do the HTTP request.

CakePHP and reusable approach

I would develop my CakePHP application in the most reusable way. I'd like to treat it as webservices, so I don't want to strictly bind controller with view. My idea is: controller just returns json info, the view calls the controller and get the json and make html output.
How can I realize that? Could be a good approch, developing pages rather than views, and inside that pages call the webservices previously developed.
You can even forget about creating view files, using $this->set('_serialize', array('people')); in your PeopleController::show()
Well Cake is kinda' works like this "out of the box". You can use Router::parseExtensions(); to define what type of data you would like to serve. For example in app/Config/routes.php:
This will make it possible to detect what kind of request is incoming. For example if someone requests: or, in your PeopleController's list() method you'd be able to detect what kind of resource is being requested - json or xml, or of course any other
extension you define. This is what the RequestHandlerComponent is used for. You can check if it is xml for example:
if($this->RequestHandler->isXml()) {
//Some code
The different extensions are only different representation of the data, so it shouldn't matter what exactly you're serving. From v2.1 Cake will automatically switch the view class when it sees a JSON or XML request, which takes us to the new JSON and XML views.
All you will have to do is provide the views in the appropriate places.
In View/People (as for this example) you would have:
list.ctp - XML view
list.ctp - JSON view

How do use JSON body in REST requests?

I am developing an API using Codeigniter and Phils RESTserver. I know how to send the request body in normal Form format but how can I send it as a JSON object instead?
I do this now:
I want to do this instead:
{"lastname" : "bond"}
I tried to just replace the Content type header from:
In to this:
This did not do anything. Codeigniter says the POST array is empty.
If I understood correctly you want to create a request that contains a JSON node inside the request body. Assuming this, I think it's not possible to create such a request using simple HTML form tags as your browser always will try to pack your input vars in a querystring like format.
You will need JavaScript to achive this (I think all popular libs like Scriptacoulous or JQuery comes with helper methods for this).
