Debugger not working in Visual Studio 2022 - visual-studio

I have upgraded visual studio 2019 to visual studio 2022 to work on .net 6.0 framework (Blazor web application).I am facing Debug issues while hitting break point.Please check below screenshot and advise how to resolve this issues.


Why Visual Studio Crashes while developing BizTalk projects?

When developing BizTalk projects in latest version of Visual Studio 2019 it's crashing.
It's working fine in Visual Studio 16.4
But in later versions(16.4+) it's crashing. Why? And how to avoid?

Cannot debug Xamarin Project Created with Visual studio 2017 in Visual Studio 2019

I have Xamarn.forms project created in Visual studio 2017 and working fine in Visual studio 2017 but when i trying to run this project with debug in visual studio 2019 not working with this error **java.exe" exited with code 1 but run fine in release mode.

Is it safe to install Visual Studio 2019 preview side-by-side with Visual studio 2019 (Blazor wants the preview)?

I want to try out Blazor and it wants Visual Studio 2019 Preview. Now, I already have Visual Studio 2019 (Professional) on my machine. It is safe to install the Preview version side-by-side?
Tried to find any help on forums, but didn't find any advice.
Ok, I'll answer my question myself. Visual Studio 2019 Preview works fine side-by-side with released Visual Studio 2019. And I only got Blazor to install after I installed VS 2019 Preview.
Link to official Blazor Getting Started Documentation which specifically requires the Preview version (as of today)

Is there any reason to keep Visual Studio 2013 installed after installing Visual Studio 2015?

Is there any reason to keep Visual Studio 2013 installed after installing Visual Studio 2015? If I'm collaborating with someone using VS2013, are there any known problems if I use VS2015?
I don't see any reason to keep VS 2013. VS 2015 opens the same projects without problem.
I worked on the same project from 2 computers, one had VS 2013, other 2015 and didn't have any problem.

Microsoft Test Professional 2013 can't open .net projects

I recently got a copy of Microsoft Test Professional 2013, where previously I used Visual Studio 2012. I'm unable to run any projects within Visual Studio 2013 - Shell Integrated, which comes with Test Professional 2013.
The development team have upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 with no issues and we have tried changing the project versions.
I have checked that I have the correct .net framework and mvc installed.
Should I be able to open the projects and if so what might be going wrong?
