I am trying to test a login page from an APK I made and every test only enters the password i gave and not the Email. I have double checked the resourceID and tried using a script but the robo test still didn't enter the given Email
It seems like you're using the regex matcher for the resource ID. Based on the error message, the regex could be missing information necessary to match the resource. For example, resource IDs are usually at least prefixed by "id/" (sometimes the package name) and then the name of the resource: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/more-resources#Id
I'm trying to get emoji's from a another server.
I creates a server object for the server, it is a constant because I want to only pull from this server.
for emoji in main_tuple:
emoji_name_id =await server.fetch_emoji(emoji)
nextcord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an
exception: NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10014): Unknown Emoji
I should mention I want to display it another server, I know this is probably obvious but yeah.
main_tuple is a directionary in a database that has the emoji id and name.
the error
Also the bot is part of the server it's getting the id from.
I have looked at: discord.py emoji all servers bot in
and it does not work for me.
First Issue, you are making a wrong reference.
<:Name:ID> and not <Name:ID> (if you don't see it, you missed the first colon)
Another issue,
Custom emojis are to have to have 'exact' name and ID as they have, by using lower method, you would be trying to reference a wrong custom emote.
For example:
The actual emote which might have the following reference <:ThisIsACoolEmote:ID>, while you are appending <:thisisacoolemote:ID> which doesn't exist
To mitigate this, you can just append str(emoji_name_id) which will automatically give you the correct emote reference which is in the format <:Name:ID:> and yes, it also will format animated emojis too, i.e:<a:Name:ID>
also fetching here might not be the best practice, you can use bot.get_emoji instead which gets emote from internal cache if you have access to member Privileged Intent.
I was trying to deploy a simple TURN server using coturn.
When I test it on Trickle ICE (turn:rtc.jackxujh.me:3478 [webrtc:mighty]), Trickle ICE says "Authentication failed?".
The coturn server keeps reporting this error:
ERROR: check_stun_auth: Cannot find credentials of user
Here is the complete turnserver.conf I am using (by uncommenting lines of the coturn sample conf):
external-ip= #(XXX is internal IP)
static-auth-secret=XXXXXXXX... #(XXX is the secret)
user=webrtc:0xXXXXXXXX... #(XXX is the key)
I find a related discussion on GitHub, but I don't feel there is a solution at the end.
In fact, I am confused whether my conf file is using TURN REST API or not.
Meanwhile, I tried to check if there was a user named webrtc in turndb, by using # turnadmin -l, but the output was nothing. (Is this command correct?)
In fact, I am confused whether my conf file is using TURN REST API or not.
I can confirm You use REST API because use-auth-secret is set
So you need to use a unixtimestamp as username, and the hashed password..
password=base64(hmac(secret key, user)
Read more about the difference of Long-Term-Credential and REST:
If you want to use normal username/password use the long-term-credential so remove use-auth-secret
and set it statically or in db
turnadmin -l
list static and db users.
So in case of REST is correct the empty list.
I'm running OpenBD CFML isValid('email','something#whatever.education') and my result is 'NO'.
.education is a valid domain - why does this fail?
It turns out to be an issue with the regex used behind the scenes to match valid domains.
The regex in place didn't account for domains as long as "education".
I fixed it and it's been merged, should be in the nightly by now, grab the latest update and you should be able to use isValid("email", "AwesomeEmail#School.education") just fine. Viva la open source.
Using the hosted Team Foundation Service at tfs.visualstudio.com, one has the option in a Build Definition to "Copy build output to the server" which creates a zip of the drop folder that can be downloaded over https via team web access. I really need to download this drop automatically, so I can chain input to the next stage in my build pipeline.
Unfortunately, the drop URL is not obvious, but can be created using the TfsDropDownloader.
TL;DR - I can't get the TfsDropDownloader to work, I'm hoping someone else has used this tool or a similar method to succesfully download a drop from https://tfs.visualstudio.com
Using the command line TfsDropDownloader.exe I can do this:
TfsDropDownloader.exe /c:"https://MYPROJECTNAME.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection" /t:"ProjectName" /b:"BuildDefinitionName" /u:username /p:password
...and get an empty zip file with the correct build label name of the last successful build e.g. BuildDefinitionName_20130611.1.zip
Running the source code in the debugger, this is because the URL that is generated for downloading:
..returns a content type of application/json, which is unsupported. This exception is swallowed by the application, but not before the empty zip file is created.
Is it possible the REST API on Team Foundation Service has changed in some way so the generated URL is no longer correct?
Note that I am using the "alternate credentials" defined on my Team Foundation Service account (i.e. not my live ID) - using anything else gets me TF30063: not authorized.
I got it working by using alternate credentials, but I also had to access the REST API via a different path.
The current TfsDropDownloader builds a URL that looks like this:
This returns empty JSON whenever I try to use it. I'm definitely authenticated, because if I tweak the URL to:
I get a nice JSON listing of every single file in the drop, but no zip.
From spying on the SSL traffic to https://tfs.visualstudio.com with Fiddler I saw that clicking the "Download drop as zip" link I can see that there is another endpoint at:
...which does give you a zip. The "vstfs%3a%2f%2f%2fBuild%2fBuild%2f639" portion is the URL encoded BuildUri.
So I've changed my version of GetServerPath in the TfsDropDownloader source to do this:
private static string GetServerPath(TfsConnection collection, IBuildDetail buildDetail)
var downloadPath = string.Format("{0}{1}/_api/_build/ItemContent?buildUri={2}&path=%2Fdrop",
return downloadPath;
This works for me for the time being. Hopefully this helps someone else with the same problem!
I'm using the following moviefone web service in one of my Android applications:
The user enters his zip code, and the following XML data is used to get his nearby movie theaters and movies.
My question is, how do you add the parameter for changing the date of the showtimes? That XML only contains movie information for the current date. The web service gateway page says: "params: zip/id= count= date=YYYYMMDD"
I tried adding "date=20120208" to the end of the URL but it didn't work.
Use a & to separate multiple parameters:
Separate parameters with an &