Roblox Animation not playing (Lua) - animation

I exported FBX animation to Roblox Animator Plugin. In plugin, it was playing perfectly fine, but when I wrote script
local model = script.Parent
local animControl = model.AnimationController
local idleAnim = animControl:LoadAnimation(script.IdleAnim)
idleAnim.Looped = true
The animation is not playing.
I'd like to post this on Roblox DevForum, but they made it impossible to post anything because of "level up" system.
Any help is appreciated!
This is the tutorial I use

So, after some testing, I found out that exactly exported from FBX animations are not playing. But my hand-made animations are playing.
Still didn't figure out why, I will edit this post whenever I do.
EDIT: nevermind, it started working. Looks like it was bug.


AudioAnalyser with three.js!/pulseball?path=cube_audio_analyser2.0.html%3A1%3A0
I am trying to create an audio analyser in Three.js (see link above) also the sound file is in the assets. I am getting an error three.js:41273 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page.
So i have put in sound.resume() in the play function (see code) but i the error is still there i can click on the play and pause buttons and the track is played but i don't think the audio analyser is working. I have looked at the docs and some examples from Three.js and the web audio api copied the code from these sources but there is no reaction from the musical data to animate the cube. Could someone please help as I am sure what to do next.
Because of CORS restriction, it's not possible to load the audio file from glitch. I've slightly updated your code and use now an audio file from the official three.js repository. Check out how the frequency data are logged in the browser console.

three.js fbxloader example 99% success

This example page shows a model bot dancing samba.
How can I get my hands on the model used by this page ?
I downloaded my own from and it gets loaded w/o problems, seems
to have all the animations and mixers, but I do not see the dancing bot character (the screen changes color to the colors of the bot once the scenes.add(object) is executed).
Am doing this with Angular6 and it really works very well with it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The three.js FBX example models are hosted here:

Controlling the unity ui slider via script

I have a simple question: how does one go about controlling the UI Slider in Unity via code? I can control a GUI slider quite easily, but I'd prefer to work with the UI slider that can be assigned in the hierarchy.
I have a few scripts that control volume and audio timeline scrubbing (moving the slider to a certain point in an audio track) that work great, but I want to assign these scripts to a Unity UI slider.
I think I am missing something pretty easy, but have spent too much time trying to get this right. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Have you had a look at the Tutorial for Sliders yet? And the Scripting API?
The Slider has a OnValueChange eventHandler and there you can for example directly drag in your AudioListener (attached to the main Camera) or the script you want to call.
To add more calls just press the + ;)
Good Luck, hope that helps.

No Fog After Build

I've enabled a fog in the render settings on my scene. It works perfectly while testing it on the Unity editor, but after opening the game after building, the fog disappears. I'm not sure but according to some sources on the web, I found out that Unity3d has issues when running with Windows 8.1. Is there any way I can fix this?
I have just had this issue, it's incredibly annoying. What worked for me was going to the Graphics settings and changing the "Shader Stripping" fog modes to manual. I hope this helps someone else in the future.
To extend sraney's answer. Unity 2018 now look like this, if you change from "Automatic" to "Custom" it lets you select which shader to KEEP. In screenshot, I use only Linear mode so I only check that one.
This problem came from no scene in build list ever use fog setting (via Window -> Rendering -> Light Settings menu). Which happen to me because my game turn fog on/off via script.
>> Link to Unity official article
Works for me. Edit, Project Settings, Graphics, Shader stripping, Fog modes:Manual. I confirmed this works fine on Ubuntu with Unity 5.4.1f1
The problem only happens during a build. It works fine without otherwise.
Code snippet for fog:
void Start ()
RenderSettings.fogColor = Camera.main.backgroundColor;
RenderSettings.fogDensity = 0.03f;
RenderSettings.fog = true;
Worth mentioning to try and create a new camera if it still does not work after modifying the RenderSettings.
No matter what changes I made, it would not update until I replaced the camera with a new one.

Xcode screen won't update until sound file completes

My app is supposed to change the image file of a UIImage with a button push.
Then a sound file is supposed to play.
But the screen doesn't update until the sound file is finished playing.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried adding a delay, but I can't get this to work right.
This sounds (no pun intended) like you have not multi-threaded the code for playing the sound and changing the image. Hence your display is not updating until the sound has finished and the run loop can update the display.
Have you implemented a [audioPlayer prepareToPlay]; before hand?, I've noticed a slight "glitch in the matrix" when you try to play the sound for the first time.
Can you preempt the file to play? e.g. doing it at running at viewdidload? the image in the button or somewhere else?
