[HY000][100022] [Vertica][VJDBC](100022) Unknown message type: v - vertica

I get this error when I try to connect to a Vertica with DataGrip:
Case sensitivity: plain=mixed, delimited=exact
Driver: (ver. , JDBC)
Effective version: Vertica (ver. 0.0)
[HY000][100022] [Vertica][VJDBC](100022) Unknown message type: v.
Parameters that I enter when connecting


How do I transfer data from one oracle database to another oracle database with airflow

i'm trying to transfer data from one oracle_db1.table1 to another oracle_db2.table1. I've already installed the backport-provider: https://pypi.org/project/apache-airflow-backport-providers-oracle/.
Import works fine now. But trying first tasks i get this error. I think it's something about the connection:
Here the error log
[2020-08-18 12:30:15,485] {logging_mixin.py:112} INFO -
[2020-08-18 12:30:15,485] {base_hook.py:84}
INFO - Using connection to: id: DB1234.
Host:, Port: 1521, Schema: blup, Login: blup, Password: xxXXX, extra: None
[2020-08-18 12:30:15,485] {logging_mixin.py:112} INFO -
[2020-08-18 12:30:15,485] {connection.py:342} ERROR - Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0).
And here is my example DAG Task:
T3 = OracleToOracleOperator(
oracle_destination_conn_id= "BCDEFG",
destination_table= "BCDEFG.TEST_BENUTZER3",
oracle_source_conn_id= "DESTINATION_DB",
source_sql= """
Thanx in advance
problem with the connection. There were inputs in "extra". I deleted them. then it works

snmp exporter info + sysname

i'm scraping the Cisco device with SNMP Exporter. Everything is OK, but i want to somehow add the OID: Sysname into the SNMP information, how to do it ?
Tried to add lookup like:
- source_indexes: [ifIndex]
lookup: sysName
but got an error. Maybe you have any clue ?
# Default IF-MIB interfaces table with ifIndex.
version: 3
username: xxx
password: uuutt
auth_protocol: MD5
priv_protocol: AES
security_level: 33dds2
priv_password: slypt
walk: [ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifOperStatus, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors, ifInDiscards, ifOutDiscards]
- source_indexes: [ifIndex]
lookup: ifAlias
- source_indexes: [ifIndex]
lookup: ifDescr
- source_indexes: [ifIndex]
# Use OID to avoid conflict with Netscaler NS-ROOT-MIB.
lookup: # ifName
type: EnumAsInfo
I want to get sysname information like im getting ifAlias lookup.

multiples dbms in precondition of liquibase using yaml

In precondition documentation of liquibase we can see the example below:
<dbms type="oracle" />
<dbms type="mysql" />
When try to recreate the same rule using yaml, it not works.
type: oracle
type: mysql
I also have tried something like:
- dbms:
type: oracle
type: mysql
I know that is possible to use:
type: oracle, mysql
I always get an error like:
expected <block end>, but found BlockEntry
in 'reader', line X, column Y:
- dbms:
How can I use multiple dbms in preConditions?
The XML formant adds in a default <or> block that YAML doesn't. So the corresponding YAML format is:
- preConditions:
- or:
- dbms:
type: oracle
- dbms:
type: mysql

Howto determine the Oracle client version number using VBA?

Does anyone know how to get the currently used Oracle client version number using VBA?
(And the info "32bit" or "64bit" Client.)
If so, could you please post example code?
Thanks much in advance.
1) the connection to Oracle is OK
2) connection via ADO and the MS Driver
3) the connection object properties are showing a lot of information abaout the driver, the connection and the database. But no info about the oracle client:
Asynchable Abort: FALSE
Asynchable Commit: FALSE
Pass By Ref Accessors: TRUE
Catalog Location: 2
Catalog Term: Datenbankverknüpfung
Catalog Usage: 1
Column Definition: 1
NULL Concatenation Behavior: 2
Connection Statu:s 1
Data Source Name: BASE
Read-Only Data Source: FALSE
DBMS Name: Oracle
DBMS Version: 09.02.0000 Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Data Source Object Threading Model: 1
GROUP BY Support: 4
Heterogeneous Table Support: 1
Identifier Case Sensitivity: 1
Maximum Index Size: 0
Maximum Open Chapters: 0
Maximum Row Size: 0
Maximum Row Size Includes BLOB: TRUE
Maximum Tables in SELECT: 0
Multiple Parameter Sets: TRUE
Multiple Results: 0
Multiple Storage Objects: FALSE
Multi-Table Update: FALSE
NULL Collation Order: 2
OLE Object Support: 1
ORDER BY Columns in Select List: FALSE
Output Parameter Availability: 2
Persistent ID Type: 4
Prepare Abort Behavior: 2
Prepare Commit Behavior: 2
Procedure Term: PL/SQL - Gespeicherte Prozedur
Provider Friendly Name: Microsoft OLE DB Provider für Oracle
Provider Name: MSDAORA.DLL
OLE DB Version: 2
Provider Version: 02.81.1132.0
Quoted Identifier Sensitivity: 4
Rowset Conversions on Command: TRUE
Schema Term: Besitzer
Schema Usage: 15
SQL Support: 267
Structured Storage: 1
Subquery Support: 31
Transaction DDL: 2
Isolation Levels: 1052672
Isolation Retention: 0
Table Term: Tabelle
User Name: REPORT
Table Statistics Support: 3
Open Rowset Support: 8
Password: b_rep
User ID: report
Data Source: BASE
Window Handle:
Locale Identifier: 1031
OLE DB Services: -7
Prompt: 4
Extended Properties:
Autocommit Isolation Levels: 4096
I don't know if it is possible in VBA but in VB.NET you can do it like this:
Dim con As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim architecture As String
architecture = System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(con.GetType.Assembly.Location).ProcessorArchitecture.ToString
Console.WriteLine("Architecture: " & architecture)
Console.WriteLine("Assembly: " & con.GetType.Assembly.FullName)

Create JDBC provider at cell scope

I'm trying to create JDBC provider at cell scope with scripting. I've found in the IBM documentation the way to create the JDBCProvider, but it creates provider at the Node scope:
providerName = 'DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider'
providerAttribs = [["xa", "false"], ["providerType", providerName], ['isolatedClassLoader', 'false'],
['classpath', '${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc.jar;${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar']]
provider = AdminJDBC.createJDBCProvider(nodeName, serverName, providerName, 'com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource', providerAttribs)
I've read the API for createJDBCProviderAtScope: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.websphere.express.doc%2Finfo%2Fexp%2Fae%2Frxml_7adminjdbc.html and I've updated my code:
providerAttribs = [["xa", "false"], ["providerType", providerName], ['isolatedClassLoader', 'false'],
['implementationClassName', 'com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource'],
['classpath', '${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc.jar;${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar']]
provider = AdminJDBC.createJDBCProviderAtScope(cell, "DB2", providerName, providerName, 'Connection pool data source', providerAttribs)
But now I get the exception:
Exception: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException:
ADMF0006E: Step xa of command createJDBCProvider is not found.
What is the correct way to create JDBCProvider on the cell scope?
Try this:
providerAttribs = []
providerAttribs.append(["xa", "false"])
providerAttribs.append(['providerType', 'DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider'])
providerAttribs.append(['isolatedClassLoader', 'false'])
providerAttribs.append(['nativepath', '${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_NATIVEPATH}'])
providerAttribs.append(['implementationClassName', 'com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource'])
providerAttribs.append(['classpath', '${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc.jar;${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar'])
providerAttribs.append(['name', 'DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider'])
provider = AdminConfig.create("JDBCProvider", AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:/'), providerAttribs)
... I wouldn't be myself if I didn't take this opportunity to advertise WDR library (available at http://wdr.github.io/WDR/)
variables = {}
variables['cellName'] = getid1('/Cell:/').name
loadConfiguration( 'cell_scope_provider.wdrc', variables )
The 'cell_scope_provider.wdrc' referenced above is a file containing configuration manifest:
*name $[cellName]
*name DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider
-xa false
-providerType DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider
-isolatedClassLoader false
-implementationClassName com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource
-classpath ${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc.jar;${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar
