problems scheduling tasks/ need alternatives - windows

I am trying to schedule a task that would run a simple batch file that runs some python script. The python script is a test that creates an empty text file. When I run the batch file the text file is created with no issues.
When I try to create a task with the scheduler and run it, nothing happens (whether I wait for the actual time or run manually). I changed the options to run with highers priviledge and denies access, even if I gave my account complete admin rights and added the user to the 'log on as a batch job' in local security policy.
Do you guys have any ideas as to why this is happening?
Are there any free applications that can do this same task?

I found a good alternative that works for me, its simple and free:


How do you securely have a non-admin run a powershell script?

I have an issue with a remote site whose printer occasionally errors out. The current solution is to restart the print spooler on the server.
I am trying to create a simple powershell script that allows a non-admin user to restart the Spooler service without being able to see the admin credentials or edit the script.
We are replacing the server in a couple of months, so the configuration will be fixable then. We just need a temporary workaround so the user doesn't need to email me every couple of days when the spooler requires resetting.
Create a scheduled task with the admin credentials cached. Under Actions, have the task run the privileged Powershell script: powershell c:\Path\MyScript.ps1. Assign no schedule (i. e. delete all triggers). Change the permissions on the task's XML file under C:\Windows\System32\Tasks to allow read/execute by nonadmins. Create a user facing CMD script (or a shortcut, even) that would run the task: schtasks /Run /TN:MyTaskName /S:Server.
There are other ways to isolate the credentials, but this seems to be the easiest.

How can I run a .sh script on Google Cloud Shell on schedule?

I have a .sh script in Google Cloud Shell that automates my instance shutdown, backup, restart sequence.
How can I run a .sh script on Schedule (i.e. daily) in a simplest possible way?
I am not a professional and I've read all documentation about cron jobs, Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Tasks... but none of the examples in the documentation appear to detail a simple task that I need, and I do not have enough knowledge yet to understand these multiple services in details.... I just need a simple direction pointer to understand how to connect my Google Cloud Shell .sh script with any form of scheduler, as in:
Run a .sh script that I have in my virtual 5gb Cloud Sell Storage on schedule (daily at specific time), instead of manually opening Google Cloud Console and using a terminal to run the same script with "bash" command?
I just need to know what I need to learn/do to make this happen.
Thank you for your input.
That's not going to be possible. The Cloud Shell will turn off shortly after you close the tab. For this you'll need to use an actual VM. You can run one for free using the e2 micro instance.
Once you got this setup you can learn crontab to run your script on a schedule.

How to run a VB6 app from a scheduled task without users being able to run it

We have a legacy VB6 application that automatically emails reports. It runs from a scheduled task on a server. Occasionally a user will run the exe - it's in a folder that we can't lock them out of, and it has to remain in that folder for reasons too complicated to go into here. Is there a way to prevent users from running the exe while still letting it run from the scheduled task? I can modify the source code for the exe, so that's an option if someone can help me figure out how.
I'm going to call your existing app AppChild and a new VB6 (or other program language) program AppParent.
Modify AppChild to test for a command line parameter at either Sub Main() or at the first form loaded in the Form_Load() event. If the command line parameter isn't there, AppChild terminates.
AppParent would be in a location not accessible to the other users. The Scheduled task runs AppParent which runs AppChild and passes the required command line parameter. This could be secured somewhat by passing a calculated hash and decoding it in AppChild if needed.
Or, if the users don't have access to the Scheduled Tasks, you could just run AppChild , passing the required parameter from the Scheduled Task. If the users do have access to the Scheduled Task this won't work because they could then see the passed parameter and create a shortcut which passes the required parameter.
You didn't state which OS the server is running but you may have problems using network resources if you try to run the Scheduled Task without a logged in user. Task Manager got a major update to handle security issues to prevent hackers from running tasks without a logged in user. Essentailly, network resources, .e.g. eMail, are not available unless a user is logged in.
The only way I found around that problem is to run a machine with a user with the correct permissions logged in all the time.
Are you sure you cannot lock the user out?
You could restrict access to the folder so that the user cannot access it and set up the scheduled task to use an account with access to the folder.
Although the users can't be locked out of the folder (perhaps the reports end up in there?), in Windows you can set the permissions on a per file basis. Make a new user that has the full rights (the same as your users). Schedule the VB6 app to run with that user. Remove the rights for the regular users to see the app. You do this by changing the permissions on just the VB6 app.

Create Batch File, Convert to Service, Schedule to Run Daily

I need to run an offsite backup .cmd script (batch file) on a Windows 7/8 PC, daily, whether a user is logged on or not. Naturally, Task Scheduler's feature "run if user is logged or not" doesn't work (sarcasm .. thanks M$) because the user has to be logged on at some time then signed out. Moreover, because of the urgency of the task, it must run no matter what. For example, if the power goes out and upon restoration the computer reboots, there will be nobody logged on. So, I need to convert the batch file to a service.
I've used NSSM to convert the batch file into a service, but I don't know how to make the service run on a schedule, because, by definition, it's not meant to run that way - I should be using a scheduled task. So, I'm not sure what to do and all the tutorials I've seen on Google imply that I know VB script and/or C#. Unfortunately, I don't and don't plan to ... I just need a quick fix to work like a Linux cron job.
Task Scheduler's feature "run if user is logged or not" doesn't work (sarcasm .. thanks M$) because the user has to be logged on at some time then signed out.
Are you sure? Because "run if user is logged or not" is an option, not a trigger. It should be combined with trigger "At startup" to achieve desired result:
If everything else fails, you can use nncron to schedule tasks and install it as service.

How can I make Windows software run as a different user within a script?

I'm using a build script that calls Wise to create some install files. The problem is that the Wise license only allows it to be run under one particular user account, which is not the same account that my build script will run under. I know Windows has the runas command but this won't work for an automated script as there is no way to enter the password via the command line.
This might help: Why doesn't the RunAs program accept a password on the command line?
I recommend taking a look at CPAU.
Command line tool for starting process
in alternate security context.
Basically this is a runas replacement.
Also allows you to create job files
and encode the id, password, and
command line in a file so it can be
used by normal users.
You can use it like this (examples):
CPAU -u user [-p password] -ex "WhatToRun" [switches]
Or you can create a ".job" file which will have the user and password encoded inside of it. This way you can avoid having to put the password for the user inside your build script.
It's a bit of a workaround solution, but you can create a scheduled task that runs as your user account, and have it run regularly, maybe once every minute. Yes, you'll have to wait for it to run then.
This task can then look for some data files to process, and do the real work only if they are there.
This might help, it's a class I've used in another project to let people make their own accounts; everyone had to have access to the program, but the same account couldn't be allowed to have access to the LDAP stuff, so the program uses this class to run it as a different user.
