Sharing app content to stage - Insufficient RSC permission - microsoft-teams

sharing the content of our app hasn't worked for a week.
Using the Teams WebApp we are getting the following errors in the developer console:
CID[main] ShareExtensibleAppButtonContainer: Installed app is undefined or doesn't have authorization
Insufficient RSC permission for appId:'XXXXXXX' with isChannelMeeting: false
it worked last month, and nothing was changed from our side.
I tried to set the following permissions, but it has had no effect.
"authorization": {
"permissions": {
"orgWide": [],
"resourceSpecific": [
"name": "MeetingStage.Write.Chat",
"type": "Delegated"
"name": "ChannelMeetingStage.Write.Group",
"type": "Delegated"
could anyone help me to get it working?
Thank you


403 Forbidden on Microsoft Teams RSC graph api calls, except on own tenant

I'm working on a Microsoft Teams tab and am planning to use some of the new RSC endpoints to retrieve members of the Team/group the app has been added to.
I have followed all steps from the RSC docs looked at the RSC sample code but still have an issue making Graph API calls to the beta rsc endpoints.
I have listed the RSC permission in the Teams manifest:
"webApplicationInfo": {
"id": "{AD_APP_CLIENT_ID}",
"resource": "https://notapplicable"
"showLoadingIndicator": true,
"authorization": {
"permissions": {
"orgWide": [],
"resourceSpecific": [
"name": "Member.Read.Group",
"type": "Application"
"name": "TeamSettings.Read.Group",
"type": "Application"
"name": "ChatSettings.Read.Chat",
"type": "Application"
"name": "ChatMember.Read.Chat",
"type": "Application"
"name": "ChannelSettings.Read.Group",
"type": "Application"
"name": "TeamMember.Read.Group",
"type": "Application"
Query Graph API like so:
Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
content-type: application/json
Where access_token is retrieved like so:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
When I make the GET request to a group+channel which is in the same AAD as where the AAD Application is registered it works fine and information is returned. However, when I run the exact same code on a group+channel which is in a different AD it returns 403 Forbidden.
"error": {
"code": "Forbidden",
"message": "Missing role permissions on the request. API requires one of 'TeamMember.Read.All, TeamMember.ReadWrite.All, Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All, TeamMember.Read.Group, Member.Read.Group'. Roles on the request 'Group.Selected'. Resource specific consent grants on the request ''.",
"innerError": {
"date": "2022-04-06T14:13:26",
"request-id": "ce212ed2-48dc-4a8e-a7ea-4172d0cfd4c4",
"client-request-id": "ce212ed2-48dc-4a8e-a7ea-4172d0cfd4c4"
The response mentions "Resource specific consent grants on the request ''." which seems to suggest it's either missing a header or another access token.
As mentioned before, this exact same code works perfectly fine when I use a group_id and channel_id from within the same AD tenant.
What other steps need to be done to get RSC calls working?

API Endpoints in Strapi V4

I'm new to Strapi and Following Strapi Tutorial Playlist in Youtube.Youtube Playlist is old and He is using Strapi V3. But Current Version is 4.0.5. I facing problem in using API Endpoint.
I created Collection type and named it as Posts.I even published it.When I navigate to http://localhost:1337/api/posts, It returns
"data": null,
"error": {
"status": 403,
"name": "ForbiddenError",
"message": "Forbidden",
"details": {}
Does somebody help me please?
If you try to retrieve the data as a public user, then you need to go to roles and set the appropriate rights.
Settings -> Users & Permissions -> Roles -> Public -> Posts
then make sure find and fineone are checked.
For me, the problem was that I needed to set a scope for the auth configs of the route.
Like this (please note the scope):
routes: [
method: 'GET',
path: '/custom-route',
handler: 'custom-controller.getCustomMethod',
config: {
policies: [],
auth: {
scope: ['find'],

Why I can't save my connector on Microsoft Teams?

I made a custom connector for teams that display notifications on channels and add Tab on teams.
For the tab parts -> Everything is working well
But I have a problem for the connector parts, I get an error when I try to save my settings in the developer console:
Received error from connectors {"seq":1585127802210,"timestamp":1585127814174,"flightSettings":{"Name":"ConnectorFrontEndSettings","AriaSDKT....
-> registerOnSaveHandler is called
-> setSettings is correctly set with entityId, contentUrl (same configurationUrl as the connector configuration) and the configName.
getSettings -> is called to save to my app the webhook url -> it works
-> notifySuccess is then called and
I checked on the connector dashboard everything seems fine, on the App Studio everything is green also!
I don't know what is happening..
My manifest
"$schema": "",
"manifestVersion": "1.5",
"version": "1.0.0",
"id": "ca153ede-92f2-46e7-8695-3726b5343bf4",
"packageName": "com.kagilum.icescrum",
"developer": {
"name": "Kagilum SAS",
"websiteUrl": "",
"privacyUrl": "",
"termsOfUseUrl": ""
"icons": {
"color": "color.png",
"outline": "outline.png"
"name": {
"short": "iceScrum",
"full": "Connect with iceScrum"
"description": {
"short": "A true Agile project management tool",
"full": "iceScrum is a web application for using Scrum while keeping the spirit of a collaborative workspace. It also offers virtual boards with post-its for sprint backlog, product backlog and others."
"accentColor": "#FFFFFF",
"configurableTabs": [
"configurationUrl": "",
"canUpdateConfiguration": true,
"scopes": [
"supportedSharePointHosts": [
"connectors": [
"connectorId": "f00d8890-daa8-4c87-89f5-83cbab0bccd4",
"configurationUrl": "",
"scopes": [
"permissions": [
"validDomains": [
Piece of code related to
microsoftTeams.settings.registerOnSaveHandler(function(saveEvent) {
entityId: 'icescrum-pkey-' + $scope.settings.project.pkey,
contentUrl: isSettings.serverUrl + '/msTeams/setup/',
configName: $
microsoftTeams.settings.getSettings(function(settings) {
$scope.settings.webhookUrl = settings.webhookUrl;
return FormService.httpPost('msTeams/save', $scope.settings, true).then(function() {
saveEvent.notifySuccess(); //wait that the settings are really saved on iceScrum side
microsoftTeams.settings.getSettings(function(settings) {
$scope.setup = !settings.configName;
var tokenData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("msTeams-oauth"));
var userData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("msTeams-user"));
if (tokenData) {
FormService.httpGet('ws/project/user/' + + '?light=true', {headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tokenData['accessToken']}}, true).then(function(projects) {
$scope.projects = projects;
if (settings.entityId) {
$scope.settings.project = _.find($scope.projects, {pkey: settings.entityId.split('icescrum-pkey-')[1]});
$scope.ready = true;
Full error:
angular.min.js:113 2020-03-25T20:35:25.953Z Received error from connectors {"seq":1585168484680,"timestamp":1585168525943,"flightSettings":{"Name":"ConnectorFrontEndSettings","AriaSDKToken":"d127f72a3abd41c9b9dd94faca947689-d58285e6-3a68-4cab-a458-37b9d9761d35-7033","SPAEnabled":true,"ClassificationFilterEnabled":true,"ClientRoutingEnabled":true,"EnableYammerGroupOption":true,"EnableFadeMessage":false,"EnableDomainBasedOwaConnectorList":false,"EnableDomainBasedTeamsConnectorList":false,"DevPortalSPAEnabled":true,"ShowHomeNavigationButtonOnConfigurationPage":false,"DisableConnectToO365InlineDeleteFeedbackPage":true},"status":500,"clientType":"SkypeSpaces","connectorType":"f00d8890-daa8-4c87-89f5-83cbab0bccd4","name":"handleMessageError"}
In case this helps anyone else, I spent ages today trying to get to the bottom of this and couldn't find a solution. a last gasp show of desperation I decide to use App Studio to recreate the entire connector manifest from scratch, including creating a new connector in the portal.
For some reason, this then worked fine - even though I can see that the two manifest files are identical with the exception of the ID (and I already tried regenerating the ID for the original one).
Bit late to the story, but having followed multiple github issues like this and stack overflow posts, I'm pretty convinced that its the problem with Connectors dashboard. If you made any change to settings, they are not really propageted/saved correctly.
So for example, if you changed validDomains or configurationPage URL, they won't actually do anything. You can verify that with your devtools. For me, after changing the configurationPage the Teams is still making request to old URL as well as the new one, but the old request produces error that's listed in question.
The only workaround I was able to find is to recreate connector in dashboard. Reported problem to MS Teams dev team, waiting to hear back.
Also late here, but I ran into this problem and the below was the solution after 3 days of frustration.
Despite everything mentioned in the documentation, the following is required otherwise you'll get this error. This fixed things for me.
microsoftTeams.settings.registerOnSaveHandler(saveEvent => {
contentUrl: ""
The documentation states that registering a save handler is optional and Teams will handle notify success if it's not declared. WRONG. You must register a save handler.
The documentation does not state that setSettings is required. WRONG. You must set settings or else you will receive this error.
The documentation does not state that you must save a contentURL. WRONG. You must set content URL in the setSettings. You can apparently omit other things when setting your settings, but not content URL.
The documentation does not specifically mention it, but the contentURL must comply with your validURLs in your manifest. If it does not, you'll also see this error.
So in your case, you must ensure that isSettings.serverUrl (setSettings() contentURL) does match (manifest validURLs). If they do not, you'll see this error.

gaction test caller has no permission

I am trying to setup custom commands on my raspberry pi 3 with google assistant SDK. I was following this guide to setup my custom command. Whenever I run gactions test ti would get the following error:
Pushing the app for the Assistant for testing...
ERROR: Failed to test the app for the Assistant
ERROR: The caller does not have permission
2019/05/16 17:50:23 Server did not return HTTP 200
I have used gactions update to upload my action definition json file, with the google account that owns the Google Action project, and it was updated successfully. Therefore I'm not sure why I would have no permission on a project I owned and with a successfully updated action json.
There is the json I had for my custom action.
"manifest": {
"displayName": "DJ Roomba",
"invocationName": "DJ Roomba",
"category": "PRODUCTIVITY"
"actions": [
"description": "Thanos Snap",
"name": "",
"availability": {
"deviceClasses": [
"assistantSdkDevice": {}
"fulfillment": {
"staticFulfillment": {
"templatedResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "You should have gone for the head"
"deviceExecution": {
"command": "action.devices.commands.ThanosSnap"
"intent": {
"name": "djroomba.intent.ThanosSnap",
"trigger": {
"queryPatterns": [
"Thanos snap"
"locale": "en"
I'm not sure if this will help, but I'm using Raspbian Jessie(since snowboy only supports up to that)
So, it turns out to be that I'll have to at least publish my action in alpha or beta version, otherwise the gactions test will not work

I couldn't connect GCE windows instance from remmina RDP

I use GCE V1 rest api to launch instances. I rarely use google developer console. I created windows VM instance through rest api. I passed windows initial username and password in metadata property. Windows VM created successfully. I also able to get those credentials in response, which I sent while creating VM. But I couldn't connect the VM using that username and password. I read the doc about how to reset password from developer console. It works fine. But we would like to rest apis for all. I mean to created/manage GCE resources. So can anyone help to fix this issue?
The image I used to launch a vm is "windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20150511"
"metadata": {
"items": [
"key": "gce-initial-windows-user",
"value": "administrator"
"key": "gce-initial-windows-password",
"value": "twxsFL3U-/,*"
Note: I created many VMs through rest api. All instances have the same issue. When reseting the password from developer console, it works.
The credentials didn't work. I am able to reset them from developer console. But that will not fix my problem. Because we have our own system to launch VMs and other services. For that I'm building a connector. Here is the sample request I send from node.js script.
Request :
options : {
"host": "",
"path": "/compute/v1/projects/project-id/zones/us-central1-f/instances",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer ya29.lQGsX8hwdWKaDDwOFnDIZB49eir-c2TUBqYpaVvir7C430Quy8kIWsL4rXv7qjSVQZJKK5e1BdxNug",
"Content-Type": "application/json charset=utf-8"
body : {
"name": "rin2qvxkz-e",
"zone": "",
"machineType": "",
"metadata": {
"items": [
"key": "gce-initial-windows-user",
"value": "administrator"
"key": "gce-initial-windows-password",
"value": "%1zuV27$.:?*"
"tags": {
"items": [
"disks": [
"type": "PERSISTENT",
"boot": true,
"mode": "READ_WRITE",
"deviceName": "rin2qvxkz-e",
"autoDelete": true,
"initializeParams": {
"sourceImage": "",
"diskType": ""
"canIpForward": false,
"networkInterfaces": [
"network": "",
"accessConfigs": [
"name": "External NAT",
"type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
"description": "rin2qvxkz-e",
"scheduling": {
"preemptible": false,
"onHostMaintenance": "MIGRATE",
"automaticRestart": true
You are using a new Windows image "windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20150511" with an updated GCEAgent that doesn't look at the gce-initial-windows-user/gce-initial-windows-password instance metadata keys which were used by the old authentication scheme.
Here are explanations of how the new authentication works, starting from the "windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20150511" image and onwards.
Please note that the initial Windows authentication and GCE API v1 are two separate topics and GCE API v1 has not changed as part of the authentication update.
The earlier answer didn't really explain when this changed. I did more research and found a note in the change log for Google Windows Images.
Metadata items gce-initial-windows-user and gce-initial-windows-password will no longer work for images v20150511 and later
June 03, 2015
Updated Windows authentication process. Windows images v20150511 and
later will use the new scheme by default. gcloud will now generate a
random password for Windows login; it is no longer possible to
manually set a Windows password through gcloud but you can set a
custom password in the instance.
Here are some links that detail how to Add users to windows Images now
You can use the gcloud command line tool
gcloud compute reset-windows-password INSTANCE_NAME [--user=USER]
You can call the API, They give GO and Python examples
They also detail a Step-By-Step manual process, in case you want more details
