Moving transitive dependency from implementation to testImplementation - gradle

I have few dependencies, that have the same transitive dependency for tests, resulting in test dependencies ending up in my 'implementation'.
Can I somehow smoothly redirect said dependency to 'testImplementation' or do I have to perform something like:
implementation(A){exclude T}
implementation(B){exclude T}
implementation(C){exclude T}

Something a bit better would be:
configurations {
implementation {
Then you won't need to explicitly exclude T for each implementation dependency that might pull it in.


How to add dependencies (and repositories) dynamically in a custom Gradle plugin task using Kotlin dsl

The title basically says it all.
I am trying to create a plugin that can be configured and depending on the configuration, the task provided by the plugin adds compileOnly or implementation deppendencies to the project.
The resources on writing custom Gradle plugins are abhorrent (especially in Kotlin instead of Groovy) and I can't figure out how to do this myself.
This is where I'm at with my custom plugin code:
class SpigotVersioner: Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
println("Latest spigot version: ${WebScraper.getLatestVersion()}")
val extension = project.extensions.create("spigot",
project.task("compileSpigotAPI") { = "spigot"
it.description = "Adds the spigot api implementation to the project."
it.doLast {
val apiVersion = extension.apiVersion.get()
val dependency = deriveDependencyStr(apiVersion)
project.dependencies {
project.dependencies.add(configurationName: String, dependencyNotation: Any)
This is supposed to mimic something like
dependencies {
compileOnly 'my.derived.dependency.str:apiVersion:xy'
only the dependency being added is supposed to be configurable via an extension.
If possible, I'd like to extend this to also add the appropriate repository as well but the dependency issue is more important.
Bit of an old question now, but I too struggled with this so hopefully this answer is of use to someone.
project.dependencies.add(configurationName: String, dependencyNotation: Any)
The configurationName is the configuration that you wish to add the dependency to e.g. implementation, testImplementation or api etc.
The dependencyNotation can be any of the following:
String Notation: Simply a String written using Gradle dependency notation e.g. com.mycompany:my-awesome-dependency:1.2.3. There are ways to also specify things like strictness when using these 'simple' declarations, this is somewhat documented here.
Map Notation: This is where you pass a Map<String, String> containing key-value pairs representing the dependency. The documentation on this is either non existent or elusive, but for example: "group": "com.mycompany", "name": "my-awesome-dependency", "version": "1.2.3".
Dependency Interface: This is where you pass in an object that implements one of the Dependency interfaces that the Gradle API provides. The most basic being org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency. The main issue with this method is again that the documentation is either elusive or non-existent. I cannot see a way to have Gradle create one of these objects (or see any pre implemented classes in the public API). You could always just implement the interface but there are some methods on there like contentEquals and copy() which seem overkill to implement.
My recommendation if it suits your use case would be to use the first option above.

Applying platform constraints to all configurations

How do I inherit constraints from BOMs for all configurations in an ergonomic way ? The following is how I am currently doing it. I am on Gradle 6.6.1.
dependencies {
Well, you could do it by abusing the configurations.all method like this:
// Groovy DSL
configurations.all { config ->
project.dependencies.add(, project.dependencies.platform('x:y:z'))
But you don't need to add the platform to all those configurations in the first place. Because most of them are resolvable and extend both api and implementation, you typically only need to add it to one of those. The only exception is annotationProcessor, which is isolated (but is extended by testAnnotationProcessor). So you can still reduce it to:
// Groovy DSL
dependencies {
implementation platform('x:y:z') // or api
annotationProcessor platform('x:y:z')
This is in my opinion more readable and more precise.
A common use case is for Spring Boot. It could look like this:
// Groovy DSL
import org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.SpringBootPlugin
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.4.2'
dependencies {
// BOMS (Note that using the "BOM_COORDINATES" variable makes it match the version of the plugin)
implementation platform(SpringBootPlugin.BOM_COORDINATES)
annotationProcessor platform(SpringBootPlugin.BOM_COORDINATES)
// Actual dependencies
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
annotationProcessor 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor'
Interestingly, there is a Gradle issue on this exact use case. Here they explained that typically you don't need this functionality, and where you do it is better to be explicit about it rather than just "hammer" a set of dependency versions onto everything.

What is the difference between simple and source set dependencies when working with the Kotlin MPP plugin?

I'm using the Kotlin MPP plugin (with .kts support) and while I've been reading some code I came upon build.gradle.kts files like this:
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
dependencies {
with(Libs) {
What is the difference between declaring an api dependency within a sourceSet compared to declaring a commonMainApi dependency? Is there any?
No difference. The commonMainApi is just an alternative way of doing the same, and doesn't look to be recommended any more. Link -
Альтернативным способом указания зависимостей является использование
встроенного DSL Gradle на верхнем уровне с именами конфигурации,
следующими за шаблоном : [translation:
Alternatively, dependencies can be declared by specifying
configuration names at the top level using the built-in Gradle DSL]
dependencies {
commonMainApi 'com.example:foo-common:1.0'
jvm6MainApi 'com.example:foo-jvm6:1.0'
Interestingly, this document is described as a translation of where this paragraph (about the alternative syntax) is completely missing, so one can only deduce that the English version has been updated and the alternative syntax removed as either not recommended or obsolete at this point.

Find all transitive artifacts with used classes

I am using jqassistant to create a transitive dependency list of artifacts. My aim is to base this on the type dependencies because I want to find architecture deficits by comparing the Maven transitive dependency list with the one given by type dependencies (all artifacts of which at least one type is used in any transitive form).
Unfortunately, the following query only gave back the original artifact basis-vs-bo. The query was applied to a database that I created by scanning a Maven repository.
What did I miss?
MATCH (basis:Artifact{name:"basis-vs-bo",version:"4.0.0"})
WHERE NOT( HAS (basis.classifier))
WITH basis
MATCH (basis) -[:CONTAINS]-> (t:Type) -[:DEPENDS_ON*]-> (s:Type) <-[:CONTAINS]- (a:Artifact)
The Maven repository scanner treats all artifacts in isolation, i.e. dependencies between them are not evaluated while scanning classes.
This is the same behavior as scanning several JAR files from a directory, so dependencies between classes (method invocations, inheritance hierarchies, etc.) are only resolved if the involved classes are located within the same artifact.
As the dependencies between the artifacts are known in the case of the Maven repository it should be possible to apply queries which resolve these dependencies similar to the "classpath:*" concepts but this needs to be evaluated.
The following queries should help getting class based dependencies (DEPENDS_ON) between classes in different artifacts:
Build DEPENDS_ON relations between artifacts based on declared dependencies in POMs:
a1.fqn, collect(a2.fqn)
Resolve types required by an artifact to those contained in an artifact which is a dependency, a relation RESOLVES_TO is created:
requiredType.fqn = containedType.fqn
a1.fqn, a2.fqn, collect(requiredType.fqn)
Propagate DEPENDS_ON relations between types based on the RESOLVES_TO relation:
a1.fqn, type.fqn, a2.fqn, collect(resolvedType.fqn)
Does this work for you?

What order does Grails evaluate its dependency repositories?

Does Grails evaluate its Maven repos top-down or bottom-up?
I would assume top-down but some manual testing might indicate bottom-up. I can provide test results if need be.
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
repositories {
