Freemarker different footer on last page - freemarker

I need two footers (Freemarker):
default_footer: page number (eg: 1/5) + default text
last_footer: page number (eg: 5/5) + default text + additional text
If there is only one page, use last footer.
Using the default footer only works perfect, but how can I add a last page footer?


Hide page footer in RDLC

I have a report where I need to print a footer only on the last page.In order to doing so, I'm using a Rectangle in the footer area with this formula:
Using this method, the footer is printed only in the last page, but in all the other pages, I have a lot of white space where the footer is supposed to be.I think the problem is I change visibility only on the Rectangle object.Is there a way to hide all the footer based on a condition?
You can put that rectangle below the table itself rather than putting it in the footer then it will come only in the last page

Cannot identify selected page in telerik grid. I need selected page to be underlined. Help me in this

For my telerik radgrid I am using numeric pages. I can see the page numbers. But I am not able to identify the selected page. All the page numbers remais alike after selecting the page. I need the selected page number to be underlined. Help me in this
There is a control called PagerTextFormat that allows you to display current page, total page number, total record number and etc.
After adding your grid (radgrid), you can manually define a PagerStyle block in aspx side and put your code like below:
<PagerStyle PagerTextFormat="{0} Current Page: {1} - Total Number of Pages: {2}"/>
You probably have that block since you have already explained you are using numeric controls. You just need to add the above definition to the block.
Now, let me explain all those numbers:
{0} -> indicates where pager buttons would appear
{1} -> displays current page number
{2} -> displays total number of pages
It's not putting a line under the selected page number, but I think you can benefit from it. Check this telerik page to find more. There are different versions and examples.
Hope this helps! Good luck!

How to change DIV content in a different page?

I know there is ways to change DIV content within a single page. Using Ajax for example to dynamically get div content from an external .html file and then replace Div content using load or get functions.
However, is there a way to do this on a different page?
For example, say there is 2 pages. One.html, and Two.html.
I want a button on the first page (One.html), that when clicked, will change DIV content (by default the div box is empty, I want the button to insert text into the box basically) for a specific DIV Id on page 2 (Two.html).
So the process is basically: Click button on One.html, some function gets div content from external html (Three.html for example), and the uses that content to update an empty div on Two.html. Also, I would like to load some basic CSS in a similar fashion. Not only insert text into the box, but also change the background color and text color.
Thank You!
You just store the info and send it to the next page, say, with the HTTP request and submit methods get and post.

how to repeat the first row from tablix in every page of the report(pdf,excel word)

I have a large report(basically is a large tablix) with multiple pages.
I don't want to use page header because I can't insert tablix there.
i tried this:
but when I open the pdf the header is not on every page

Reporting Services - header with blank spaces

I got the problem that my RDLC-Report always repeats the whole header, if there is data or not, it always repeats the blank space.
I dont want to use a Rectangle instead of my header or something, is there a workaround with let this header-data in the header?
I dont want to have this blank spaces, i wanna see my body there.
Thanks in ancipiation
You can try a group header...? Hide the row(s) if there's no data for it, and that won't leave a space... set the header to repeat on each page.
Would that be an option?
I've done a few reports that required a footer but some of the stuff in there was only needed on the last page but I didn't want that huge white space in the footer area when the visibility was set to hide for all the pages but the last one... A group footer didn't work for me because I needed certain things at the very bottom of every page (like a form) and you can't access the globals from in the body of the report to toggle visibility... Ultimately I had to setting for that stuff I wanted on the last page to be at the end of the data, meaning it might be in the middle of the last page.... But I positioned my main tablix inside a big rectangle that's is equal to the whole page length - margin size - header length - footer length - (that rectangle I want on the last page).length so that if there is only one row of data, that last page item isn't directly below it but actually right above the footer where it should be. However, if the data is more than a page, that rectangle is just at the end of the data, which is an okay compromise.
