How do i know someone who is participating in the hurdle in Slack? - slack

I am currently using the Slack API.
What i need is information about whether a particular person is participating in a hurdle in Slack. API provides information about the user, but does not seem to provide information about the huddle.
Is there a way?
Thank you!


Can a Slack app assess user activity and give targeted notifications?

We would like to build a slack app that analyses the activity of a user, sees who they interact with most and then send them a notification when it is the birthday of someone they interact with a lot.
Is that first step possible? Could the app have access to the user activity in order to see who they interact with the most through slack?
Thank you in advance!
What you ask for is not possible using normal APIs.
Also, what you are asking is monitoring users and their interactions, which will raise a lot of privacy concerns.

How to make calls using alexa skill

I am developing a custom alexa skill and I would like to know if anyone knows how to make a call using alexa.
I saw a similar question but nobody have answered it yet.
How to make phone call from custom alexa skill
I have a phone number in my api response and I need to call that number using Alexa.
Please let me know if any one knows anything about this.
There are services available that will allow you to place phone calls or send text messages. Twilio and Plivo are a couple that come to mind, but there are many others also.
These services provide APIs, toolkits, and examples to help you interact with them using a plethora of different languages.
Be aware that these are not free, and will charge you per call.

Retrieve a list of stored cards/tokens

I'm looking at a system for a client that is integrating with Sagepay and storing client cards. I'm wanting to retrieve a list of all stored cards/tokens from SagePay.
Anyone point me to documentation for this or give me a starter?
Have a look at the reporting API - getTokenDetails should give you what you need. You'll need to know the token(s) you want the detail for, though.
API Guide

Hubot Slack scripting

I just got into developing my Slack bot, but I don't know (yet) how to do certain things, or if they're even possible.
What I basically want (for example) is that the bot gets my Slack username and returns it to me.
If I would know how to do this, I could integrate much more interesting things into my bot. I did check the documentation, but (as far as I could see) there was nothing on this subject.
Another thing I want to achieve is making the bot do a call to my custom API.
If anyone would give me a helping hand (example/link to some great examples/documentation for example) I would greatly appreciate it!
I managed yesterday to get the information from Slack using a debug command (console.log Object(msg)). This gave me all the information I wanted.

I can't enable Classroom API to project

I know this question has been asked here but not properly answered... I can't access the Classroom API in developers console though I've been aproved to do so. Could you, please, share the neccesary steps?
Any help will be much appreciated :-)
The Google Classroom API is currently in Developer Preview. Please apply for access and wait for the confirmation email.
