How to initialize OpenApiResource bean in spring context? - spring

I updated dependencies
from version 1.6.9 to 1.6.11. And now bean of class org.springdoc.webmvc.api.OpenApiResource doesn't initialize well.
I found that it should have been created in SpringDocWebMvcConfiguration.class, however I discovered that SpringDocWebMvcConfiguration.class didn't initialize itself after update of springdoc version, but on previous version it was initializing well. The only change they made in a new version of springdoc is annotation:
on SpringDocWebMvcConfiguration, so it depends on SpringDocConfiguration.class. I printed all beans from my spring context by calling
and figured out that context contains SpringDocConfiguration bean, but not SpringDocWebMvcConfiguration. May be somebody already had same issue and can help me?


why Spring boot 2.4.3 has migration issues related entityManagerFactory bean

I had a working application using spring boot 1.5.9
After i upgrade spring boot to latest 2.4.3, facing issues with
an interface with #Reposiroty - required a bean of type testRepository
then added #EnableJPAConfiguration to bootRunner got below error
required a bean named 'entityManagerFactory' that could not be found
If i a write LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean bean with dataSource configuration, i could see the application starts.
I dont really see these details from this Migration Guide
Kindly Please help me understanding this puzzle. Thank you.

Implementation provided for BatchConfigurer is not connsidered when using #EnableBatchProcessing(modular=true)

I am developing a sample application that Spring Batch with Spring Boot. My requirement is:
Have my own implementation of BasicBatchConfigurer so that I can configure AsyncTaskExecutor and my own dataSource as I am using SAP HANA as DB for which databaseType is not supported.
I want to use #EnableBatchProcessing(modular=true) so that I can register multiple jobs and launch them with separate Child Context
I have added all the required configurations. Without setting modular=true the Job is Launched and works as expected. It initializes the beans defined from my implementation of BasicBatchConfigurer.
However, once modular=true is set, the beans from my implementation are not initialized.
The code is hosted here:
I debugged further into the issue:
Looks like, When we set modular=true, BatchConfigurationSelector uses ModularBatchConfiguration
In ModularBatchConfiguration, there's a field Collection<BatchConfigurer> configurers. This has been annotated as #autowired.
I assume that this field is auto initialized if I provided a implementation
of BatchConfigurer as it has been mentioned in the comments of ModularBatchConfiguration class as well
However, While debugging I realized that the above field is still null beacuse of which, It loads DefaultBatchConfigurer and follows the default flow.
My question is why is that field configurers not being initialized in ModularBatchConfiguration? Am I missing something?
I am using Spring boot 2.1.2.
My question is why is that field configurers not being initialized in ModularBatchConfiguration? Am I missing something?
You are hitting a lifecycle issue between Spring Boot custom auto-configuration that you defined in the META-INF/spring.factories file and Spring Batch configuration.
I debugged your code and here is how to fix the issue:
remove org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration=\
from META-INF/spring.factories file. This is not needed as Spring Batch
will detect the AsyncBatchConfigurer when it is declared as a bean.
You can even remove this spring.factories file
remove #ConditionalOnMissingBean(BatchConfigurer.class) from AsyncBatchConfigurer:
Since you declared this class as a #Configuration class, it will also be defined as a bean of type BatchConfigurer and will be detected by ModularBatchConfiguration
With these two changes, the field configurers in ModularBatchConfiguration is correctly autowired with your AsyncBatchConfigurer.
As a side note, you don't need the AsyncBatchConfigurer#configurers method as Spring will do the work of injecting all BatchConfigurer beans in ModularBatchConfiguration.
Hope this helps.

Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.2 from 2.0.6 causes repository errors

I tried to upgrade a working application from Spring Boot 2.0.6 to 2.1.2. I had some troubles with tests after this change, but eventually got around that. I can successfully build the application from NetBeans (mvn clean install). However, when I try to run from a command line using mvn spring-boot:run, here is what I get:
The bean 'xxxRepository', defined in null, could not be
registered. A bean with that name has already been defined in null and
overriding is disabled.
Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling overriding by setting
The interesting part is that every time I try to run it, the error is on a different repository, but always with the same message.
It would seem that this has to do with this change:
Bean Overriding
Bean overriding has been disabled by default to prevent a bean being
accidentally overridden. If you are relying on overriding, you will
need to set spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding to true.
Given that it is apparently effecting all my repositories, my guess is that there is a configuration problem somewhere. I can follow the recommended action, but it actually made no difference. The problem is that I don't know what to change in the configuration to get this working again. I'm not even sure what to post that is pertinent to the issue. Any ideas on how to figure this out?
We ran into this issue upgrading from Spring Boot 2.0.x to 2.1.x.
I could "solve" this issue by allowing bean definition override with spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding: true but it felt like hiding the root cause.
In fact bean definition overriding used to hide poor configuration on our side.
After inspecting our #Configuration classes we were scanning packages containing our repositories twice, using #ComponentScan and #EnableJpaRepository on the same packages from different classes : once with filters #ComponentScan.Filter, once without.
Removing the second component scan fixed the issue.
I have seen this error before and i had a class BOTH annotated with #Component or #Repository or #Service AND also registered as a #Bean in a config class. Is that your case also by any chance?
I got a similar problem, but it was only with #NotNull annotation. When I upgraded the spring it stopped to work. I tried a lot of things that I found here in SO, but the only thing that worked to me was to eliminate the database and run spring again. I know that it sucks, but didn't find another solution.

SpringBoot Cannot enhance #Configuration bean definition 'beanNamePlaceholderRegistryPostProcessor'

I recently started getting this warning on start up of my Spring Boot application:
o.s.c.a.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor - Cannot enhance
#Configuration bean definition
'beanNamePlaceholderRegistryPostProcessor' since its singleton
instance has been created too early. The typical cause is a non-static
#Bean method with a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor return type:
Consider declaring such methods as 'static'.
I cannot figure out where it is coming from. I have no such classes ('beanNamePlaceholderRegistryPostProcessor', 'BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor') in my app that I can find so not sure how to prevent this from happening.
Anyone have any ideas?
This question is slightly different to this one as that one seems to be with a class that the user has created.
I finally discovered that beanNamePlaceholderRegistryPostProcessor is part of the Jasypt Spring Boot starter package.
I raised a ticket about it and the author replied immediately, indicating that it is nothing to worry about.
You can ignore the warning if you want by adding the following to Logback (if you use that):
<logger name="org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor" level="ERROR"/>

#PostConstruct Annotation and JSF

I have a problem on my project implemented on JSF 1.2 (MyFaces 1.2.6) and integrated Spring.
The problem is about #PostConstruct annotation.
It is executed but I see that it is executed before managed properties are populated.
First I suspect about managed properties taken from Spring context so I tried a simple integer managed property, I see it is not populated too.
Do you have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
I have just solved it. It is a bug of MyFaces 1.2.6.
It is resolved when upgraded to 1.2.7
