flattening dynamic indexes in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I use elasticsearch to record / index data from 'beats' and audit trails. The various beats often push records with > 1000 fields and this is causing issues.
I use dynamic indexes on everything so Im wondering if there's a way to tell elastic to 'flatten' all the values below a certain level into a single (possibly large) text field?


ElasticSearch - search by property from concrete index while going through multiple indexes

We're using ElasticSearch and we have two different indexes with different data. Recently, we wanted to make a query that needs data from both indexes. ES allows to search through multiple indexes: /index1,index2/_search. The problem is that both indexes have properties with the same name and there could be collisions because ES doesn't know on which index to search.
How can we tell ES to look up a property from concrete index?
For example: index1.myProperty and index2.otherProperty

Filter result in memory to search in elasticsearch from multiple indexes

I have 2 indexes and they both have one common field (basically relationship).
Now as elastic search is not giving filters from multiple indexes, should we store them in memory in variable and filter them in node.js (which basically means that my application itself is working as a database server now).
We previously were using MongoDB which is also a NoSQL DB but we were able to manage it through aggregate queries but seems the elastic search is not providing that.
So even if we use both databases combined, we have to store results of them somewhere to further filter data from them as we are giving users advanced search functionality where they are able to filter data from multiple collections.
So should we store results in memory to filter data further? We are currently giving advanced search in 100 million records to customers but that was not having the advanced text search that elastic search provides, now we are planning to provide elastic search text search to customers.
What do you suggest should we use the approach here to make MongoDB and elastic search together? We are using node.js to serve data.
Or which option to choose from
Denormalizing: Flatten your data
Application-side joins: Run multiple queries on normalized data
Nested objects: Store arrays of objects
Parent-child relationships: Store multiple documents through joins
Storing things client side in memory is not the solution.
First of all the simplest way to solve this problem is to simply make one combined index. Its very trivial to do this. Just insert all the documents from index 2 into index 1. Prefix all fields coming from index-2 by some prefix like "idx2". That way you won't overwrite any similar fields. You can use an ingestion pipeline to do this, or just do it client side. You only will ever do this once.
After that you can perform aggregations on the single index, since you have all the data in one-index.
If you are using somehting other than ES as your primary data-store you need to reconfigure the indexing operation to redirect everything that was earlier going into index-2 to go into index-1 as well(with the prefixed terms).
100 million records is trivial for something like ELasticsearch. Doing anykind of "joins" client side is NOT RECOMMENDED, as this will obviate the entire value of using ES.
If you need any further help on executing this, feel free to contact me. I have 11 years exp in ES. And I have seen people struggle with "joins" for 99% of the time. :)
The first thing to do when coming from MySQL/PostGres or even Mongodb is to restructure the indices to suit the needs of data-querying. Never try to work with multiple indices, ES is not built for that.

Index type in elasticsearch

I am trying to understand and effectively use the index type available in elasticsearch.
However, I am still not clear how _type meta field is different from any regular field of an index in terms of storage/implementation. I do understand avoiding_type_gotchas
For example, if I have 1 million records (say posts) and each post has a creation_date. How will things play out if one of my index types is creation_date itself (leading to ~ 1 million types)? I don't think it affects the way Lucene stores documents, does it?
In what way my elasticsearch query performance be affected if I use creation_date as index type against a namesake type say 'post'?
I got the answer on elastic forum.
Pasting the response as is -
"While elasticsearch is scalable in many dimensions there is one where it is limited. This is the metadata about your indices which includes the various indices, doc types and fields they contain.
These "mappings" exist in memory and are updated and shared around all nodes with every change. For this reason it does not make sense to endlessly grow the list of indices, types (and therefore fields) that exist in this cluster state. A type-per-document-creation-date registers a million on the one-to-ten scale of bad design decisions" - Mark_Harwood

Elasticsearch > Is it possible to build indices on base of FIELDS

In the context of ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), I learnt that Logstash has FILTER to make use of grok to divide log messages into different fields. According to my understanding, it only helps to make the unstructured log data into more structured data. But I do no have any idea about how Elasticsearch can make use of the fields (done by grok) to improve the querying performance? Is it possible to build indices on base of the fields like in traditional relational database?
From Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide
Inverted index
Relational databases add an index, such as a B-tree index, to specific columns in
order to improve the speed of data retrieval. Elasticsearch and Lucene use a
structure called an inverted index for exactly the same purpose.
By default, every field in a document is indexed (has an inverted
index) and thus is searchable. A field without an inverted index is
not searchable. We discuss inverted indexes in more detail in Inverted Index.
So you not need to do anything special. Elasticsearch already indexes all the fields by default.

Solr performance with multiple fields

I have to index around 10 million documents in solr for full text search. Each of these documents have around 25 additional metadata fields attached to them. Each of the metadata fields individually are small (upto 64 characters). Common queries would be involving a search term along with multiple metadata fields used to filter the data. So my questions is which would provide better performance wrt search response time. (indexing time is not a concern):
a. Index the text data as well as push all metadata fields into solr as stored fields and query solr for all the fields using a single query. (Effectively solr does the filtering with metadata as well as search)
b. Store the metadata fields in a db like Mysql. Use solr only for full text and then use the document ids returned from solr as an input to the database to filter based on other metadata to retrieve the final set of documents.
Definitely a). Solr isn't simply a fulltext search engine, it's much more. It's filter queries are at least as good/fast as MySQL select.
b) is just silly. Fetch many ids from MySQL by selecting those with correct metadata, do a fulltext search in Solr while filtering against that ids list, fetch document from MySQL or Solr (if you choose to store data in it, not just indexes). I can't imagine a case where this would be faster.
Why complicate things, especially if indexing time and HD space is not an issue, you should store all your data (meaning: subset needed by users) in Solr.
Exception would be if you had large amount of text to store (and retrieve) in each document. In those cases it would be faster to fetch it from RDB after you get your search results back. Anyway, noone can tell for sure which one would be faster in your case, so I suggest you test performance of both approaches (using JMeter for example).
Also, since you don't care about index time, you should do all the processing you can at index time instead of at query time (e.g. synonyms, payloads where they can replace boosting, ...).
See here for some additional info on Solr performance:
