MSIX Installer and dependencies - windows

I have a Windows App SDK based desktop application. I am using the single-project MSIX packaging in VS2022. What I need to figure out is how to get the installer to launch 3rd party installers (Nvidia Cuda for instance) as part of the application install. What should be pretty straight forward is lost in the weeds in the sparse documentation on MSIX. I also will eventually want to overlay multiple MSIX installs in one location. I am pretty sure I can't do this directly from Visual Studio but it seems possible using the MSIX Tool. Any pointers would be helpful.

While MSIX doesn't have install custom actions, for some things we can still customize some things at the user system.
Handling this externally from the package deployment is the recommended method. There may be other options, however.
With source code you can modify the app to detect if you need to do something and do it. If "it" needs elevation you need to add the allowelevationcapability in the manifest and there will be a UAC prompt for the user.
With or without source you can instead add the PsfLauncher of the Package support framework to run a script on launch of the app. PsfLauncher will take care of the detection on if run before for you. And the same elevation concerns apply.
As these methods run in the user context they really aren't any good if elevation is needed, hence not the recommended way.
Tim Mangan.

First of all, don't start using the MSIX Packaging Tool. As I said in previous SO threads, that tool is designed for IT pros, not for developers.
Second, as Tim concluded, I wouldn't recommend overcomplicating yourself to deliver those third-party installers via MSIX.
Instead of overcomplicating yourself with integrating the Package Support Framework into your MSIX package, I would think twice if it is worth deploying the application as MSIX. Last time I checked you could still get an identity for your app even if you deployed it with an MSI (I may be wrong here).
If you choose to keep the MSIX for your app, maybe a cleaner solution is to build an EXE wrapper (also called bootstrapper in the packaging world) over it to handle the third-party package installations, and when done with those it can launch your MSIX installation?
Unfortunately, so far Microsoft isn't making it easy for us to define a non-MSIX dependency.


ClickOnce/Excel-VSTO under Windows 7

We have developed a .Net 4.0 VSTO Excel AddIn in VS2010 that we are deploying via ClickOnce. Our deployable seems fine on Windows XP but is extremely problematic when installed on Windows 7. The problems all seem to relate to when the AddIn needs to be removed via Excel (i.e. it has been soft deleted by Excel [eg. due to failure, etc] and it is then 'Remove'd by the user via the Excel | Options | AddIns | Manage | COM AddIns dialog.
The above leads to a situation where an AddIn is re-installed after the above has occurred, it is not exposed within Excel - i.e. the Excel AddIns tab (which would normally appear if there is one or more AddIns installed) vanishes forever. It becomes even more of a problem when we are developing/debugging, as we are renaming/removing AddIn instances on the fly - so much so that developing VSTO on Windows 7 is no longer feasible
Note that the AddIn is not in the hard deleted (disabled) list - it has been removed. I have tried installing/re-installing/uninstalling, rebooting, removing registry items (cleaning up cache/after-uninstall), removing file system files from C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Apps\2.0, clearing cache (via mage and/or rundll32 as per Clear the .NET-downloaded application cache without Mage?). There seems to be a clear difference of behaviour between XP and Windows 7.
Has anyone had similar problems ?
The only alternative I can see is a deployment project with a fully blown MSI, however this is no where near as neat - requires local Admin access, etc
Many thanks
Not sure if you have read about the tutorials about publishing Office solution using Clickonce. If you haven't, you can find them via the links below. Worth reading.
Regarding using windows installer, it's not extremely hard to do, especially with Visual Studio 2010 setup project. Here's a very detailed tutorial that can guide you through all these. It helped me a lot when I was trying to deploy the Excel add-in, and I hope it'd help you too in some way.
Also you might want to ask yourself these questions to determine whether or not using Clickonce/Windows installer is the right choice.
When it comes to your choice in deployment technologies, you don't
need to limit yourself to just one option. The key is to choose the
right tool for the right job. While there is no single rule or simple
answer, there are some general guidelines you can use to help make the
best decision for your specific needs.
Does the application install any COM components?
Does the application require registering any components for COM-Interop?
Does the application install any services? Does the application have to
install to a specific location or to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?
Does the application have any components that are conditionally
installed, based on the operating system or runtime environment?
Does the application require user input at installation time?
Does the application require configuration of system-level services such as
Active Directory or COM+?
After the application is installed, does it create files, write to the
registry, or affect the system in some way that would leave resources behind when the application is removed?
If you answered yes to any of
these questions, then Windows Installer is the best choice for
your needs. However, if you don't need to address the scenarios
described in the list above, then ClickOnce is an excellent candidate
for your deployment solution. If you want to leverage the distinct
benefits provided by ClickOnce, then understanding the capabilities of
ClickOnce early in your application design process is critical.
Deploying an early version of an application with ClickOnce, but then
belatedly realizing a need to move to Windows Installer, would create
a difficult upgrade path that can be avoided through careful up-front
From my experience, on one of my production projects we have also used MSI. And problems with click once were avoided. So my answer - yes you need to have MSI Project or MSI installations. And with MSI installations you can either use default MSI Project or external, e.g. Wix or Wise Installer or something else. Second way with custom installer is much more harder.
For situations with removing I've used mage and manual delete add-in from cache and registry. It helps, but looks like hacks.
Also each time when dealing with VSTO ClickOnce unclear, I've thought to use some external libraries. Unfortunately I haven't such opportunity to use something 3rd party to make my work easier due to requirement to project. But you can check and try. May be Add-in-Express libraries will help you, especially when they have good technical support.
What we found was that the way to get ClickOnce working for VSTO on Windows 7 was to do this within Excel - i.e.
Add/Remove Programs : uninstall
Excel | Options | AddIns | COM | Go
Add | browse to the ClickOnce setup.exe | OK | etc
Close down Excel
Go into Excel
AddIn appears
I'm sure you can play with the Add/Remove programs uninstall (versioning) so the user doesn't necessarily have to manually uninstall
ClickOnce is gr8 when it works - it's journey to get there tho and needs to be tightened up big style

NSIS automatic and silent update

I am currently building an application and want to have an installer and automatic silent updates for it.
Dropbox, Spotify and Chrome all are amazing at updating without anyone noticing. So I took a look at the Dropbox Roaming Folder in AppData and found a file named DropboxUpdateHelper.exe with an NSIS Icon. In the Spotify folder I could only find a SpotifyHelper.exe and a mentioning of NSIS in the Terms.
Is there a tutorial of how to install an application inside the Roaming Folder and have a silent auto updater? I am not fixed on NSIS but would prefer an open source and free installer.
NSIS has the INetC plugin that can be used to download things from the internet but I don't know if there is an auto update tutorial out there. You might also want to take a look at the VPatch plugin...
There are many variables to think about here:
Should your main application look for updates or just run the updater on application (or windows) startup so it can check?
Are the files on the server signed or do you have other ways to detect invalid/corrupted/MitM updates?
Do you require access control/DRM before downloading/applying updates?
How will you handle major version number updates? Will you support more than one major version or force upgrades?
Do you require administrator rights to update? UAC handling?
How are you going to support upgrading from 1.0 to 1.2? Update to 1.1 first or support every possible minor version upgrade path?
I'm sure there are many other issues you also have to think about. You should probably try to answer all these questions before you start coding. During development you might find other questions or that you have to change the design completely.
IMHO, this is not a simple question and I don't think you will be able to find a drop-in solution that fits your exact design/requirements...
It is easy to download files from internet using NSIS (there are several plug-ins for this purpose: NSISdl, InetC, ...) but such functionality is more about coding.
There is no exact solution for this - as Anders said you need to specify every detail to achieve required behaviour.

Auto-answer questions for a GUI install program?

During the install process, we are trying to install a third-party program along with our 'main' program that we install. This third party application is very important (and can't be skipped).
The problem comes in here: the third-party program asks MANY questions when installing on Windows 7, and the user needs to know which are the 'correct' answers. We've contacted the vendor and have never gotten a response (yes! We'll pay!). We don't think a manual will help (who reads that?). And, it's against our licensing to repackage their application into our Installer.
Theirs is a custom installer app, so nothing you've heard of - not INNO Setup or Installshield.
It's too late in the project to change vendors for this app, so what are my options? Is there a program that we can run that will 'auto-answer' the questions this installer asks?
Sounds like something sikuli might be able to solve. But regardless of your solution, you'll still have to distribute the program answering the installer along with the installer. Or you can package them all up in another installer.

Using a WinForm as a Windows Installer Custom Action

I am working on in installer project that needs to gather some info and act on it during the install (mainly online key retreival and registration). The Setup Project UserInterface templates seem inflexible and poorly documented so I am looking at opening a WinForm as a Custom Action.
I know this is possible because I see reference to it in many places but this is my first Windows Installer experience and so far it is mired in googled contradictions, partial or outdated information and guesswork... erg....
Does anyone have (even a pointer to) a clear concise description of how one gets this done in a VS 2008 WinForm project...
Many thanks for inputs
There is no guarantee that the .net framework is installed when the installer is launched (especially on Windows XP). A best practice is to keep your installer away from any dependencies.
Put the online key retrieval and registration in your application rather than doing all that stuff during install.
Create a standard installer class. In the class create your form and show it (ShowDialog is prefered)

Add registration dialog to PackageMaker

I'm currently in the process of writing a Mac PackageMaker-based installer for an application that I had previously distributed for Windows using an NSIS installer.
In NSIS, I was able to create a customized dialog that allowed the user to enter their serial number and license key before being allowed to install the program.
In PackageMaker, I can't really see anyway to add a custom dialog short of writing an little GUI app that is called by PackageMaker as a requirement. If this is the only way to do what I want, can anyone direct me to a resource that would explain how to do that?
If there is a another way, I'd also love to hear about that too.
(I know this question is similar but seems to deal more with editing the existing PackageMaker screens.)
PackageMaker supports plug-ins which can be added at any step of the installation. What you should do is write a plug-in which shows your license key prompt, and then load this plug-in at a step in the installation (say, the License step).
Here's an example of such a plug-in:
Personally, I'd recommend that you spare yourself the headache, and not use PackageMaker to make your Mac installer, but rather, an alternative tool, like Iceberg, and save yourself the trouble of tons of bugs.
If you insist on using PackageMaker, you should read this guide first to be ready for the many problems you may encounter:
(couldn't post this link because SO didn't let me, since I'm a first-time poster, but Google "PackageMaker workarounds" and it's the third result.
Apple's InstallerPluginSample sample code demonstrates how to add a registration pane to a PackageMaker-created installer.
I would recommend putting the license dialog in the application rather than in the installer. I haven't ever seen a Mac app that requests a license key during the install. They all do it when you launch the app.
