windows subsystem for linux path connect with host windows - windows

suppose I install node js in my host windows and if i check the version of node js using cmd or powershell terminal it shows the all things. This is ok, but if i check the node js version in wsl terminal, it shows node js is not install, Is there any way to configure my wsl terminal with host windows computer to find all file and folder path??


Docker Desktop installation on windows 7 is not working

I've downloaded docker desktop from the website but was unable to open the installer.
My operating system is windows 7.
What are the steps required to install docker desktop on windows 7?
Docker Desktop is not supported on windows 7, you can use Docker toolbox instead.
Do following steps:
Install hyper-v
Install Docker Toolbox and try to follow link instructions
Run Docker Quickstart as admin.
After following above steps, you may not be able to run Docker Quickstart Terminal properly. If so, follow below steps:
Go to window's Start.
type: Environment
click: Edit the system environment variables
Make sure you have VBOX_INSTALL_PATH (should point to VirtualBox installation folder. i.e. C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox)
Make sure you have VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH (should point to VirtualBox installation folder. i.e. *C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox*)
Make sure you have VBOX_USER_HOME (e.g. C:\Users\Sara.VirtualBox)
Make sure you have DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH in your User variables (i.e. C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox)
Restart your computer.
Try Running Kitematic. If its not working and you are receiving an error about "default" already existing or config.json missing, do the following:
close Docker Quickstart Terminal if open.
open task manager -> processes.
End process VBoxHeadless.exe
add an empty config.json file manually in %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default if config.json is missing.
Run in CMD: docker-machine rm -f default
Run in CMD: docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default
If the above CMD commands failed:
delete folder %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default manually
restart computer
run Docker Quickstart Terminal as admin
folder %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default should have been created properly at this point.
open kitematic. UI should be presented properly
Problem with "default" project
Failure on "default"
As far as I know, Docker desktop require Windows 10.
System Requirements
Windows 10 64-bit: Pro, Enterprise, or Education (Build 15063 or later).
You will need Win10 pro to install Docker on PC, but otherwise you can still install Docker on PC by downloading Docker Toolbox for Win7,8,10. Link to download Docker Toolbox at: /get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/Docker-Toolbox.shtml

How do I open a wsl workspace in VS Code for a different distro?

I have both Ubuntu and Debian installed for WSL. When I open a WSL workspace using VS Code remote development, it always opens Ubuntu. How can I open a workspace under the Debian install using WSL in VS Code?
The VS Code Remote - WSL extension always uses the default WSL distro. You can change the default distro using the wsl command (wslconfig on earlier windows versions):
# List the available distributions
wsl --list
# Set the default version to debian
wsl --setdefault debian
After changing the default for WSL, make sure to restart VS Code
Click the "remote button" in the bottom left
Choose New Window using Distro...
Pick your distro!

Run exe on windows virtual machine from osx terminal

I have installed a command line executable on a windows virtual machine on my mac. I would like to launch this exe from osx terminal. Is that possible ?
VMWare Fusion comes with CLI vmrun, which, however is not placed in the PATH by default.
'/Applications/VMware' -h
will tell you that there's a runProgramInGuest subcommand for running commands inside a given VM.

Xming window not showing (Solaris/Windows)

I am trying to launch an install wizard window from a Solaris 9 system on my Windows 7 host to install Sybase ASE but the window won't show.
I am using Putty, with X11 forwarding enabled, and Xming on my Windows host. I am getting no error from the Solaris system. It just says Running InstallShield Wizard... and on my Windows, when I try to exit Xming it says There are currently 1 clients connected.
So clearly, my Solaris is connected to Xming, but I can't see the window.
You have to allow the solaris server to connect to the XMING config file by adding the server IP Address in the file X0.hosts (XMING install folder) then restart the XMING server on your PC. If it still does not work, try running "xhosts +" from Solaris command and export DISPLAY=your_server_IP_Address:0.0.

Accessing machine through wifi

I have one computer running ubuntu operating system. It is having a wifi router connected to it. I have other laptop which runs windows 7 operating system.
Is there a way to access the ubuntu machine from windows machine through wifi and vice versa ?
You can use TeamViewer in both windows and linux. It will give you full control of the remote machine but I'm not sure if you can do file transfering...
For file transferring, connecting from windows to linux I would use winSCP, which access files through ssh, so you would have to install an run sshd on your linux box. If you haven't sshd in your ubuntu box, install it by doing $ sudo apt-get install ssh. You can start ssh daemon in ubuntu 11.10 with the command $ sudo service ssh start. From linux (Ubuntu 11.10) to windows (w7), I have successfully got into w7 machines in my local network by exploring the Network section in the left bar of the nautilus explorer. Sometimes, for some folders it would ask me for credentials to log into the remote machine, and file transferring was as simple as doing copy and paste (Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v)
hope to be helpful! good luck!
VNC is good for remote work on both Windows and Linux. You'll need to install VNC on Windows but I believe it comes by default with Ubuntu. You need to configure one to be the server and then you can use a client from the other machine to connect to it and remotely control the server machine.
Here are some resources for VNC in Ubuntu:
And I use TightVNC when I'm working on Windows (server and client included in the install).
Install XRDP on Ubuntu.
on windows then run msrtc -v
if over the internet , I say use
free and lot better than teamviwer.
