How to produce a concatenated string from a hash recursively? - ruby

I have the following complicated hash structure (among many) that looks like the following:
hash = {"en-us"=>
{:learn_more=>"Learn more",
:non_apple_desktop=>"To redeem, open this link.",
:details=>"Get a 1-month subscription!.",
:disclaimer=>"This offer expires on December 10, 2021.",
:header=>"Watch The Morning Show ",
What I'd like to do is to have a function that will produce the following string output based off the hash structure:
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.cta: Offer
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.details: Get a 1-month subscription!.
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.disclaimer: This offer expires on December 10, 2021.
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.header: Watch The Morning Show
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.normal_price: $2.99
en-us.learn_more: Learn more
en-us.non_apple_desktop: To redeem, open this link.
I've used this recursive function from another stackoverflow question that somewhat accomplishes this:
def show(hash, current_path = '')
string = ''
hash.each do |k,v|
if v.respond_to?(:each)
current_path += "#{k}."
show v, current_path
string += "#{current_path}#{k}: #{v}" + "\n"
If I place a puts statement in the body of the method I can see the desired result but its line by line. What I need is to obtain the entirety of the output because I will be writing it to a csv. I can't seem to get it to work in its current incarnation.
If I were to place a puts show(hash) into my irb, then I won't get any output. So in summary, I am trying to do the following:
show(hash) ----->
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.cta: Offer
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.details: Get a 1-month subscription!.
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.disclaimer: This offer expires on December 10, 2021.
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.header: Watch The Morning Show
en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.normal_price: $2.99
en-us.learn_more: Learn more
en-us.non_apple_desktop: To redeem, open this link.
This should be an easy recursive task but I can't pinpoint what exactly I've got wrong. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

In my opinion it is much more convenient to use i18n gem
It has I18n::Backend::Flatten#flatten_translations method. It receives a hash of translations (where the key is a locale and the value is another hash) and return a hash with all translations flattened, just as you need
Just convert the resulting hash to a string and you're done
require "i18n/backend/flatten"
include I18n::Backend::Flatten
locale_hash = {"en-us"=>
{:learn_more=>"Learn more",
:non_apple_desktop=>"To redeem, open this link.",
:details=>"Get a 1-month subscription!.",
:disclaimer=>"This offer expires on December 10, 2021.",
:header=>"Watch The Morning Show ",
puts flatten_translations(nil, locale_hash, nil, nil).
map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.
# will print
# en-us.learn_more: Learn more
# en-us.non_apple_desktop: To redeem, open this link.
# en-us.value_prop_safety:
# en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.cta: Offer
# en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.details: Get a 1-month subscription!.
# en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.disclaimer: This offer expires on December 10, 2021.
# en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.header: Watch The Morning Show
# en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.normal_price: $2.99
Of course it's better to include not in main object, but in some service object
require "i18n/backend/flatten"
class StringifyLocaleHash
include I18n::Backend::Flatten
attr_reader :locale_hash
def initialize(locale_hash)
#locale_hash = locale_hash
def call
flatten_translations(nil, locale_hash, nil, nil).
map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.
# To get string call such way

To answer your literal question:
show v, current_path
should be
string += show v, current_path
otherwise you lose any work that your recursive call has done.
Note that a += b replaces a with the new string a + b. It does not change a. Thus, preserving the return value of show is critical.
If you want to rely on strings being mutable, here is a mutable string version; however, note that it may not always work, since string immutability is an option added to Ruby. If frozen_string_literals is on, the mutable concatenation operator << will fail. In the mutable string version, you can't initialise string in each iteration, because you'd be discarding the work your caller has done; so it is passed as another parameter, and initialised by the default value only on its initial call.
def show(hash, current_path = '', string = '')
hash.each do |k,v|
if v.respond_to?(:each)
current_path += "#{k}."
show v, current_path, string
string << "#{current_path}#{k}: #{v}" + "\n"

Considerations on the Approach
First, some issues:
Ruby is not JavaScript. Hashes don't have properties, so chained dots aren't going to work unless you do a lot of work to split and join the paths to your data after the fact. The juice is probably not worth the squeeze.
en-us is not a valid LANG value. You can use it a a key, but you probably want something more technically accurate like en_US or en_US.UTF-8 as a key if the locale matters.
Secondly, if you already know the structure of your JSON, then you should just make each JSON key a column value and populate it. This is likely a lot easier.
Thirdly, while Ruby can do recursion, most of its built-in methods are designed for iteration. Iterating is faster and easier for a lot of things, so unless you're doing this for other reasons, just iterate over the information you need.
Building CSV from Structured Data with a Predefined Format
Finally, if you just want the data to populate a CSV or create strings, then maybe you just want to extract the data and then munge it with information you already know anyway. For example:
require "hashie"
# assume your hash is already defined
offer_values =
# ["Offer",
# "Get a 1-month subscription!.",
# "This offer expires on December 10, 2021.",
# "Watch The Morning Show ",
# "$2.99"]
To get the values of the top-level keys, you can can do it like this:
linking = hash["en-us"].keys[0..-2].map { hash.dig "en-us", _1 }
#=> ["Learn more", "To redeem, open this link.", ""]
With more work, you could do similar things with ActiveSupport or by using Ruby 3.1 pattern matching with a find pattern, but this will work on older Ruby versions too. The only downside is that it relies on the Hashie gem for Hashie::DeepFind, but this is one of those cases where Ruby doesn't have a simple built-in method for finding nested structures other than pattern matching and I think it's worth it.
You'll still have to do some work to convert the extracted data into the exact format you want, but this gets you all the values you're after into a pair of variables, offer_values and linking. You can then do whatever you want with them.
See Also
In addition to Hashie::DeepFind and Ruby 3 pattern matching, you also have a number of query languages that might be useful in extracting data from JSON, some of which have Ruby gems or can be easily integrated in your Ruby application:
XPath 3.1+
XQuery 3.1+

This is a relatively straightforward recursion as each value is a string or a hash. It can be written as follows.
def recurse(h)
h.each_with_object([]) do |(k,v),a|
case v
when Hash
recurse(v).each { |ss| a << "#{k}.#{ss}" }
a << "#{k}: #{v}"
recurse hash
#=> ["en-us.learn_more: Learn more",
# "en-us.non_apple_desktop: To redeem, open this link.",
# "en-us.value_prop_safety: ",
# "en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.cta: Offer",
# "en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.details: Get a 1-month subscription!.",
# "en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.disclaimer: This offer expires on December 10, 2021.",
# "en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.header: Watch The Morning Show ",
# "en-us.storage_size.apple_tv_1_month_tms.normal_price: $2.99"]


Convert string into hash in ruby

I have a string like this "{ssl:true,sslAllowInvalidCertificates:true}"
(please note that the string can contain any no. of key/value pairs)
I want to convert this into hash, in Ruby, like this:
(Please note that the output is to be exactly similar to the above. It should not be in 'generic' hash notation like
{"ssl" => "true","sslAllowInvalidCertificates" => "true"}
The MongoDB client library can recognize the option only if it is exactly same as per requirement, else throws error.
How to do this in ruby?
To convert your String into a Hash, you either have to parse it yourself, or call Kernel#eval on it. Either way, your real issue seems to be round-tripping this back to a string in your expected format. One way to do that is to re-open the Hash class and add a custom output method, rather than relying on the Hash#to_s method aliased to Hash#inspect.
String to Hash
If you trust the data source and have some mechanism to sanitize or check the String for potential arbitrary code execution, #eval is certainly the easiest thing you can do. I'd personally add a tiny bit of safety by making sure the String isn't tainted first, though. For example:
str = "{ssl:true,sslAllowInvalidCertificates:true}"
raise "string tainted: #{str}" if str.tainted?
hsh = eval str
#=> {:ssl=>true, :sslAllowInvalidCertificates=>true}
However, if you don't trust the source or structure of your String, you can parse and validate the information yourself using some variant of the following as a starting point:
hsh = Hash[str.scan(/\w+/).each_slice(2).to_a]
#=> {:ssl=>true, :sslAllowInvalidCertificates=>true}
Hash to Custom String
If you then want to dump it back out to your custom format as a String, you can monkeypatch the Hash class or add a singleton method to a given Hash instance to provide a #to_mongo method. For example:
class Hash
def to_mongo
str = { |k, v| '%s:%s' % [k, v] }.join ?,
'{%s}' % str
Calling this method on your Hash instance will yield the results you seem to want:
#=> "{ssl:true,sslAllowInvalidCertificates:true}"
It seems there is some confusion surrounding the fat arrow syntax for hashes in ruby. You should be able to run eval on the string to generate the following hash:
{:ssl=>true, :sslAllowInvalidCertificates=>true}
You mention that the output cannot be in "generic" hash notation, which I assume is referring to the fat arrow notation used in your example.
Since Ruby 1.9, a new syntax can be used to create a hash
{foo: "bar"}
rather than the previous
{:foo => "bar"}
Interactive ruby consoles, such as irb and pry, try to print human friendly strings for the hash. Creating a hash with either of the two previous syntaxes will produce the same result in the console:
However, in memory, both of the objects are equivalent.
(There is the caveat that your "generic" hash example uses strings as keys. If that's what you're referring to, you can call #symbolize_keys on the hash)

I an getting an "Undefined method 'new' for.... (A number that changes each time)"

I made a simple program with a single method and I'm trying to test it, but I keep getting this weird error, and I have no idea why it keeps happening.
Here's my code for the only method I wrote:
def make_database(lines)
i = 0
foods =
while i < lines.length do
lines[i] = lines[i].chomp()
words = lines[i].split(',')
if(words[1].casecmp("b") == 0)
foods[words[0]] = words[3]
return foods
And then here's what I have for calling the method (Inside the same program).
lines = []
$stdin.each { |line| lines << line}
foods = make_database(lines).new
puts foods
I am painfully confused, especially since it gives me a different random number for each "Undefined method 'new' for (Random number)".
It's a simple mistake. hash calls a method on the current object that returns a number used by the Hash structure for indexing entries, where Hash is the hash class you're probably intending:
foods =
Or more succinctly:
foods = { }
It's ideal to use { } in place of unless you need to specify things like defaults, as is the case with:
Where all values are initialized to 0 by default. This can be useful when creating simple counters.
Ruby classes are identified by leading capital letters to avoid confusion like this. Once you get used to the syntax you'll have an easier time spotting mistakes like that.
Note that when writing Ruby code you will almost always omit braces/brackets on empty argument lists. That is x() is expressed simply as x. This keeps code more readable, especially when chaining, like x.y.z instead of x().y().z()
Other things to note include being able to read in all lines with readlines instead of what you have there where you manually compose it. Try:
A more aggressive refactoring of your code looks like this:
def make_database(lines)
# Define a Hash based on key/value pairs in an Array...
# ...where these pairs are based on the input lines... do |line|
# ...which have comma-separated components.
end.reject do |key, flag, _, value|
# Pick out only those that have the right flag.
flag.downcase == 'b' do |key, flag, _, value|
# Convert to a simple key/value pair array
[ key, value ]
That might be a little hard to follow, but once you get the hang of chaining together a series of otherwise simple operations your Ruby code will be a lot more flexible and far easier to read.

Outputting hash to text file

I am having trouble outputting the contents of my hash to a file. The program is one that manages a list of student records, including their StudentID, first name, last name, Major, and catalog year. Once the user is finished adding records, it is then added to the hash.
Everything in the program works perfectly, except when I try running the quit_program function, it doesn't save the contents in the file. Additionally, i am not getting any errors, any ideas?
could it potentially not be working because it is having trouble with converting the text in my hash, which is alphanumeric, into the text file?
def quit_program()
puts "Save Changes? y/n"
#changes = gets().chomp
if #changes=="y", 'w')
#sDB.each do |key, store_account_data| #line 50
puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
You're not writing anything to the file. The string #this_string is empty. You should do
#sDB.each do |key, store_account_data|
#fh.puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
it doesn't save the contents in the file.
The following is NOT how you write to a file:
puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
That is how you write to your terminal/console window.
And this code:
writes a blank string to the file.
Here is how you write to a file:
class Student
def initialize(sDB, filename)
#sDB = sDB
#filename = filename
def save_changes()
puts "Save Changes? y/n"
user_answer = gets().chomp
if user_answer == "y", 'w') do |f|
#sDB.each do |key, store_account_data| #line 50
f.puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
could it potentially not be working because it is having trouble with
converting the text in my hash, which is alphanumeric, into the text
No. Here is a concrete example you can try:
data = {
"John" => ['a', 123, 'b', 456],
"Sally" => ['c', 789, 'b', 0]
}'data.txt', 'w') do |f|
data.each do |name, data|
f.puts "#{name}: #{data.join(',')}"
$ ruby myprog.rb
$ cat data.txt
John: a,123,b,456
Sally: c,789,b,0
Also, ruby indenting is 2 spaces--not 0 spaces or 3 spaces, or anything else.
The answer is given in the error message: undefined local variable or method 'sDB'. (Which you have since removed from your question making the edited version next to impossible to answer.) Where and when is sDB defined in your program? You are evidently attempting to quit before initializing it.
In any case it is not a good thing to be accessing instance variables directly inside other methods. You should use accessor (getter and setter) methods instead. That would have probably prevented this situation from biting you in the first place.
def sdb
#sDB ||=
def sdb=( key, value )
#sDB[ key ] = value
. . .
You are not properly writing to a file even if #sDB is defined. See Ruby - Printing a hash to txt file for an example.
Your question is missing essential input data, so there's no way to test our suggested changes.
Here's untested code I'd work from:
def quit_program
puts "Save Changes? y/n"
if gets.chomp.downcase == 'y'
#file_name,{ |k, v| "#{ k }: #{ v.join(',') }" }.join("\n")
#sDB isn't a proper variable name in Ruby. We use snake_case, not camelCase for variables and method names. ItsAMatterOfReadability. Follow the convention or suffer the wrath of your team members the first time you have a code review.
Don't add empty parenthesis to method names (quit_program()) or calls (gets()) unless it's essential to tell the difference between a variable and a method invocation. You should also never name a variable the same as a method because it'll confuse everyone working on the code, so that should never be a consideration.
Don't create a variable (#changes) you use once and throw away, unless what you're doing is so complex you need to break down the operation into smaller chunks. And, if you're doing that, it'd be a really good candidate for refactoring into separate methods, so again, just don't.
When comparing user-input to something you expect, fold the case of their input to match what you expect. (gets.chomp.downcase == 'y'). It really irritates users to enter "y" and fail because you insisted on "Y".
While you can use to create or write to a file, there's less visual noise to use File.write. open is great when you need to use various options for the mode but for plain text write is sufficient.
The whole block used for writing looks like it can be cleaned up to a single map and join, which coerces the data into an array of strings then into a single string.

Best way to access sorted array from hash after sort_by in Ruby?

Note: I'm using ruby 1.9.3 and I can't bring any external dependencies. I have to do this with the core lib.
#run_histogram is a Hash of names to an Array of values (two values at this time, :failure, and :run)
foo = #run_histogram.sort_by { |scenario_name, failure_and_run_count|
(failure_and_run_count[:failure].to_f / failure_and_run_count[:run].to_f) * -100.0
foo.each{|x| puts x[0]; puts x[1][:run]; puts x[1][:failure] }
The sorting is working properly, but now my issues is that I want to be able to print out the scenario_name (the index to the hash) and then print out the run and failure count.
Unfortunately at the moment I'm forced to use the indexes of the array after using sort_by, which is bad. They're "magic numbers". I would much rather continue to use the :run and :failure symbols to access the data.
Anyone have a better solution?
Why don't you just name the arguments like you did in the first place?
foo = #run_histogram.sort_by { |scenario_name, failure_and_run_count|
(failure_and_run_count[:failure].to_f / failure_and_run_count[:run].to_f) * -100.0
foo.each do |scenario_name, failure_and_run_count|
puts scenario_name
puts failure_and_run_count[:run]
puts failure_and_run_count[:failure]
You can also chain these together if you don't need to store the intermediate form:
#run_histogram.sort_by do |scenario_name, failure_and_run_count|
# ...
end.each do |scenario_name, failure_and_run_count|
# ...
Note that it's more typical to use { ... } for single-line blocks, and do ... end for multi-line. Forcing a series of things into one line impairs readability and is generally a bad thing.

What is the "right" way to iterate through an array in Ruby?

PHP, for all its warts, is pretty good on this count. There's no difference between an array and a hash (maybe I'm naive, but this seems obviously right to me), and to iterate through either you just do
foreach (array/hash as $key => $value)
In Ruby there are a bunch of ways to do this sort of thing:
array.length.times do |i|
for i in array
Hashes make more sense, since I just always use
hash.each do |key, value|
Why can't I do this for arrays? If I want to remember just one method, I guess I can use each_index (since it makes both the index and value available), but it's annoying to have to do array[index] instead of just value.
Oh right, I forgot about array.each_with_index. However, this one sucks because it goes |value, key| and hash.each goes |key, value|! Is this not insane?
This will iterate through all the elements:
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
array.each { |x| puts x }
# Output:
This will iterate through all the elements giving you the value and the index:
array = ["A", "B", "C"]
array.each_with_index {|val, index| puts "#{val} => #{index}" }
# Output:
A => 0
B => 1
C => 2
I'm not quite sure from your question which one you are looking for.
I think there is no one right way. There are a lot of different ways to iterate, and each has its own niche.
each is sufficient for many usages, since I don't often care about the indexes.
each_ with _index acts like Hash#each - you get the value and the index.
each_index - just the indexes. I don't use this one often. Equivalent to "length.times".
map is another way to iterate, useful when you want to transform one array into another.
select is the iterator to use when you want to choose a subset.
inject is useful for generating sums or products, or collecting a single result.
It may seem like a lot to remember, but don't worry, you can get by without knowing all of them. But as you start to learn and use the different methods, your code will become cleaner and clearer, and you'll be on your way to Ruby mastery.
I'm not saying that Array -> |value,index| and Hash -> |key,value| is not insane (see Horace Loeb's comment), but I am saying that there is a sane way to expect this arrangement.
When I am dealing with arrays, I am focused on the elements in the array (not the index because the index is transitory). The method is each with index, i.e. each+index, or |each,index|, or |value,index|. This is also consistent with the index being viewed as an optional argument, e.g. |value| is equivalent to |value,index=nil| which is consistent with |value,index|.
When I am dealing with hashes, I am often more focused on the keys than the values, and I am usually dealing with keys and values in that order, either key => value or hash[key] = value.
If you want duck-typing, then either explicitly use a defined method as Brent Longborough showed, or an implicit method as maxhawkins showed.
Ruby is all about accommodating the language to suit the programmer, not about the programmer accommodating to suit the language. This is why there are so many ways. There are so many ways to think about something. In Ruby, you choose the closest and the rest of the code usually falls out extremely neatly and concisely.
As for the original question, "What is the “right” way to iterate through an array in Ruby?", well, I think the core way (i.e. without powerful syntactic sugar or object oriented power) is to do:
for index in 0 ... array.size
puts "array[#{index}] = #{array[index].inspect}"
But Ruby is all about powerful syntactic sugar and object oriented power, but anyway here is the equivalent for hashes, and the keys can be ordered or not:
for key in hash.keys.sort
puts "hash[#{key.inspect}] = #{hash[key].inspect}"
So, my answer is, "The “right” way to iterate through an array in Ruby depends on you (i.e. the programmer or the programming team) and the project.". The better Ruby programmer makes the better choice (of which syntactic power and/or which object oriented approach). The better Ruby programmer continues to look for more ways.
Now, I want to ask another question, "What is the “right” way to iterate through a Range in Ruby backwards?"! (This question is how I came to this page.)
It is nice to do (for the forwards):
(1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
but I don't like to do (for the backwards):
(1..10).to_a.reverse.each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
Well, I don't actually mind doing that too much, but when I am teaching going backwards, I want to show my students a nice symmetry (i.e. with minimal difference, e.g. only adding a reverse, or a step -1, but without modifying anything else).
You can do (for symmetry):
(a=*1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(a=*1..10).reverse.each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
which I don't like much, but you can't do
(*1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(*1..10).reverse.each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(1..10).step(1){|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(1..10).step(-1){|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(10..1).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" } # I don't want this though. It's dangerous
You could ultimately do
class Range
def each_reverse(&block)
but I want to teach pure Ruby rather than object oriented approaches (just yet). I would like to iterate backwards:
without creating an array (consider 0..1000000000)
working for any Range (e.g. Strings, not just Integers)
without using any extra object oriented power (i.e. no class modification)
I believe this is impossible without defining a pred method, which means modifying the Range class to use it. If you can do this please let me know, otherwise confirmation of impossibility would be appreciated though it would be disappointing. Perhaps Ruby 1.9 addresses this.
(Thanks for your time in reading this.)
Use each_with_index when you need both.
ary.each_with_index { |val, idx| # ...
The other answers are just fine, but I wanted to point out one other peripheral thing: Arrays are ordered, whereas Hashes are not in 1.8. (In Ruby 1.9, Hashes are ordered by insertion order of keys.) So it wouldn't make sense prior to 1.9 to iterate over a Hash in the same way/sequence as Arrays, which have always had a definite ordering. I don't know what the default order is for PHP associative arrays (apparently my google fu isn't strong enough to figure that out, either), but I don't know how you can consider regular PHP arrays and PHP associative arrays to be "the same" in this context, since the order for associative arrays seems undefined.
As such, the Ruby way seems more clear and intuitive to me. :)
Here are the four options listed in your question, arranged by freedom of control. You might want to use a different one depending on what you need.
Simply go through values:
Simply go through indices:
Go through indices + index variable:
for i in array
Control loop count + index variable:
array.length.times do | i |
Trying to do the same thing consistently with arrays and hashes might just be a code smell, but, at the risk of my being branded as a codorous half-monkey-patcher, if you're looking for consistent behaviour, would this do the trick?:
class Hash
def each_pairwise
self.each { | x, y |
yield [x, y]
class Array
def each_pairwise
self.each_with_index { | x, y |
yield [y, x]
["a","b","c"].each_pairwise { |x,y|
puts "#{x} => #{y}"
{"a" => "Aardvark","b" => "Bogle","c" => "Catastrophe"}.each_pairwise { |x,y|
puts "#{x} => #{y}"
I'd been trying to build a menu (in Camping and Markaby) using a hash.
Each item has 2 elements: a menu label and a URL, so a hash seemed right, but the '/' URL for 'Home' always appeared last (as you'd expect for a hash), so menu items appeared in the wrong order.
Using an array with each_slice does the job:
['Home', '/', 'Page two', 'two', 'Test', 'test'].each_slice(2) do|label,link|
li {a label, :href => link}
Adding extra values for each menu item (e.g. like a CSS ID name) just means increasing the slice value. So, like a hash but with groups consisting of any number of items. Perfect.
So this is just to say thanks for inadvertently hinting at a solution!
Obvious, but worth stating: I suggest checking if the length of the array is divisible by the slice value.
If you use the enumerable mixin (as Rails does) you can do something similar to the php snippet listed. Just use the each_slice method and flatten the hash.
require 'enumerator'
['a',1,'b',2].to_a.flatten.each_slice(2) {|x,y| puts "#{x} => #{y}" }
# is equivalent to...
{'a'=>1,'b'=>2}.to_a.flatten.each_slice(2) {|x,y| puts "#{x} => #{y}" }
Less monkey-patching required.
However, this does cause problems when you have a recursive array or a hash with array values. In ruby 1.9 this problem is solved with a parameter to the flatten method that specifies how deep to recurse.
# Ruby 1.8
=> [1,2,1,2,3]
# Ruby 1.9
=> [1,2,[1,2,3]]
As for the question of whether this is a code smell, I'm not sure. Usually when I have to bend over backwards to iterate over something I step back and realize I'm attacking the problem wrong.
In Ruby 2.1, each_with_index method is removed.
Instead you can use each_index
a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.each_index {|x| print x, " -- " }
0 -- 1 -- 2 --
The right way is the one you feel most comfortable with and which does what you want it to do. In programming there is rarely one 'correct' way to do things, more often there are multiple ways to choose.
If you are comfortable with certain way of doings things, do just it, unless it doesn't work - then it is time to find better way.
Using the same method for iterating through both arrays and hashes makes sense, for example to process nested hash-and-array structures often resulting from parsers, from reading JSON files etc..
One clever way that has not yet been mentioned is how it's done in the Ruby Facets library of standard library extensions. From here:
class Array
# Iterate over index and value. The intention of this
# method is to provide polymorphism with Hash.
def each_pair #:yield:
each_with_index {|e, i| yield(i,e) }
There is already Hash#each_pair, an alias of Hash#each. So after this patch, we also have Array#each_pair and can use it interchangeably to iterate through both Hashes and Arrays. This fixes the OP's observed insanity that Array#each_with_index has the block arguments reversed compared to Hash#each. Example usage:
my_array = ['Hello', 'World', '!']
my_array.each_pair { |key, value| pp "#{key}, #{value}" }
# result:
"0, Hello"
"1, World"
"2, !"
my_hash = { '0' => 'Hello', '1' => 'World', '2' => '!' }
my_hash.each_pair { |key, value| pp "#{key}, #{value}" }
# result:
"0, Hello"
"1, World"
"2, !"
