JPQL, Can I Create DTO using Constructor which Takes Entities by Selecting All Columns In Once? - spring

I'm using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate. I made repository having a method returning List<AWithBDto> like
select new com.test.example.AWithBDto(a.a1, a.a2, ..., b.b1, b.b2, ...)
from A a join B b where ~
order by ~
Because I thought listing all columns of table a and b is tedious, I added a constructor in AWithBDto as follows. (in Kotlin)
data class AWithBDto(
) {
constructor(a: A, b: B) : this(
a1 = a.a1,
a2 = a.a2,
b1 = b.b1,
b2 = b.b2,
So I could shorten my repository codes as follows.
select new com.test.example.AWithBDto(a, b)
from A a join B b where ~
order by ~
However, the query made kind of N+1 problems because it selected only id columns from both tables.
select as col_0_0_, as col_1_0_
a a0_
inner join
b b1_
order by
and multiple queries selecting all columns for each single row from each table were executed.
select as id1_3_0_,
a a0_
...multiple times
select as id1_4_0_,
b b0_
...multiple times
In JPQL, Can I create DTO using a constructor which takes entities as params by selecting all columns in once? I want Hibernate to execute a single query for this.
Or if I can't, could you suggest good alternatives for me?

I think this is a perfect use case for Blaze-Persistence Entity Views.
I created the library to allow easy mapping between JPA models and custom interface or abstract class defined models, something like Spring Data Projections on steroids. The idea is that you define your target structure(domain model) the way you like and map attributes(getters) via JPQL expressions to the entity model.
A DTO model for your use case could look like the following with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views:
public interface AWithBDto {
Long getId();
String getA1();
String getA2();
// Either map properties through nested mapping path expressions
String getB1();
String getB2();
// Or through a subview
BDto getB();
interface BDto {
Long getId();
String getB1();
String getB2();
Querying is a matter of applying the entity view to a query, the simplest being just a query by id.
AWithBDto a = entityViewManager.find(entityManager, AWithBDto.class, id);
The Spring Data integration allows you to use it almost like Spring Data Projections:
Page<AWithBDto> findAll(Pageable pageable);
The best part is, it will only fetch the state that is actually necessary!


How to dynamically select columns in Spring Data JPA

I have a typical Spring boot(2.7.6) application with apis' to fetch data in Kotlin.
Assume an entity called Employee
data class Employee(
val id: Long,
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val interviewDate: LocalDate,
val joiningDate: LocalDate,
val resignationDate: LocalDate,
val lastWorkingDate: LocalDate
For brevity I have removed annotations like #Id etc from above entity class.
One of the APIs which vends out Employee data is such that, in request params I get something like dateType and it will have one of interviewDate/joiningDate/resignationDate/lastWorkingDate. And in request params dateFrom and dateTo, I get the date as an input like 2020-10-01 and 2022-12-30
For example, if api gets input like dateType=interviewDate&dateFrom=2020-10-01&dateTo=2022-12-30 then API has to return all the employee records whose interview_date column has values between 2020-10-01 and 2022-12-30
The example given above is just for ease of explaining. For real use-case have to fetch data from many tables and has many joins(inner/left/right).
Based on the input, what is the better way to select columns dynamically in repository method?
I tried Specification Criteria API, but it was a dead end because I cannot use joins as there is no mapping between Entities like #OneToMany etc.
I am trying with #Query to get data but have to duplicate lots of lines of sql for each condition.
Example of one of the queries I have written in repository class is like below:
t.a as A,
t.b as B,
tt.c as C,
p.d as D,
p.e as E
from Employee p
join Department t on p.some_id =
join PersonalData tt on = t.some_id
left outer join SalaryInformation ps on = ps.come_id
left outer join ManagerInformation sbt on p.some_id =
. few more joins here
where :id and p.interviewDate>=:dateFrom and p.interviewDate<=:dateTo
""" ,
nativeQuery = true
fun findByEmployeeIdForInterviewDate(employeeId: Long, dateFrom:String, dateTo: String, pageable: Pageable): Slice<EmployeeDetailsProjection>
With current approach, I have to repeat this query for remaining date columns which I dont want to as it looks ugly.
Any better suggestions will be really helpful :)
I tried Specification Criteria API, but it was a dead end because I cannot use joins as there is no mapping between Entities like #OneToMany etc.
Hibernate 6 introduces a JPA Criteria extension API which you can use to model joins to entities. To use Hibernate 6 you will have to update to Spring 3 though. For every JPA Criteria interface, Hibernate introduces a sub-interface prefixed with Jpa that contains the Hibernate JPA Criteria extensions. You could do e.g.
JpaEntityJoin<SalaryInformation> ps = ((JpaRoot<?>) root).join(SalaryInformation.class, SqmJoinType.LEFT);
ps.on(cb.equal(root.get("id"), ps.get("comeId")));

Spring JPA repository method to get sorted distinct and non-null values

To get distinct data based on multiple columns and exclude NULL values on a column and sort the result in SQL, I would write query like:
This would return me rows with distinct values for CAR_NUMBER and CAR_NAME and it would exclude any rows having CAR_NUMBER = NULL and finally, it would sort the result by CAR_NUMBER.
However, In Spring JPA, I gather you can use either methods named based on your entity fields or using #Query annotation.
I am trying to do this:
List<Car> findDistinctByCarNumberAndCarNameAndCarNumberIsNotNull(Sort sort);
, and to call this method like:
but this is failing on Maven > Install with error like "findDistinctByCarNumberAndCarNameAndCarNumberIsNotNull(Sort sort) expects at least 1 arguments but only found 0".
Similarly, I tried using #Query like below but with same effect:
#Query(SELECT DISTINCT c.carNumber, c.carName FROM carEntity c WHERE c.carNumber IS NOT NULL ORDER BY c.carNumber)
List<Car> findAllCars();
I figured out the problem. Following is how I solved it:
In my repository:
#Query("select distinct c.carNumber, c.carName from CarEntity c where c.carNumber is not null")
List<Object> findAllDistinctRegions(Sort sort);
Important here to realize is that #Query returns List<Object>, not List<Car>.
Next, in my service, call this method:
List<Object> carData = carRepository.findAllDistinctCars("carNumber"));
That worked finally fine; however, I run into another problem where I had to do necessary conversion from List to List.
// This is bit tricky as the returned List<Object> is actually
// List<Object[]>. Basically, each field returned by the #Query
// is placed into an array element.
//To solve it, I had to do following:
List<Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>();
for(Object data: carsData) {
Object[] obj = (Object[]) data;
cars.add(new CarDto((Short) obj[0], ((String) obj[1]));
I just remembered there is a better way to solve this than that helper function that you described in your answer and thought I would share it.
Projection in JPQL would be a cleaner way to create your DTO:
#Query("SELECT DISTINCT new com.yourdomain.example.models.MyDto(c.carNumber, c.carName)
FROM CarEntity c WHERE c.carNumber is not null")
List<CarDto> findAllDistinctRegions(Sort sort);

Add dynamic criteria to a JPA custom Query

I have a complex query(using multiple joins and subqueries) written in HQL which I have used in a Repository class. Similar to one below -
public interface DataRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Data,String> {
public List<Data> findByService(#Param("service")Service service, Pageable page);
#Query("SELECT DISTINCT d from Data d "
+" WHERE (d.working in (SELECT d1 from Data d1 "
+" JOIN d1.working d1w "
+" JOIN d1.service s WITH (s in (:serviceList)))"
+" OR d.cleared IS NOT NULL) AND [..several other CRITERIA]")
public Page<Data> findForServices(#Param("serviceList")Set<Service> serviceList, Pageable page);
Now I need to add criteria to it dynamically. These criteria are flexible in number which is holding me from including it into the HQL straightaway. Is it anyhow possible?
Sifting through the internet I have come across solutions for dynamic query. But, I guess they would be working only for cases where I do not have a custom query i.e.- no #Query at the query in the repository.
There was another interesting question I found. But that also suits for a case where you have a single table to query.
I do not want to be switching over to raw SQL queries. How do I solve this?
The mentioned Criteria API with specifications and predicates is a little bit difficult to get used to but it is a good way to handle dynamic conditions.
I don't think it is possible to mix the annotation based query with programmatic query creation.

Inner Join and Group By using Specification in Spring Data JPA

I am trying to fetch the employee details whose empltype is clerk and whose joining date is the recent one.
For which the query looks like following in SQL Server 2008:
employee jj
inner join
max(join_date) as jdate,
empltype as emptype
group by empltype
) mm
on jj.join_date=mm.jdate and jj.empltype=mm.emptype;
I am using SpringData JPA as my persistence layer using QuerylDSL,Specification and Predicate to fetch the data.
I am trying to convert the above query either in QueryDSL or Specification, but unable to hook them properly.
Employee Entity :
int seqid;(sequence id)
String empltype:
Date joindate;
String role;
Predicate method in Specifcation Class :
Predicate toPredicate(Root<employee> root,CriteriaQuery <?> query,CriteriaBuilder cb)
Predicate pred=null;
// Returning the rows matching the joining date
What piece of code should be written in //**// to convert about SQL query to JPA predicate. any other Spring Data JPA impl like #Query,NamedQuery or QueryDSL which returns Page also works for me.
Thanks in advance
I wrote this in notepad and it hasn't been tested but I think you're looking for something like
QEmployee e1 = new QEmployee("e1");
QEmployee e2 = new QEmployee("e2");
PathBuilder<Object[]> eAlias = new PathBuilder<Object[]>(Object[].class, "eAlias");
JPASubQuery subQuery = JPASubQuery().from(e2)
.list(e2.join_date.max().as("jdate"), e2.emptype)
.innerJoin(subQuery, eAlias)
.on(e1.join_date.eq(eAlias.get("jdate")), e1.emptype.eq(eAlias.get("emptype")))

SimpleJpaRepository Count Query

I've modified an existing RESTful/JDBC application i have to work with new features in Spring 4... specifically the JpaRepository. It will:
1) Retrieve a list of transactions for a specified date. This works fine
2) Retrieve a count of transactions by type for a specified date. This is not working as expected.
The queries are setup similarly, but the actual return types are very different.
I have POJOs for each query
My transactions JPA respository looks like:
public interface MyTransactionsRepository extends JpaRepository<MyTransactions, Long>
//My query works like a charm.
#Query( value = "SELECT * from ACTIVITI_TMP.BATCH_TABLE WHERE TO_CHAR(last_action, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = ?1", nativeQuery = true )
List< MyTransactions > findAllBy_ToChar_LastAction( String lastActionDateString );
This returns a list of MyTransactions objects as expected. Debugging, i see the returned object as ArrayList. Looking inside the elementData, I see that each object is, as expected, a MyTransactions object.
My second repository/query is where i'm having troubles.
public interface MyCountsRepository extends JpaRepository<MyCounts, Long>
#Query( value = "SELECT send_method, COUNT(*) AS counter FROM ACTIVITI_TMP.BATCH_TABLE WHERE TO_CHAR(last_action, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = ?1 GROUP BY send_method ORDER BY send_method", nativeQuery = true )
List<MyCounts> countBy_ToChar_LastAction( String lastActionDateString );
This DOES NOT return List as expected.
The object that holds the returned data was originally defined as List, but when I inspect this object in Eclipse, I see instead that it is holding an ArrayList. Drilling down to the elementData, each object is actually an Object[2]... NOT a MyCounts object.
I've modified the MyCountsRepository query as follows
ArrayList<Object[]> countBy_ToChar_LastAction( String lastActionDateString );
Then, inside my controller class, I create a MyCounts object for each element in List and then return List
This works, but... I don't understand why i have to go thru all this?
I can query a view as easily as a table.
Why doesn't JPA/Hibernate treat this as a simple 2 column table? send_method varchar(x) and count (int or long)
I know there are issues or nuances for how JPA treats queries with counts in them, but i've not seen anything like this referenced.
Many thanks for any help you can provide in clarifying this issue.
That is the expected behaviour when you're doing a "group by". It will not map to a specific entity. Only way this might work is if you had a view in your database that summarized the data by send_method and you could map an entity to it.
