Is there a way to automate webpage login and download report? - power-automate

Is there a way to automate a task a webpage login and download report maybe with power-automate or some other method?
open web page
enter any parameters.
click download button.
save download to local drive.

Yes it is possible to automate it using Power Automate Desktop, you can take control of the browser, If the webpage structure remains the same and the login doesn't ask additional captcha except usual login and password fields.
You can configure the automation by
First opening the webpage using Browser Control in PAD(Power Automate Desktop)
Entering the username password can be automatically done with PAD (both should
be defined in the
Capture the web element using the action to click a button - either to
navigate the page or download something.
Can save the file into local system using PAD by usual browser download or mentioning separate path in the automation.

If you know how to code such as Python. Then Selenium,playwright,Clicknium would be a good choice. Clicknium should be the most simple one, but it can only run in Windows. In include a Recorder to identity the UI element and include APIs for click and set_text.
If you don't want to code, you can use RPA tools, such as power automate and UI path.


How to handle file download in Internet Explorer 11 using Ruby-Watir

I'm new to Ruby-Watir automation. I want to save a file, after clicking on "Download Report" link available on the web page(Opened in IE-11). It's giving me a pop-up to save the file at bottom of the browser.
enter image description here
Can anyone please help me with Ruby-Watir code to handle such popup in Internet Explorer 11? Kindly let me know if any other details required.
The simple answer is that it isn't possible with Selenium and Internet Explorer, without mucking with the registry or using AutoIT. Downloading with IE requires interaction with the operating system, which is beyond Selenium's capabilities.
Also, here's an article about why you probably actually don't need to test downloads, regardless.

Windows send file to browser with the "Send to" shortcut

I would like to use the "Send to" menu of Windows to upload files to a server. There is a lot of solutions to achieve that like ftp but I need to use the default Web browser of the computer.
I wrote a simple test script that is able to:
Receive the files with their full path
Open the browser to a specific page
My questions are the following:
Is it possible to send and action/arguments to the browser that allows it to access to this files ? If yes how does it works and is it cross-browser ?
My only requierement is to use the browser to upload the files but I can use any kind of third party software to pass the files to the browser. So is there any way to do that with a java applet or something similar ?
Thank you for your time !

How to handle File Download pop up in Firefox using AutoIT in (selenium RC)

I need to download a file from application in my selenium RC test.
When i click on the link/button to save a file, first i get a pop up which asks me to either open or save the file, when i select 'Save' and click 'OK' then i get one more pop up asking me to provide the path where file is to be saved and file name also.
I goggled and found that this could be done via AutoIT but i am facing some problems while doing that.
so could some one please provide me the .exe file for file_download in Firefox and also where i can mention the path to save that file too.
and also if you could provide me what exactly the code, i need to write in my test case.
Please let me know how to handle this.
You can achieve that without using autoit also. follow below steps.
Create new firefox profile.
Change the preferences in that profile manually before starting the automation with that profile. (Change the settings like below)
Now start the automation using that profile so that files will be downloaded to default location.
Starting selenium server using specfic profile
java -jar selenium-server.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\234saddsf.customProfile"
I found this link:
Unfortunately it is for the old style dialog boxes that do not have the open vs save radio buttons. I'm searching for a solution to this part of the problem.

Selenium-IDE test can't switch browser windows

I'm writing a Selenium IDE script to test part of our website that opens a window that takes the user to a third party site that we integrate with. The test clicks a link on our website, that opens a new window on the third party site where we need to tick a checkbox and submit a form, at which point the window closes and we then need to check another page on our own website.
Our problem is that the script breaks at the Selenium selectWindow action, because it says that it cannot find a window with the given name. If we then manually run that line in the IDE, it works!
I have added numerous waits, pauses and other tricks to make sure that the window exists and has the correct title when the SelectWindow action is hit, but we still get the above error.
The script is...
click link=activate
selectWindow Third party activation site
Are there any tricks to getting this to work?
You dont need that waitForPageToLoad as i'm assuming the host page isn't reloading.
You may want to check out the api ( ) entry for the command. This is the java docs, but it the same for selenium IDE.

Customizable Windows right-click file uploader?

I'm looking for a "right-click upload" application like RightLoad - an application that can upload media files to a remote FTP server from the Windows Explorer's context menu. I want to customize the application to serve as a customized image uploading tool to a PHP-based CMS.
The user would upload images and other media files to a defined FTP account (I'm also very open for other methods of transport, as long as they are supported by run-off-the-mill web hosting stacks) that they could then use in the CMS they log in to.
For me to be able to do these customizations, the application would have to be Open Source - RightLoad is "only" Freeware. Alternatively, I'm open for closed-source and commercial suggestions as long as they allow "pre-packaged" server settings that can easily be deployed to the user.
Does anybody know such a tool compatible with at least the most current versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7)?
Thanks all for the great input. In the case at hand, I decided it's easiest for me to stick with RightLoad and create a workflow in which the URL presented by RightLoad after the upload is copy+pasted into the CMS. I am putting a bounty on this because I think it's a worthy question for future generations, and I want to be the first one to put up a 500 bounty under the new bounty system :)
You could just use the send to menu using window's My network Places like this
I think WinSCP might have everything you want:
Open Source under GNU GPL
Windows Explorer's 'Send To' Context Menu
Drag 'n Drop Shell Extension
lots of additional features
and it can be scripted and is more secure than FTP due to using SSH
If you insist on open source, why not create a custom context menu handler and send it using some open source FTP client?
I would have to check the details, if it's really viable, but I would start with it.
I just had an idea, tested and working:
use regedit to edit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/Shell
add a key in shell called FTP to Mysite, in the default value set it to FTP to Mysite.
then add a key to the FTP key you just created called command, in the command default value use:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
what this will do is open IE and the address\path\to\file.jpg
now using $_GET you can get the file address, upload it via php to where ever, even add an interface...
now when the user right clicks on any file, they can upload it via your web site by clicking FTP
1) another software is RightLoad , i use it that this moment!
2) The nice software I used over years, was FLING. It adds Right Click menu in windows explorer... However, I have left the software, because till today (version 2.35) fling DOESNT support SFTP (And nowadays on all sites I use SFTP!!)
3) I DONT like SEND-TO menu! (because I think passwords saved in WINDOWS can be easily stolen by virus..)
