Stuck in Final Step of Shiny App Deployment - amazon-ec2

I'm trying to learn to deploy Shiny dashboards on Amazon's EC2 servers. I managed to find a good tutorial which I followed to the very end. Every step along the way worked except when I try to access the dashboard through my browser. I'll paste a few screenshots that may help you find where I'm messing up.
And this ( ) is the link that should lead me to the dashboard, but I get a "This site can't be reached" error, as if the site was offline.
Any help will be appreciated!


Missing fields in API response in Production

I have a mern app that I am using to fetch packages from my backend.
It works in development but not in production when I host it on AWS EC2.
I figured out that the reason it's not working id because I am getting incomplete response back in production. How is it even possible? I am frustrated right now.
Attaching some images and console logs in development and production.
The field packageImages is missing in production response!
Because of this I am getting error about trying to read properties of undefined.
Please someone guide me with this.

Icinga2 nagvis problems

I am trying to get the NagVis module working with Icinga2, but after following the installation guides for both NagVis and the Icinga2 module, I am getting
The requested URL /nagvis-sys/frontend/nagvis-js/index.php was not found on this server.
When I go onto the module on the UI.
I also cannot navigate to the nagvis ui outside of icinga2.
I have looked at this topic here: Issues with Icingaweb and Nagvis integration after moving to root but I do not really understand the solution, and I have tried to follow it, and it still does not work.
I should mention that I am working inside the docker image of IcingaWeb2, not a normal installation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Template doesnot exist when running on heroku but exists when running locally

I just created my first heroku app and pushed my code through it onto heroku. While testing it however, it showed that one of the templates didnot exist when it infact does when I test it from my laptop directly on the local server. Please do guide if you have any ideas!(ps.: I am using Windows hence please do keep take that into consideration when helping out!)

Where is the link of Parse data browser in website?

Simply to say, i can not find the Parse Data Browser and really don't know what is it. is it a link of parse site or a software or ... ?
I've tried google for that and a couple of youtube videos about that but i think anybody knows what it is and how to find it except me. is down now, you can see this but you can have your own parse server because parse is open source
Install your parse-server and set-up your parse-dashboard
All documentation is available here
If you want to start quickly you can host your parse-server on Heroku or use back4app
If you are looking for an alternative solution you can use Firebase
If you're running your own parse-server, you just have to add the parse-dashboard module. It's pretty easy to set up.
You can mount it right on the same app your parse-server is hosted from, or keep it separate and just run it locally.

Pros/Cons of Parse Dashboard local installation vs deployment

I wasn't able to find solid information on this and I wanted to ask developers who use Parse Dashboard:
What are the pros/cons of Parse Dashboard local installation vs deployment?
I currently run the Parse Dashboard on local installation, but I know that deployment to Heroku is also an option (my app is deployed on Heroku). I wanted to gather some information before deploying/not deploying.
Thank you!
I also have it running locally and I think for security reasons it's best to do so. If you setup the dashboard on the same server on which Parse is running, then you will have to take security measure to protect access to the dashboard and the config file which includes your masterkey and all that. This definitely outweighs the arguments to host it locally, which in my opinion only is that it's easier to access the dashboard.
If you really want to setup a dashboard on a server at least do it on a separate server.
