how to create an xml spring configuration file - spring

Using SpringToolsSuite4 I can create a maven project but I don't know where to click to create an xml configuration file for my beans. I'm too scared to copy this guys code because I don't know how to read what their config file.


How To Make Spring boot Application Read from Existing sqlite file?

I have Existing File Called sample.db
and I need My Springboot application Read it not make anothe file with same name with each run time
This is My File
SQL Dialect Configuration Class
And if I work with New File Generated Can not save or get any data from the new file ?

How to chnage properties file and dependancy dynamically in spring boot

i want to create an functionality in which i have to change the dependancy in POM file and properties file dynamically.
You need to elaborate more on the requirements and put more info on what you're trying to achieve.
You can use Maven profiles to change dependencies dynamically. Reference Link also Similar Solution
For properties file, follow these Reference Link also Similar Solution

spring boot config server properties files under different folders?

Does anybody knows if we can store the properties file under different folders on github and then spring-boot config server can read those files?
for example if my repository for properties file is:
Can i have as many folder as i want under config-files repository and then these folders will have properties files under it? Can it be done?
I would suggest to take a look at Spring Could Config module. Spring ecosystem has your use case covered and it's better to follow proven footsteps rather than creating your custom solution.
You can create various directories in Github and provide file in your project. A sample bootstrap file is shown below<your config server url><your folder name in github><github project branch name>
spring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS<active profile in spring>

I need spring framework xml schema

I'm trying to execute a small spring application in my eclipse ide.I have downloaded the spring-framework-4.1 zip file. I want xml schema to put it in my spring.xml file.where can i get the schema from the downloaded zip file?
Usually the xsd schemas come in one of the packaged within the jar files, for example within org.springframework.beans.factory.xml there are the spring-beans-X.X.xsd files, try to search the entire zip looking for the files that ends with .xsd.
Sometimes the xsd files are contained within the config packages for example.
I should recomment to use STS it can be create the namespace configuration on behalf you, just clicking in the namespace tab and add what you required.
Or you can download from here, but again I should recommend use maven to download dependencies.

is it possible to create maven profile based on property file in classpath

I am new to maven profiles and am trying to create some different profiles in my pom file for my spring mvc webapp.
I have a property file in my classpath named It lives in ...
Project Root>src>main>resources
And the content looks like this....
Is it possible to create my maven profile based on this file?
i.e. if is uncommitted so then the active profile is server?
is it acceptable to work the other way around?
as in, you set the properties in the pom.xml then generate the configuration file using this maven plugin
I don't think it will work by loading the file around because the plugin would load the properties after the project profile is set
