Makefile with rules compiling with different flags - makefile

I'm currently trying to write a Makefile that allows for compilation using debug symbols and without depending on the rule used, while only using a single variable. The "regular" compilation should not have debug symbols, but the "debug" one should. This is what I have currently, but this makes it always use debug symbols (I think the eval statement is evaluated when reading the makefile maybe?)
I also have to keep this number of variables, and prevent make from running itself (for example simply running make inside of debug using an override).
Is there a way to edit a variable inside of a rule that only applies to that specific rule?
# variable declaration
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror
CC ?= gcc
SRC = file1.c file2.c main.c file3.c
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
EXEC = programm
# Main compiler rule, compiles all obj into final executable.
$(EXEC): $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $# $(OBJ)
# Runs the regular compiling method with additional debug information (flag "-g")
debug : $(eval CFLAGS += -g) $(EXEC);
# Compiles different files into their .o counterparts
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
# removes building .o files
find . -name '*.o' -delete
# runs clean and remove programm
fclean: clean
rm -rf $(EXEC)
# runs fclean and rebuilds programm
re : fclean $(EXEC)
# runs fclean and rebuilds programm with debug information
redebug : fclean debug


Is there a way to configure makefile to link extra objects on debug mode?

I'm trying to write a makefile which supports release mode and debug mode, while in debug mode, I want to link an extra object debug.o to override functions for debugging.
For example:
INCPATH = include
TARGET = foo
OBJ = foo.o bar.o
# release mode
all: build run clear
# debug mode
debug: CFLAGS += -g -DDEBUG
debug: OBJ += debug.o
debug: build gdb-run clear
# link objects
build: $(OBJ)
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJ)
# compile source code
%.o: %.c $(INCPATH)/*.h
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $# $<
# default run mode
# debug run mode
gdb --args $(TARGET)
rm -f $(OBJ) $(TARGET)
I expected it expand $(OBJ) to foo.o bar.o debug.o when I call make debug, but instead it only expands to foo.o bar.o, because targets are expanded immediately when parsed.
I've tried using .SECONDEXPANSION:, but couldn't work it out.
And I've also tried $(eval OBJ += debug.o), but that resulted in expanding $(OBJ) to foo.o bar.o debug.o even while running make all.
Is this possible, or should I just work around?
edit: fixed a typo, thanks to #matt
I use the GNU make "conditional" mechanism with a make variable named MODE for this. In your case, what about
OBJ = foo.o bar.o
ifeq ($(MODE),DEBUG)
OBJ += debug.o
Then build with either
make # a MODE=RELEASE build by default
I expected it expand $(OBJ) to foo.o bar.o debug.o
It does this inside the recipe, but not in the prerequisite list.
6.11 Target-specific Variable Values
As with automatic variables, these values are only available within the context of a target’s recipe (and in other target-specific assignments).
So you have to stick with conditionals to achieve your goal.
BTW. CFLAGS = -Wall -I(INCPATH) is a typo. %.o: %.c $(INCPATH)/*.h is plainly wrong - use $(wildcard ...) when really needed. Also change all occurences of build to $(TARGET), as it's really foo what you're building. Then revise your makefile - it's probably not a good idea to clean everything after every run.

Evolving a Makefile From Flat Directory Structure to Sub-Directory Structure

Research Done: I'm finding learning how to evolve Makefiles from one situation to another is difficult. There are a ton of questions and answers out there but few of them actually show how a Makefile can evolve as your project changes. They also all seem to use various different techniques and idioms of Makefiles so translating between one question and another can be tricky when you are learning Makefiles for the first time, as I am.
Problem: My problem is that I have a project that started at as a flat directory structure but then is migrating to a structure with sub-directories. What I can't do is get my Makefile to along for the ride.
First I'll show what I created that works and then I show how I want it to evolve and how that doesn't work.
Flat Directory Structure, Working Makefile
I have project directory that has all my C files and one header file plus my Makefile:
Here is my Makefile (which works just fine):
CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -c -Wall -std=c99
LDLIBS += -lm
# Targets
all: c8_dasm c8_asm c8_terp
c8_dasm: c8_dasm.o
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) c8_dasm.o -o $#
c8_asm: c8_asm.o
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) c8_asm.o -o $#
c8_terp: c8_terp.o
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) c8_terp.o -o $#
# Using implicit rules for updating an '.o' file from a correspondingly
# named '.c' file.
c8_dasm.o: chip8.h
c8_asm.o: chip8.h
c8_terp.o: chip8.h
.PHONY: clean
rm c8_dasm c8_asm c8_terp c8_dasm.o c8_asm.o c8_terp.o
I get all my .o files and my executables are created in the project directory.
Evolving The Project
But what I wanted to do is have my sources files (all .c and .h) in a src directory. I wanted to build into an obj directory and have the executables go in a bin directory. So my project would look like this:
Sub-Directory Structure, Makefile NOT Working
To accommodate the above, I changed my Makefile accordingly:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -c -Wall -std=c99
LDLIBS += -lm
SRC_DIR = src
OBJ_DIR = obj
BIN_DIR = bin
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
MKDIR_P ?= mkdir -p
# Targets
all: $(BIN_DIR)/c8_dasm $(BIN_DIR)/c8_asm $(BIN_DIR)/c8_terp
$(BIN_DIR)/c8_dasm: $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_dasm.o
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_dasm.o -o $#
$(BIN_DIR)/c8_asm: $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_asm.o
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_asm.o -o $#
$(BIN_DIR)/c8_terp: $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_terp.o
$(MKDIR_P) $(dir $#)
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_terp.o -o $#
$(OBJECTS): $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o : $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
$(MKDIR_P) $(dir $#)
$(CC) $< -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$#
# Using implicit rules for updating an '.o' file from a correspondingly
# named '.c' file.
$(OBJ_DIR)/c8_dasm.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
$(OBJ_DIR)/c8_asm.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
$(OBJ_DIR)/c8_terp.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
.PHONY: clean
rm -r $(BUILD_DIR)
Upon running this I get the following:
mkdir -p obj/obj/
gcc src/c8_dasm.c -o obj/c8_dasm.o
gcc -lm obj/c8_dasm.o -o bin/c8_dasm
ld: can't link with a main executable file 'obj/c8_dasm.o' for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [bin/c8_dasm] Error 1
I wanted to stop here and get some assistance because I fear I'm making this Makefile for complicated than it need be and I'm trying to avoid getting into bad habits.
I'm hoping to hear opinions about what I'm not conceptualizing correctly here.
I managed to take it bit by bit and get it mostly working. Here is what I ended up with:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -c -Wall -std=c99
LDLIBS += -lm
# Directories.
SRC_DIR = src
BIN_DIR = bin
$(shell mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR))
# Patterns for files.
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
EXECUTABLES := c8_dasm c8_asm c8_terp
# Targets
c8_dasm: $(SRC_DIR)/c8_dasm.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Disassembler Built"
c8_asm: $(SRC_DIR)/c8_asm.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Assembler Built"
c8_terp: $(SRC_DIR)/c8_terp.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Interpreter Built"
# Using implicit rules for updating an '.o' file from a correspondingly
# named '.c' file.
c8_dasm.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
c8_asm.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
c8_terp.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
.PHONY: clean
rm -r $(BIN_DIR)
Of course, as I'm finding with Make this leads to other obscure problems. For example doing this:
make clean
works fine. Meaning all files are generated and the files are cleaned, including the bin directory.
However, if I do this:
make c8_dasm
make clean
This builds fine. But the clean fails to delete the bin directory (although it does delete the object files). This happens regardless of what individual executable I try to build.
No amount of searching is helping me find out why that is.
I found that problem was solved as well. It just required using the "-f" for the rm statements in the clean target.
To get the object file directory part working, I tried (from this: path include and src directory makefile) to construct my Makefile as follows:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -c -Wall -std=c99
LDLIBS += -lm
SRC_DIR = src
OBJ_DIR = obj
BIN_DIR = bin
$(shell mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR))
$(shell mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR))
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
EXECUTABLES := c8_dasm c8_asm c8_terp
c8_dasm: $(SRC_DIR)/c8_dasm.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Disassembler Built"
c8_asm: $(SRC_DIR)/c8_asm.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Assembler Built"
c8_terp: $(SRC_DIR)/c8_terp.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Interpreter Built"
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BIN_DIR)
rm -f $(OBJECTS)
I was able to condense the original three lines using chip8.h into one target but I have no way to know if that's correct. It compiles at least. I also changed the OBJECTS line to reflect the new OBJ_DIR I created.
However, this doesn't put the object files in the right place. It still puts them in the src directory rather than the obj directory.
This is why it makes sense to not do anything complicated with Makefiles. Just put the actual directory names in your commands. Never rely on wildcards.
People using C and C++ and using Makefiles spend too much time trying to get those to work rather than just actually getting things done. That's why you see so many of the questions that you see and why the answers vary so much.
In your specific case, your targets don't always have to contain the directory and that's part of the problem. The rules getting generated don't have an actual target in your file because of the directories you are prepending to everything. You have to think in terms of what is getting generated by each target: meaning, the output. So if c8_dasm is getting output, that's your target. The directory has nothing to do with that. So you need to remove all of your directory substitutions where they aren't needed.
But before doing that, ask yourself this: if your first solution was working, why change it? It's better to not even do directories when you're using Make. Just have everything in the same directory as you started off with. You can even see that this allows your Makefile to be much cleaner.
I believe I may have figured this out. Below is my Makefile. It seems to do what I want. It does the following:
Compiles all object files into the obj directory.
Compiles and links so that executables are generated in the bin directory.
Recognizes if any .c files are changed and recompiles accordingly.
Recognizes if the .h file is changed and recompiles all C files that reference it.
This seems to satisfy all the criteria but I can't tell if I've painted myself into some corner that I can't see yet.
CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -c -Wall -std=c99
LDLIBS += -lm
SRC_DIR = src
OBJ_DIR = obj
BIN_DIR = bin
$(shell mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR))
$(shell mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR))
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
EXECUTABLES := c8_dasm c8_asm c8_terp
c8_dasm: $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_dasm.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Disassembler Built"
c8_asm: $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_asm.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Assembler Built"
c8_terp: $(OBJ_DIR)/c8_terp.o
$(CC) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $(BIN_DIR)/$#
#echo "C8 Interpreter Built"
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c $(SRC_DIR)/chip8.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BIN_DIR)
rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR)
Stackoverflow is whining about too many comments, so I'll make this another "answer." After our back-and-forth to my original comment, your last comment is correct. That's what I wanted you to see.
Understand that you can't use Make to do what you want to do exactly.
So here's really the answer: You can't create multiple executables AND with only some of the object files applying to each one AND while using a directory structure. Make is in no way capable of handling that.
Right now you're trying to use Make in a way that it wasn't intended for which is why you're running into so many problems. If you keep playing around you're going to run into is a series of errors that say "duplicate symbol" because you will be compiling each of your files multiple times for each executable, assuming you follow most of the advice you'll find.
Check out this How can I create a Makefile for C projects with SRC, OBJ, and BIN subdirectories? to see what I mean. That one works because all object files are being used to create a single executable. But as you've stated, that's not going to be the case for you. And that's what Make can't handle. That's why you're not finding an answer to that.
And while your chip8.h file is now not going to cause problems in terms of allowing you to compile, your Makefile with that third update would not recognize when the chip8.h file itself has changed. You would have to change a .c file to force a recompile so that changes to your .h were recognized. So you either have to stick with your second update or use something other than Make.

Confused on how to create a Makefile

I am trying to create a Makefile and I am a bit stuck.
So far I have been compiling my 3 files (2 headers and one main program) as such:
gcc -c phypages.c -o phypages.o
gcc -c pagetable.c -o pagetable.o
gcc -c analysis.c -o analysis.o
gcc analysis.o phypages.o pagetable.o -o analysis
I would like to make a Makefile to help me out with this. When I compile and link the files without a Makefile everything works fine, however when I try to make a Makefile I get a bunch of errors. Could you give me some tips on how to go about making a basic Makefile?
This is a good start:
# Binary name
NAME = analysis
# Compiler settings
CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra
CFLAGS += -Werror
# Source files
SRCS = phypages.c \
pagetable.c \
# Object files
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
RM = rm -f
# Default rule, it should call all your rules that create
# an executable, or build a library...
# Here, it calls only the $(NAME) rule, that builds `analysis`
all: $(NAME)
# Rule to build your object files and link them into a binary
$(NAME): $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $(NAME) $(OBJS)
# Rule to remove object files
$(RM) $(OBJS)
# Rule to remove binary, calls the 'clean' rule first
fclean: clean
$(RM) $(NAME)
# Rule to remove object files and binary, then re-build everything
re: fclean all
# Rules that are not linked with a filename should be listed here
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
You can then run make analysis or simply make to build your program.
Next time you change a file, run make again and only the file you changed will be re-compiled, instead of the whole project.

Makefile not executing to the end

I have the following makefile but it just executes the 1st command where it builds me the .o files and not the .so files. What am I doing wrong?
SHELL = /bin/sh
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
LDFLAGS = -shared
SOURCES = $(shell echo ./*.c)
HEADERS = $(shell echo ./*.h)
LIBS = liblua523.a
PREFIX = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
Unless you specify a different target on the command line, make always builds the first real target found in the makefile. In this case, the first real target is the first object file, so that's all that's built.
This is why you typically see makefiles with a first target of all or similar, which just depends on the various other targets you want built during a standard invocation of "make" with no arguments.
However, your makefile is really not right, in a number of ways. The fact that it's running it all means you actually only have one source file. As soon as you have >1 it will fail.
SOURCES = $(shell echo ./*.c)
is not very efficient; you should use wildcard here:
SOURCES = $(wildcard ./*.c)
This rule:
Tells make, "for every object file, if any source file or any header file has changed, recompile it". Basically, it means that if you change ANYTHING in the directory, EVERYTHING will rebuild. If you want that you might as well write a shell script and not bother with make at all.
Further, the compiler will fail when you have >1 source file, as it will try to run:
gcc -g -Wall -c foo.c bar.c -o foo.o bar.o
which is not right.
You don't need to define this rule at all; make has a built-in rule which knows how to build an object file from a source file. Just replace it with this:
(no recipe) so make knows that the objects depend on the headers as well as the source. Note this is not ideal since all objects rebuild if any header changes but it's fine for a simple program.

Makefile runs over C file twice

I have two files: assign1.c and ports.h.
FYI: I am using avr-gcc.
I built the following makefile, which I also use for another project (and other TARGET) where it works fine.
TARGET = assign2
CFLAGS =-mmcu=atmega32 -Wall
CC = avr-gcc
OBJ= $(SRC:.c=.o)
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
FORMAT = ihex
MSG_COMPILING = Compiling:
MSG_LINKING = Linking:
MSG_FLASH = Creating load file for flash:
all:elf hex
elf: $(TARGET).elf
hex: $(TARGET).hex
%.hex: %.elf
#echo $(MSG_FLASH) $#
$(OBJCOPY) -O $(FORMAT) -R .eeprom $< $#
$(RM) *.elf $(TARGET)
%.elf: $(OBJ) $(LIB)
#echo $(MSG_LINKING) $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#
%.o: $(SRC) $(INCLUDE)
#echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
.PHONY : clean
$(RM) *.o *.hex *.elf $(TARGET)
The terminal prints the following output.
Compiling: assign2.c
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega32 -Wall -c assign2.c
In file included from assign2.c:8:
c:/winavr-20100110/lib/gcc/../../avr/include/util/delay.h:90:3: warning: #warnin
g "Compiler optimizations disabled; functions from <util/delay.h> won't work as
Linking: assign2.elf
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega32 -Wall assign2.o -o assign2.elf
Compiling: assign2.c
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega32 -Wall -c assign2.c
In file included from assign.c:8:
c:/winavr-20100110/lib/gcc/../../avr/include/util/delay.h:90:3: warning: #warnin
g "Compiler optimizations disabled; functions from <util/delay.h> won't work as
avr-gcc elf.o assign2.elf -o elf
avr-gcc: elf.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [elf] Error 1
rm assign2.o
For some reason it seems to compile the first file, a second time and doing so crashes.
Can anyone correct me on my errors?
The problem is your pattern rules. You are writing pattern rules like this (after make expands the variables):
%.o: assign2.c ports.h
What this rule tells make is that ANY target it wants to build that matches the %.o pattern, can be built by compiling assign2.c. That's obviously not true: this rule build exactly one target: assign2.o.
So make reads your makefile and wants to build a file named elf. It sees that elf depends on $(TARGET).elf, so it builds that (that's the first compile and link, that works). Then make wants to build elf itself. You haven't declared it to be .PHONY, so make assumes it might be a real target.
Make looks through its built-in rules to find one that will let it build elf, and it finds a built-in rule: % : %.o which it can use to compile a program from a .o file with the same prefix. So now for target elf make wants to try to build a file elf.o. Oho! It sees there's a pattern rule that lets it build any .o file based on the assign2.c source file, so it runs that rule (that's the second compile) expecting it to build elf.o... which it doesn't, obviously.
Then make runs the built-in link recipe, using elf.o which doesn't exist, and fails.
The solution to your problem is two things:
First, you should always declare all your makefile targets that you don't actually want to build as .PHONY so make won't try to build them:
.PHONY: all elf hex
Second, you should never use pattern rules where the prerequisite is not also a pattern (this can be useful in certain very specific situations, but not in general). You should either change those pattern rules to explicit rules:
assign2.elf: $(OBJ) $(LIB)
Or make them into full pattern rules by using the pattern in the prerequisites list as well:
%.elf : %.obj $(LIB)
%.o: %.c $(INCLUDE)
