magento2 i have errror in customize theme - magento

app/design/vendor/theme_name/Magento_Catalog/web/css/source/_module.less in file i have some changes in less file then compilation some error like some variable not define and i try replace file _module.less in to _extend.less file then no error in compilation
i try to add _moduele.less file then
Compilation from source: /var/www/html/magento2demo/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank/web/css/styles-m.less
variable #product-name-link__color is undefined in file /var/www/html/magento2demo/var/view_preprocessed/pub/static/frontend/Cogent/Cogent_Theme/en_US/css/source/_extends.less in _extends.less on line 294, column 31
292| > a {
293| .lib-link(
294| #_link-color: #product-name-link__color,
295| #_link-text-decoration: #product-name-link__text-decoration
enter image description here
i try _extend.less then work fineenter image description here
what is diifrence between _extend.less and _module.less and when i use ??/

Diffrenec between _extend.less and _module.less files
we use _extend.less file when you want to use parent CSS and want add more CSS
_module.less file is used to when we want to completely newly theme at that case we cannot use previous declare variable. we need to declare that variable again into theme variable file.
You can check more guide into following link
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Sphinx RtD: change the output folder name

I would like to change the Sphinx / Read-the-Docs make html output folder name to 'docs' rather than 'html'. Is there a way to do this? I've been going over the documentation and the only thing that looks close to what might do it is:
html_baseurl = 'docs'
but it does nothing: the output folder name defaults to 'html'.
You can run the sphinx-build command by hand, you do not need to use the supplied Makefile.
sphinx-build -M html "docs/source" "whatever/docs"

How to use environment variable(string) in a .conf file

I have a .conf file that has a label and variable that I'm trying to move to a .env file. How can I accomplish this?
This is what I have in my .conf file
[[inputs.snmp]] #Label
agents = ["","",""] #Variable
version = 2 #Variable
I'm trying to have something like this in the .env file
VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE='[[inputs.snmp]]\n agents= ["","",""]\n version=2'
I was hoping I could use $VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE in my .conf file instead of [[inputs.snmp]]agents = ["","",""]
but I keep getting this error Error parsing data: line 7: invalid TOML syntax for $VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE (Im not sure if I'm getting this error because I have the syntax wrong in my .env file or I'm declaring $VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE incorrectly in my .conf file)
Am I doing it correctly (or is it even possible to do what I'm trying to accomplish)?
(Note: I'm trying to accomplish this so I can simply use $VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE instead of hard coding things in the .conf file)
I'm trying to use VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE in the .conf file
If the .conf file parsing program doesn't support variable substitution, there's no way around modifying the .conf file, but this can be automated:
sed -i "s/\<VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE\>/$VAR_FOR_CONF_FILE/" my.conf

How to ensure that image files from Sphinx Documentation are copied "Automatically" in LaTeX pdf

In my Sphinx documentation project, I am using images like this:
.. image:: /_static/carousel_filling.png
:width: 300px
:height: 450px
:scale: 100 %
:alt: Image here
:align: right
In the Sphinx HTML docs generated, the images are perfectly displayed in the html pages. However, when I generate pdf documents using make latexpdf, I am coming up with the following error:
'LaTeX Warning: File `{carousel_filling}.png' not found on input line ...'
I tried to find documentation related to outputting images however I came up only with this:
Excertps from:
latex_additional_files A list of file names, relative to the
configuration directory, to copy to the build directory when building
LaTeX output. This is useful to copy files that Sphinx doesn’t copy
automatically, e.g. if they are referenced in custom LaTeX added in
latex_elements. Image files that are referenced in source files (e.g.
via .. image::) are copied automatically.
So as per this, the image files should get automatically added to the output pdf file. But this is not happening. In the pdf file where the image should be there only a blank rectangle can be seen.
Interestingly, I can see that the image file has been copied to the folder _build/latex, so it means that pdflatex is able to access the image file!!
How do I correctly output the images included in my Sphinx documentation in generated pdf file?
Edit 1:
In the terminal I can see the following warning:
LaTeX Warning: File `{carousel_filling}.png' not found on input line 931.
! Package pdftex.def Error: File `"""{carousel_filling}".png' not found: using dra
ft setting.
See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.931 ...t=450\sphinxpxdimen]{{carousel_filling}.png}
Edit 2:
In place of the image (where the rectangle outline has been output in pdf file) I can see this:
Don't place your images under _static. It is a special-purpose folder, not for images. E.g. create img/ at the level of your rst files, move image there, and .. image:: img/my-image.png.

Laravel - How to declare a file path constent in .env file?

In one of my Laravel based application, I want to include a JSON key file that is currently located in public/key/store.json
Now I want to write a constant in Laravel .env file so that I can access that file anytime I want. So, I write the following line of code:
But it show file path does not exist.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong in my declaration?
you should push your path in your app/config.php not in your .env

PhpStorm File Watcher change output

I'm trying to output the compiled CSS to a different directory.
/project/scss/ to /project/css/
I've tried this, but get the error below:
Error: error No such file or directory - /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/project/public/css/style.scss
What are the Arguments and Output paths to refresh exactly for?
I got it working now with the following settings:
The only difference now is the Output paths to refresh field. It's the default now.
$FileParentDir$ contains the path of the parent SCSS file. So in our case it will be /project/scss. In order to make it work like you need, it is necessary to use $ProjectFileDir$ variable or (if you insist to use $FileParentDir$) $FileParentDir$/../ so it would go to an upper level directory.
If you will open any file in Editor and then go to Preferences | Tools | File Watchers > edit your file watcher settings > press Insert Macro button, you will see the list of all the variables with previews for currently opened file so you can see the values and build the arguments accordingly.
Note that Output paths to refresh also should be modified according to the Arguments path.
