Error connecting Zoho books API with - zohobooks

I am facing authentication error while connecting Zoho books API with
Here is my setup:
Error message:
Will appreciate any help.

You might want to check out this guide from a user that was able to integrate Zoho and
Also, looking at the your configuration you should at least include: aaaserver.profile.READ in the "Scope" field.
I hope this is helpful!


Zoho API: working example of authentication?

I spent about 3-4 hours trying to implement the examples at Zoho API's doc but keep getting different errors just to authenticate, e.g. "invalid_response_type" and their documentation is too vague.
Is there a working example of it?
I tried their NODEJS sdk but it's not straightforward either.
My end goal is to have my app inserting leads on Zoho

How to fetch Frequently Contacts via Google Contact API in Ruby on Rails

I am developing a project where i have to fetch all contacts with Google Contact API. I fetch some contact but i could not fetch Frequently Contacts.
so please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
First of all, I would suggest not using the "Contacts" API.
But I also did find this feature request from 2018 with the latest request being May of 2021

Error fetching Trustpilot reviews using api

I intend to fetch the reviews using the trustilot api as documented in the api link below:
However, I have been getting the following error.
{"message":"Access to resource is forbidden","errorCode":1014,"correlationId":"4e77ga75-5fb7-62ab-a71b-0d01acd5cf29"}
I couldn't find much help in google.
What am I missing?
this API endpoint is only available to the paid customers and you have to have the appropriate API key for your account. In case you are a paying Trustpilot customer, pleas

RESTAPI that will get the list of mailing lists from MailChimp based on the API key in laravel 5.5

As a user i want to load the list of my mailing lists from MailChimp in my application using RESTFUL API in laravel 5.5, and i am not finding any suitable answer if anyone have suitable link or any idea please let me know.
Your help will be appreciated !
Complete API documentation is given here
You want to authenticate MailChimp first.
All the request formats are given at the API doc. Please go through the link.

MVC Confirmation email using gmail

I've tried a few tutorials with no luck. I;m trying to provide email confirmation to my project. It's for a small project so I don't want to use SendGrid.
Could someone please help me out here
I found by using gmail smtp service worked for me. I used the following article which worked for me Email confirmation in ASP.NET mvc5 without sendgrid
Hope this helps
