how to cut specific word from a string in BASH [closed] - bash

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I have a string in shell script:
string1="0101122100635014,TEST123 22 SEP 06 PQR BC,14,25,0.05,,0915-1530|1815-1915:17,2022-09-30,1665066600,ABC:TEST123629500AB,10,11,90014,TEST123,26009,29500.0,BC"
I want to extract ABC:TEST123629500AB in shell scripting.
echo $string1 | magical command
output: ABC:TEST123629500AB

echo "$string1" | cut -d',' -f10
cut will give you part of string.
-d define the separator.
-f Specifies the column you want based on the separator


How to select the sentence with grep or awk? [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Domain name:
Data validation:
Nominet was able to match the registrant's name and address against a 3rd party data source on 30-Nov-2022
Namecheap, Inc. [Tag = NAMECHEAP-INC]
what I want
Domain name:
from above this I want only >
With perl:
$ perl -0nE 'say $1 if /Domain name.*?URL:\s+(\S+)/s' file
With awk:
$ awk '/^Domain name/{p=1;next} /^$/{exit} p{gsub(/ /, "");print}' file
With grep:
grep -A1 '^Domain name' file | tail -n1 | tr -d ' '

Cut all till the end [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have an out put in the below pattern
I used below command to strip the domains within the double quotes
cut -d"\"" -f2 file.txt
I got only the first domain , which was
What I need is all domains till the end of the file , how can I achieve this ?
You input is json. For parsing json there is jq:
jq -r '.[]' filename
Or if the input comes from stdout, like this:
echo '["",...]' | jq -r '.[]'

bash shell execution [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am using
sed -s n v
Nothing works for me
The -i flag is only in GNU Sed.
cat file | tr ']' '[' > temp
mv temp file
The above should work for you.

How to get the count of same rows from two tab deliminated file with awk? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have two tab deliminated files
100 ABC
300 CDE
399 GSA
300 CDE
I want awk command to return 1 because row '300 CDE' is common in both file.
I almost hate to encourage laziness by answering a question with so little effort put into it, but did you try grep?
$: grep -c -f
If lines are unique per file you can use grep
grep -f | wc -l

Replace and remove characters in string, and add output as new column [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have an output from a program that I would like to process and If I pipe it to a file I get:
And I want to process it so it looks like this:
file/path file.path
file2/path/more/path/path file.path.more.path.path
file3/path file.path
I have figured out how to make it with separate commands but would like a one liner.
$ awk -F# '{s=$1; gsub("/", ".", s); print $1, s}' file | column -t
file/path file.path
file2/path/more/path/path file2.path.more.path.path
file3/path file3.path
using sed
sed 's/\([^#]*\)#.*/\1 \1/g' file|column -t
