Size of metricbeat metricsets/fields? - elasticsearch

I've been tasked with reducing the footprint on disk of our Metricbeats. We have a number of modules active, each with a set of metricsets, which each in turn have all the defaults uploading.
We're using an enormous amount of storage. I would like to write up what fields we can get away with dropping entirely, and also include an estimate for what % this will reduce our storage usage.
Is there anywhere where storage requirements/ranges are given for metricbeat metricsets, or even whole modules? Maybe on a per-document basis? I'm hoping there's some approximations available, but I've come up empty handed so far.


What is a viable strategy to reach a particular cache hit ratio?

Our team is working on building a cache layer for a key-val lookup service, which have general guideline to use 2 level cache: in-host and distributed layer. There is a requirement of 70% cache hit ratio, so only 30% of traffic is expected to fall into the downstream NoSQL. At the begining, we can figure out some factors that influence to the hit ratio:
Cache size
The query pattern: e.g. 15% of the keys are usually queried than other.
... other?
We also have some initial ideas on achieve it, like do some prefetching data to cache, e.g 70% data. But at the end of the day I realize that it's more complicated than we think and we need a stronger rationale.
Do we have any resource/research or paper related to the issue? Or what is the proper approach to do some test or spike it?
There are 3 main factors that influence your hit ratio:
Access pattern
Caching strategy
Working set size to cache size relation
The access pattern is generally out of your control because it depends on how users access your service. You do have control over the caching strategy but it is generally not straight forward how to change it to improve your hit ratio. The working set is generally not in your control because it depends on the access pattern but you do have control over your cache size.
I would approach your situation as follows:
Make sure the working set fits into your cache (easy to do)
Improve the cache strategy (more complex and time consuming)
To find out your working set size and make sure it fits in the cache you can start with a small cache and gradually (every couple of days for example) increase the cache size and see how much the hit ratio increases. The hit rate increase will become smaller and smaller the bigger the cache gets and once you hit the point of diminishing returns you know your working set size. The hit rate you get at this point is the maximum you will get for your caching strategy.
If your working set fits into your cache and you hit your 70% requirement, you are done. If not, you will need to tweak your caching strategy. This is basically requires clever engineering. Simulation like Ben Manes suggests is definitely a very useful tool for such clever engineering.

Cassandra client code with high read throughput with row_cache optimization

Can someone point me to cassandra client code that can achieve a read throughput of at least hundreds of thousands of reads/s if I keep reading the same record (or even a small number of records) over and over? I believe row_cache_size_in_mb is supposed to cache frequently used records in memory, but setting it to say 10MB seems to make no difference.
I tried cassandra-stress of course, but the highest read throughput it achieves with 1KB records (-col size=UNIFORM\(1000..1000\)) is ~15K/s.
With low numbers like above, I can easily write an in-memory hashmap based cache that will give me at least a million reads per second for a small working set size. How do I make cassandra do this automatically for me? Or is it not supposed to achieve performance close to an in-memory map even for a tiny working set size?
Can someone point me to cassandra client code that can achieve a read throughput of at least hundreds of thousands of reads/s if I keep reading the same record (or even a small number of records) over and over?
There are some solution for this scenario
One idea is to use row cache but be careful, any update/delete to a single column will invalidate the whole partition from the cache so you loose all the benefit. Row cache best usage is for small dataset and are frequently read but almost never modified.
Are you sure that your cassandra-stress scenario never update or write to the same partition over and over again ?
Here are my findings: when I enable row_cache, counter_cache, and key_cache all to sizable values, I am able to verify using "top" that cassandra does no disk I/O at all; all three seem necessary to ensure no disk activity. Yet, despite zero disk I/O, the throughput is <20K/s even for reading a single record over and over. This likely confirms (as also alluded to in my comment) that cassandra incurs the cost of serialization and deserialization even if its operations are completely in-memory, i.e., it is not designed to compete with native hashmap performance. So, if you want get native hashmap speeds for a small-working-set workload but expand to disk if the map grows big, you would need to write your own cache on top of cassandra (or any of the other key-value stores like mongo, redis, etc. for that matter).
For those interested, I also verified that redis is the fastest among cassandra, mongo, and redis for a simple get/put small-working-set workload, but even redis gets at best ~35K/s read throughput (largely independent, by design, of the request size), which hardly comes anywhere close to native hashmap performance that simply returns pointers and can do so comfortably at over 2 million/s.

Understanding elasticsearch jvm heap usage

I am trying reduce my memory usage in my elasticsearch deployment (Single node cluster).
I can see 3GB JVM heap space being used.
To optimize I first need to understand the bottleneck.
I have limited understanding of how is JVM usage is split.
Field data looks to consume 1.5GB and filter cache & query cache combined consume less than 0.5GB, that adds upto 2GB at the max.
Can someone help me understand where does elasticsearch eats up rest of 1GB?
I can't tell for your exact setup, but in order to know what's going on in your heap, you can use the jvisualvm tool (bundled with the jdk) together with marvel or the bigdesk plugin (my preference) and the _cat APIs to analyze what's going on.
As you've rightly noticed, the heap hosts three main caches, namely:
the fielddata cache: unbounded by default, but can be controlled with indices.fielddata.cache.size (in your case it seems to be around 50% of the heap, probably due to the fielddata circuit breaker)
the node query/filter cache: 10% of the heap
the shard request cache: 1% of the heap but disabled by default
There is nice mindmap available here (Kudos to Igor KupczyƄski) that summarizes the roles of caches. That leaves more or less ~30% of the heap (1GB in your case) for all other object instances that ES needs to create in order to function properly (see more about this later).
Here is how I proceeded on my local env. First, I started my node fresh (with Xmx1g) and waited for green status. Then I started jvisualvm and hooked it onto my elasticsearch process. I took a heap dump from the Sampler tab so I can compare it later on with another dump. My heap looks like this initially (only 1/3 of max heap allocated so far):
I also checked that my field data and filter caches were empty:
Just to make sure, I also ran /_cat/fielddata and as you can see there's no heap used by field data yet since the node just started.
$ curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/fielddata?bytes=b&v'
id host ip node total
TMVa3S2oTUWOElsBrgFhuw iMac.local Tumbler 0
This is the initial situation. Now, we need to warm this all up a bit, so I started my back- and front-end apps to put some pressure on the local ES node.
After a while, my heap looks like this, so its size has more or less increased by 300 MB (139MB -> 452MB, not much but I ran this experiment on a small dataset)
My caches have also grown a bit to a few megabytes:
$ curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/fielddata?bytes=b&v'
id host ip node total
TMVa3S2oTUWOElsBrgFhuw iMac.local Tumbler 9066424
At this point I took another heap dump to gain insights into how the heap had evolved, I computed the retained size of the objects and I compared it with the first dump I took just after starting the node. The comparison looks like this:
Among the objects that increased in retained size, he usual suspects are maps, of course, and any cache-related entities. But we can also find the following classes:
NIOFSDirectory that are used to read Lucene segment files on the filesystem
A lot of interned strings in the form of char arrays or byte arrays
Doc values related classes
Bit sets
As you can see, the heap hosts the three main caches, but it is also the place where reside all other Java objects that the Elasticsearch process needs and that are not necessarily cache-related.
So if you want to control your heap usage, you obviously have no control over the internal objects that ES needs to function properly, but you can definitely influence the sizing of your caches. If you follow the links in the first bullet list, you'll get a precise idea of what settings you can tune.
Also tuning caches might not be the only option, maybe you need to rewrite some of your queries to be more memory-friendly or change your analyzers or some fields types in your mapping, etc. Hard to tell in your case, without more information, but this should give you some leads.
Go ahead and launch jvisualvm the same way I did here and learn how your heap is growing while your app (searching+indexing) is hitting ES and you should quickly gain some insights into what's going on in there.
Marvel only plots some instances on the heap which needs to be monitored like Caches in this case.
The caches represent only a portion of the total heap usage. There are a lot many other instances which will occupy the heap memory and those may not have a direct plotting on this marvel interface.
Hence, Not all heap occupied in ES is only by the cache.
In order to clearly understand the exact usage of heap by different instances, you should take heap dump of the process and then analyze it using a Memory Analyzer tool which can provide you with the exact picture.

Strategy for "user data" in couchbase

I know that a big part of the performance from Couchbase comes from serving in-memory documents and for many of my data types that seems like an entirely reasonable aspiration but considering how user-data scales and is used I'm wondering if it's reasonable to plan for only a small percentage of the user documents to be in memory all of the time. I'm thinking maybe only 10-15% at any given time. Is this a reasonable assumption considering:
At any given time period there will be a only a fractional number of users will be using the system.
In this case, users only access there own data (or predominantly so)
Recently entered data is exponentially more likely to be viewed than historical user documents
Some additional context:
Let's assume there's a user base of a 1 million customers, that 20% rarely if ever access the site, 40% access it once a week, and 40% access it every day.
At any given moment, only 5-10% of the user population would be logged in
When a user logs in they are like to re-query for certain documents in a single session (although the client does do some object caching to minimise this)
For any user, the most recent records are very active, the very old records very inactive
In summary, I would say of a majority of user-triggered transactional documents are queried quite infrequently but there are a core set -- records produced in the last 24-48 hours and relevant to the currently "logged in" group -- that would have significant benefits to being in-memory.
Two sub-questions are:
Is there a way to indicate a timestamp on a per-document basis to indicate it's need to be kept in memory?
How does couchbase overcome the growing list of document id's in-memory. It is my understanding that all ID's must always be in memory? isn't this too memory intensive for some apps?
First,one of the major benefits to CB is the fact that it is spread across multiple nodes. This also means your queries are spread across multiple nodes and you have a performance gain as a result (I know several other similar nosql spread across nodes - so maybe not relevant for your comparison?).
Next, I believe this question is a little bit too broad as I believe the answer will really depend on your usage. Does a given user only query his data one time, at random? If so, then according to you there will only be an in-memory benefit 10-15% of the time. If instead, once a user is on the site, they might query their data multiple times, there is a definite performance benefit.
Regardless, Couchbase has pretty fast disk-access performance, particularly on SSDs, so it probably doesn't make much difference either way, but again without specifics there is no way to be sure. If it's a relatively small document size, and if it involves a user waiting for one of them to load, then the user certainly will not notice a difference whether the document is loaded from RAM or disk.
Here is an interesting article on benchmarks for CB against similar nosql platforms.
After reading your additional context, I think your scenario lines up pretty much exactly how Couchbase was designed to operate. From an eviction standpoint, CB keeps the newest and most-frequently accessed items in RAM. As RAM fills up with new and/or old items, oldest and least-frequently accessed are "evicted" to disk. This link from the Couchbase Manual explains more about how this works.
I think you are on the right track with Couchbase - in any regard, it's flexibility with scaling will easily allow you to tune the database to your application. I really don't think you can go wrong here.
Regarding your two questions:
Not in Couchbase 2.2
You should use relatively small document IDs. While it is true they are stored in RAM, if your document ids are small, your deployment is not "right-sized" if you are using a significant percentage of the available cluster RAM to store keys. This link talks about keys and gives details relevant to key size (e.g. 250-byte limit on size, metadata, etc.).
Basically what you are making a decision point on is sizing the Couchbase cluster for bucket RAM, and allowing a reduced residency ratio (% of document values in RAM), and using Cache Misses to pull from disk.
However, there are caveats in this scenario as well. You will basically also have relatively constant "cache eviction" where "not recently used" values are being removed from RAM cache as you pull cache missed documents from disk into RAM. This is because you will always be floating at the high water mark for the Bucket RAM quota. If you also simultaneously have a high write velocity (new/updated data) they will also need to be persisted. These two processes can compete for Disk I/O if the write velocity exceeds your capacity to evict/retrieve, and your SDK client will receive a Temporary OOM error if you actually cannot evict fast enough to open up RAM for new writes. As you scale horizontally, this becomes less likely as you have more Disk I/O capacity spread across more machines all simultaneously doing this process.
If when you say "queried" you mean querying indexes (i.e. Views), this is a separate data structure on disk that you would be querying and of course getting results back is not subject to eviction/NRU, but if you follow the View Query with a multi-get the above still applies. (Don't emit entire documents into your Index!)

Which server parameters to tweak in Solr if I expect heavy writes and light reads?

I am facing scalability issues designing a new Solr cluster and I need to master to be able to handle a relatively high rate of updates with almost no reads - they can be done via slaves.
My existing Solr instance is occupying a huge amount of RAM, in fact it started swapping at only 4.5mil docs. I am interested in making the footprint as little as possible in RAM, even if it affects search performance.
So, which Solr config values can I tweak in order to accomplish this?
Thank you.
It's hard to say without knowing the specifics of your enviroment (like the schema, custom indexers, queryfunctions etc...) and whats a huge amount of ram? but you could start by
setting filterCache, queryResultCache and documentCache to 0 in solrconfig.xml. This will severely impact the performance of queries executed in SOLR.
set compression to true TextField and StrField types that you store. Then set compressThreshold to a low integer value. This will decrease the size of the documents at the cost of increased CPU usage. (see for more details
turn off all autowarming queries and don't do any read queries
make sure you commit often enough
obviously these are all things to do on the master not on the slaves.
