How to download an https live stream m3u8 file on mac? - ffmpeg

How do I download an m3u8 file from live streaming source on a mac. I do not want to lose any frame or bitrate or compromise on quality at all. I want audio and video to be in perfect sync like they are on the browser and want to save file as mkv or mpv extension. I browsed the internet and found out about ffmpeg but I do not know the exact way to do that without compromising on quality
Would really love any help here


Convert exe video to avi

Yes,I know there is no exe video,but there is screen recording software that save the videos as SWF or EXE for better compression ratio (as they say )
for swf it won't be a problem since there is a lot of swf readers out there,
But for exe it can be problem for a lot of reasons
like i can't read it on other platforms except for windows
can't upload it online
can't edit it
and also i don't trust executable files
So how can i convert those executables videos to AVI (or any other format ) without having to execute the file on my machine
In either case, the trouble you're having is that you are not working with an actual video. You are working with an executable file that is playing a series of images. It's not the same thing as an actual video stream that uses CODECs that can be converted.
So, there is really no way to convert that, short of doing some sort of screen capture of the video playing back.

playing mp3 files in firefox

Can anyone suggest me webplayer which can play MP3 files in Firefox browser?
I tried jPlayer, however it needs ogg files. I tried converting MP3 to OGA using FFMPEG, however, even the generated file is not being played in JPlayer.
Is there any alternate player which can play MP3 files in Firefox.
I don't want to use Flash.
..alternate player which can play MP3 files in Firefox.
Combine these 3 for an answer.
Java Sound for the ability to play audio.
The MP3 plug-in SPI of JMF, to supply support for MP3, which Java Sound does not support by default.
Applet - to embed that ability in a web page.
I am pretty sure there are easy ways to embed sound in web pages that does not require Java, or requires plug-ins that have higher usage (like Flash). If there is not something custom you wish to do, I recommend investigating alternatives.

Looking for a flash recorder like Nimbb or WebFLVRecorder that supports caching

I'm currently using WebFLVrecorder, but in low bandwidth situations the quality of the video is pretty low because so many frames are lost. Is there a solution out there (perhaps even non-flash) that allows for caching onto the hard drive for subsequent non-real-time transmission?
Check out . It is a commercial video recording solution developed in Flash. It can record to both .flv and .mp4 files and when used with Wowza and the Wowza Transcoder it can record MP4 files with AAC audio and H.264 video.

How can I playback an audio stream from a Icecast on WP7

How can I playback an audio stream from a Icecast on WP7
I have tried SMF, SmoothStreaming Client and the MediaElement.
None of these have worked. The formats are either asx or and wma.
Recently I found a new stream. this stream works when I'm in the designer. But it does not work on the device. On the device the stream is opened and closed immediately.
this stream is from an IceCast server in MP3 format. with a ?.mp3 extention. or without.
When you are streaming live radio, the stream may be encoded by an IceCast server or ShoutCast server. To read these streams, you will need to decode the stream in memomry and pass it to the MediaElement once it has been decoded.
have a look at Mp3MediaStreamSource
and Audio output from Silverlight
I lost tons of time on this, and this is the best solution I found so far.
Having had a quick look at the Icecast web site (I'm not familiar with their service) it seems that most of what they offer for streamed audio is offered in MP3 format, but that they provide this as playlists in either M3U or XSPF format. You can't provide this to any of the built-in controls or classes in the WP7 framework, but you can parse the contents of the file and pass that to a MediaElement to play individual files.
The M3U file is a simple list of the consituent URLs, so is the simplest to deal with, but the XSPF format (which is an XML format) provides more information, such as the title. You can easily use the XDocument class to parse the XSPF file and then use LINQ to query the contents.
You're not adding the ?.mp3 to the pls file right, to the embedded URL? IF you are using the URL you get from the PLS/M3U file, you might need to append a file extension to it. You can often do this by adding ?ext=.mp3 or ?file.mp3 to the URL and it should play with MediaElement, as I read on the MS dev boards that people had been getting that to work with Shoutcast streams.
Does your stream work on the device when you unplug it from the computer? Media playing doesn't work while you're plugged into the Zune sync center.

software which can stream any flv file

I know this is not programming related, but I have a scenario.
Each video streaming site has a flash video plugin and upon viewing the source I can find the link of the flv file it is streaming. Now I wanted to make an application or work on an existing one, where I can copy and paste the url of the flv file and it streams it for me. Something like an application which can stream flash videos for me.
Take an opensource flv player and plug it into your website and put the url of the flv files you want to stream.
Should work in most cases, in cases it won't work, you have the source code, so change it to overcome any issues :).
On the client side you can use this flash application to render the flv (works on any flv file) . Needs a license for commercial use (quite cheap).
On the server side you have to build an application which will stream flv files - but i guess that, if you want to use existing online flv files, you don't need this part.
Use Adobe Flash or the Flex SDK.
