How to read GraphQL enum values in AppSync resolver template? - graphql

I have an enum in my schema in the following way:
type Item {
name: String!
enum ItemType {
input ValueSimple { simple: Int }
input ValueAdvanced { advanced: Int }
input InputItemSchedule {
type: ItemType!
valueSimple: ValueSimple
valueAdvanced: ValueAdvanced
mutation Mutation {
addItem(name: String!, schedule: [InputItemSchedule]!): Item
I am trying to do conditional checks in the AppSync resolver template (data source id DynamoDB) but I don't know how to get the value for the item type:
#set($schedule = {})
#foreach($item in $context.args.schedule)
#set($scheduleItem = { })
#if($item.type == "Simple")
#set($scheduleItem.value = $item.valueSimple)
#elseif($item.type == "Advanced")
#set($scheduleItem.value = $item.valueAdvanced)
## Set the type value to value for testing purposes
#set($scheduleItem.value = $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($item.type))
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($util.autoId()),
"attributeValues" : {
"name": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($,
"schedule": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($schedule)
When I make a request that triggers the resolver regardless of the enum value, I keep getting the following in DynamoDB:
"value": {
"S": "null"
How am I supposed to read the GraphQL enum value from the resolver template?


Customize AWS-Appsync subscription response data

In my case, I have an app that users can subscript to some in-app events.
I want to call a mutation from one of my microservices and send several user ids as a list to the mutation, and then all clients that subscript to that mutation receive '[1]'.
type Mutation {
setUsersAlarm(user_id: [Int]): UserIDList
type Subscription {
subscripesetUsersAlarm: UserIDList
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["setUsersAlarm"])
type UserIDList {
id_list: [Int]
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
Mutation Resolver
request template
"version": "2017-02-28",
response template
Subscription Resolver
request template
"version": "2017-02-28",
"payload": {
"hello": "local",
response template
"filterGroup": [
"filters" : [
"fieldName" : "id_list",
"operator" : "contains",
#* I can get the value from cognito or from
user input arguments*#
"value" : 10
#set ($myList = [1])
#set( $ctx.result.id_list =$myList)
subscription MySubscription {
subscripesetUsersAlarm {
mutation MyMutation {
setUserRefreshToken(user_id: [10, 12]) {
Output of mutation
"data": {
"setUsersAlarm": {
"id_list": [
Output of subscription
I want to receive the below result in subscription:
"data": {
"subscripesetUsersAlarm": {
"id_list": [1]
but I receive this:
"data": {
"subscripesetUsersAlarm": {
"id_list": [
I want to customize the subscription response depending on my clients

How to define operations map in POSTMAN for GraphQL file upload

This is what my schema looks like:
extend type Mutation {
my_id: ID!
my_data: input_data
): some_output
input input_data {
some_key: ID!
file : Upload!
This is how I am defining my operations in POSTMAN
"query": "mutation CreateMutation($my_id: ID! , $my_data: [input_data]) { createMutation(my_id: $my_id, my_data : $my_data) { some_key}}",
"variables": {
"my_id": "some-string-id",
"my_data": [
"some_key": 123,
"file" : null
under map I have : { "0" : ["variables.file"] }
I map 0: file_from_local.png
The server recieves file = null, what am I doing wrong? How can I replace this
Updating map to { "0" : ["variables.my_data.0.file"] } fixed it

GraphQL: A schema must have a query operation defined

My IDE (Phpstorm with JS GraphQL) is giving me the title error for my schema.
I'm new to GraphQL, what should the query be set to if the actual query operation only has a mutation at the root level?
Below is an actual query taken out of a (Shopify) tutorial for their GraphQL API. I'm copying my local schema definition below which attempted to accommodate its shape.
As you can see, The query is entirely nested in a mutation so I don't know what a query definition at the root level should even have.
// graphql.ts
import "isomorphic-fetch";
const buildPricingPlanQuery = (redirectUrl: string) => `mutation {
name : "Plan 1"
returnUrl : "${redirectUrl}"
test : true
lineItems : [
plan : {
appUsagePricingDetails : {
cappedAmount : {
amount : 10
, currencyCode : USD
terms : "Up to 50 products"
plan : {
appRecurringPricingDetails : {
price : {
amount : 10
, currencyCode : USD
terms : "some recurring terms"
userErrors {
appSubscription {
export const requestSubscriptionUrl = async (ctx: any, accessToken: string, shopDomain: string) => {
const requestUrl = `https://${shopDomain}/admin/api/2019-10/graphql.json`;
const response = await fetch(requestUrl, {
method : 'post'
, headers : {
'content-type' : "application/json"
, 'x-shopify-access-token' : accessToken
body : JSON.stringify({query: buildPricingPlanQuery(`https://${shopDomain}`)})
const responseBody = await response.json();
const confirmationUrl = responseBody
return confirmationUrl;
// pricingSchema.graphql
# ------------ Minor Types
enum CurrencyCode {
type cappedAmount {
amount: Int
currencyCode : CurrencyCode
type appUsagePricingDetails {
cappedAmount: cappedAmount
input PlanInput {
appUsagePricingDetails: cappedAmount
terms: String
type userErrors {
field: String
message: String
type appSubscription {
id: Int
# ------------ Major Type and Schema definition
type PricingPlan {
name: String!
returnUrl: String!
test: Boolean
lineItems: [PlanInput!]!
): String
userErrors: userErrors
confirmationUrl: String
appSubscription: appSubscription
schema {
mutation: PricingPlan
The error you see is referring to this stipulation of the GraphQL specification:
The query root operation type must be provided and must be an Object type.
There have been a couple proposals to remove this restriction, but as of the latest (June 2018) spec, a schema is considered invalid if there is no Query type. The spec also states that Object types (including Query) cannot be empty.
My advice: Just add a simple query type, such as
type Query {
ping: String #deprecated(reason: "")
If the spec gets updated, you can remove it later :)

GraphQL Mutation with JSON Patch

Are there any data types in GraphQL that can be used to describe a JSON Patch operation?
The structure of a JSON Patch operation is as follows.
{ "op": "add|replace|remove", "path": "/hello", "value": ["world"] }
Where value can be any valid JSON literal or object, such as.
"value": { "name": "michael" }
"value": "hello, world"
"value": 42
"value": ["a", "b", "c"]
op and path are always simple strings, value can be anything.
If you need to return JSON type then graphql have scalar JSON
which return any JSON type where you want to return it.
Here is schema
scalar JSON
type Response {
status: Boolean
message: String
data: JSON
type Test {
value: JSON
type Query {
getTest: Test
type Mutation {
//If you want to mutation then pass data as `JSON.stringify` or json formate
updateTest(value: JSON): Response
In resolver you can return anything in json format with key name "value"
//Query resolver
getTest: async (_, {}, { context }) => {
// return { "value": "hello, world" }
// return { "value": 42 }
// return { "value": ["a", "b", "c"] }
// return anything in json or string
return { "value": { "name": "michael" } }
// Mutation resolver
async updateTest(_, { value }, { }) {
// Pass data in JSON.stringify
// value : "\"hello, world\""
// value : "132456"
// value : "[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]"
// value : "{ \"name\": \"michael\" }"
console.log( JSON.parse(value) )
//JSON.parse return formated required data
return { status: true,
message: 'Test updated successfully!',
data: JSON.parse(value)
the only thing you need to specifically return "value" key to identify to get in query and mutation
getTest {
// Which return
"data": {
"getTest": {
"value": {
"name": "michael"
mutation {
updateTest(value: "{ \"name\": \"michael\" }") {
// Which return
"data": {
"updateTest": {
"data": null,
"status": true,
"message": "success"

How to write graphql query wiith custom objects

The server side of graphql is with nodejs and express. This is the schema for graphql. It has one query which accepts DateT object having from and to dates.
var schema = buildSchema(`
type Query {
timeFilter: DateT
): Course
type Course {
from: String
to: String
type DateT{
from : String
to : String
and this is how I am getting courses
I am able to run the application with this url
This is the query I am using
query courseWithDate($from: dateFrom, $to: dateTo) {
courseWithDate(timeFilter: {
from: "${dateFrom}"
to: "${dateTo}"
}) {
with these parameters
"from": "2019-10-10","to":"2019-10-10"
Exception message I get is related to the input type I am trying to pass.
"errors": [
"message": "The type of Query.courseWithDate(timeFilter:) must be Input Type but got: DateT.",
"locations": [
"line": 6,
"column": 25
I'm not sure, but probably this style looks more like best practice
type Course {
id: Int
title: String
author: String
from: String
to: String
description: String
topic: String
url: String
input DateInput {
dateFrom: String!
dateTo: String!
type Query {
courseWithDate(input: DateInput!, name: String!): Course
And Query on client side should be:
courseWithDate(input: {
dateFrom: "${dateFrom}"
dateTo: "${dateTo}"
name: "${name}")
