Formatting violation during execution webServiceMessage.writeTo - spring

Please help
We use WebServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive, where do we pass the url, pojo, and WebServiceMessageCallback
And use interceptor where
ByteArrayTransportOutputStream byteArrayTransportOutputStream = new ByteArrayTransportOutputStream();
String request = EOL + IntegrationUtils.deleteSensitiveData(new String(byteArrayTransportOutputStream.toByteArray()));
Why before writeTo webServiceMessage is saving soapRequest in formatted form in webServiceMessage.envelope.element
But after writeTo I get message in one line without any formatting
What is problem? What does it depend on?


How to make Get Request with Request param in Postman

I have created an endpoint that accepts a string in its request param
#GetMapping(value = "/validate")
private void validateExpression(#RequestParam(value = "expression") String expression) {
// code to validate the input string
While sending the request from postman as
// lets say this is a valid input
console displays as
Y07607=Curr_month:Y07606/Curr_month:Y07608 Valid
But when i send
//which is also an valid input
console displays as
Y07607=Curr_month:Y07606 Curr_month:Y07608 Invalid
I am not understanding why "+" is not accepted as parameter.
"+" just vanishes till it reaches the api! Why?
I suggest to add this regular expression to your code to handle '+' char :
#GetMapping(value = "/validate")
private void validateExpression(#RequestParam(value = "expression:.+") String expression) {
// code to validate the input string
I didn't find any solution but the reason is because + is a special character in a URL escape for spaces. Thats why it is replacing + with a " " i.e. a space.
So apparently I have to encode it from my front-end
Its wise to encode special characters in a URL. Characters like \ or :, etc.
For + the format or value is %2. You can read more about URL encoding here. This is actually the preferred method because these special characters can sometimes cause unintended events to occur, like / or = which can mean something else in the URL.
And you need not worry about manually decoding it in the backend or server because it is automatically decoded, in most cases and frameworks. In your case, I assume you are using Spring Boot, so you don't need to worry about decoding.

grape-api - Force empty string to set values to null

I am creating an API endpoint which contains a file upload field and a few string fields. My goal is to allow clients to clear values on those string fields, i.e. the DB should persist these values as null.
However, due to the fact that the request may contain files, the client should be setting the Content-type header to multipart/form-data. This implies that client cannot send a representation of "null", but can only send an empty string to indicate the intent of clearing the value for a given string field.
Is there a way for grape-api library to know that when it is receiving a multipart request it should be able to nullify blank string values in the params, or is there a better approach to what I am trying to achieve?
Grape.configure do |config|
config.param_builder = Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder
you can override the param builder. extend the default one and override the build_params method or monkey patch it.
params.transform_values {|v| v.eql?('') ? nil : v }

Unable to pass Header Authorization in JMeter. Facing unauthorizedError

I'm running Performance test in JMeter where I have to pass Authorization details using Header Manager.
Here is my code:
String headerName = "Authorization";
String headerValue = "Basic MyKey MyValue";
Header bcHeader = new Header(headerName,headerValue);
HeaderManager hm = new HeaderManager();
hm.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, HeaderManager.class.getName());
hm.add(new Header("Content-Type", "application/json"));
hm.add(new Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));
And I'm facing UnAuthorized error.
Please let me know if there is another way to write the code.
Normally you should be using HTTP Authorization Manager in order to bypass Basic HTTP Auth challenge.
However if you're going to manually construct Authorization header be aware that it should have the following form
Name: Authorization
Value: Basic
After Basic you need to provide username and password separated by colon and encoded into Base64. So if your username is MyKey and password is MyValue you should encode the string MyKey:MyValue and add the result to the header so it would look like:
Basic TXlLZXk6TXlWYWx1ZQ==
When it comes to Java code it would be something like:
String headerName = "Authorization";
String username = "MyKey";
String password = "MyValue";
Header bcHeader = new Header(headerName,
"Basic " +
Base64.encodeBase64String((username + ":" + password).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
HeaderManager hm = new HeaderManager();
hm.add(new Header("Content-Type", "application/json"));
hm.add(new Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));
hm.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, HeaderManager.class.getName());
hm.setProperty(TestElement.GUI_CLASS, HeaderPanel.class.getName());
If you are getting authorization header value somewhere in your response you can extract and dynamic values and apply correlations to the script.
Here is what you have to do. Extract Authorization header value using regular expressions and store it in a jmeter variable lets assuem you have saved it as Auth .
Add a header manager (Right click on thread group -->config element--> Header manager) according to jmeter scoping rules.
Use ${variablename} and replace the hard coded header value with ${variablename} ,as we saved it in Auth variable you can use ${Auth}.
You can add headers to header manager click on add and give header name and value as shown below
i'm getting authorization value in request 1's reponse as shown below
so to extract this add a regular expression extractor to the same request (request 1) as shown below.
Now we can use ${Auth} in header manager , add header manager to request 2 and give header name and values as shown below
you can see in the results authorization has passed its value
For more information on Extracting variables please follow this link
Let me know if it helps

DisplayTool installation and usage

I am using Velocity 1.7 to format string and I had some trouble with default values. Velocity by itself has no special syntax for case when value is not set and we want to use some another, default value.
By the means of Velocity it looks like:
#if(!${name})Default John#else${name}#end
which is unconveniant for my case.
After googling I've found DisplayTool, according to documentation it will look like:
$display.alt($name,"Default John")
So I added maven dependency but not sure how to add DisplayTool to my method and it is hard to found instructions for this.
Maybe somebody can help with advice or give useful links?..
My method:
public String testVelocity(String url) throws Exception{
VelocityContext context = getVelocityContext();//gets simple VelocityContext object
Writer out = new StringWriter();
Velocity.evaluate(context, out, "testing", url);"got first results "+out);
return out.toString();
When I send
String url = "$display.alt(\"not null\",\"exampleDefaults\")&truncate=$display.truncate(\"This is a long string.\", 10)";
String result = testVelocity(url);
I get "$display.alt(\"not null\",\"exampleDefaults\")&truncate=$display.truncate(\"This is a long string.\", 10)" without changes, but should get
" null&truncate=This is...
Please tell me what I am missing. Thanks.
The construction of the URL occurs in your Java code, before you invoke Velocity, so Velocity isn't going to evaluate $display.alt(\"not null\",\"exampleDefaults\"). That syntax will be valid only in a Velocity template (which typically have .vm extensions).
In the Java code, there's no need to use the $ notation, you can just call the DisplayTool methods directly. I've not worked with DisplayTool before, but it's probably something like this:
DisplayTool display = new DisplayTool();
String withDefault = display.alt("not null","exampleDefaults");
String truncate = display.truncate("This is a long string.", 10);
String url = ""
+ withDefault=" + withDefault
+ "&truncate=" + truncate;
It might be better, though, to call your DisplayTool methods directly from the Velocity template. That's what is shown in the example usage.

Spring Batch FlatFileItemWriter leaves empty file

I have the following code:
File overitimeFile = new File(filePath+overtimeFileName);
FlatFileItemWriter<OvertimeSAPExport> overtimeItemWriter =
new FlatFileItemWriter<OvertimeSAPExport>();
overtimeItemWriter.setResource(new FileSystemResource(overitimeFile));
PassThroughLineAggregator<OvertimeSAPExport> lineAggregator =
new PassThroughLineAggregator<OvertimeSAPExport>();
overtimeItemWriter.setLineAggregator(lineAggregator); ExecutionContext());
List<OvertimeSAPExport> overtimeList = overtimeDAO.getSapOvertimeData(locationId, month);
I have implemented the toString method for OvertimeSAPExport and when I debug I can see that it enters the toString once for each record in the list and gets te correct string from it.
It also creates the file without problems and throws no exceptions my way, but when I look at the file, it's empty.
Could someone PLEASE show me where my mistake is?
Try overtimeItemWriter.close(); and see if the file is flushed on disk. You also need to validate if a transaction is ongoing that postponed the writing.
