Junit for generateToken() method for JWT in Springboot - spring-boot

public String generateToken(final String id) {
Claims claims = Jwts.claims().setSubject(id);
long nowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expMillis = nowMillis + tokenValidity;
Date exp = new Date(expMillis);
return Jwts.builder().setClaims(claims).setIssuedAt(new Date(nowMillis)).setExpiration(exp)
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, jwtSecret).compact();
Now I want to write JUnit for this method and I am trying like below, but I am getting error
public void test_generateToken() throws JwtTokenMalformedException, JwtTokenMissingException {
final String subject_id = "123456789";
final Long tokenValidity = 180000L;
final String jwtSecret = "jwtSecret";
when(Jwts.claims().setSubject(subject_id)).thenReturn(new DefaultClaims()); //** line no: 10
when(Jwts.builder().setClaims(claims).setIssuedAt(new Date(nowMillis)).setExpiration(exp)
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, jwtSecret).compact()).thenReturn(new String());
getting error at line number 10:
when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:
Also, this error might show up because:
1. you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods.
Those methods *cannot* be stubbed/verified.
Mocking methods declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.
2. inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other > object.

Two problems need to be solved in your code: mocking static methods and multiple chained calls on a mocked object. Please, find the code with inline comments below as well as some references for further reading. Important note: mockito-inline should be used (see docs links below).
void test_generateToken() {
var tested = new TestedClass();
var jwtSecret = "jwtSecret";
var claims = new DefaultClaims();
var mockedValue = "mocked value";
var builder = mock(Jwts.JwtsBuilder.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
try (var mockedStatic = mockStatic(Jwts.class)) {
// to mock static methods the object returned from the mockStatic method should be used
// here we're not mocking static methods, so a standard when method is used
// thanks to RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS we can mock a chain of method calls
// other argument matchers like argThat() can be used here
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, jwtSecret)
var result = tested.generateToken("value");
assertEquals(mockedValue, result);
mockStatic method docs
example of static mocking from the docs
ArgumentMatchers docs (see: any(), argThat())
mockito-inline docs
I've created a commit in a GitHub repository, where you can find the code above as well as mockito-inline dependency reference and a few fake classes representing the missing code from your question (which is not important as it's all mocked). The test shown in the example passes.


Mutiny Uni Convert to Primitive Type

Up until now I have done very basic things with smallrye Mutiny in Quarkus. Basically, I have one or two very small web services which only interact with a web application. These services return a Uni<Response>.
Now I'm writing a logging service I want my others to pass information to. In this logging service, I need to return a value to calling services. The logging service will return this value as a Uni<Integer>. What I'm struggling with is how to extract the return value in the calling service as an int.
Here is the function in the logging service
public Uni<Integer> getMaxRequestId(){
return service.getMaxRequestId();
public Uni<Integer> getMaxRequestId() {
Integer result = Integer.valueOf(em.createQuery("select MAX(request_id) from service_requests").getFirstResult());
if(result == null) {
result = 0;
return Uni.createFrom().item(result += 1);
And here is the client side code in the calling service
public class RequestIdResource {
RequestIdServices service;
public Uni<Integer> getMaxRequestId(){
return service.getMaxRequestId();
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
int requestid = client.getMaxRequestId();
rm.name = ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("quarkus.application.name", String.class);
rm.server = requestContext.getUriInfo().getBaseUri().getHost();
rm.text = requestContext.getUriInfo().getPath(true);
rm.requestid = requestid;
Basically everything I have tried creates another Uni. Maybe I am simply using the concept all wrong. But how do I get the Integer out of the Uni so I can get the intValue?
You need to invoke a terminal operation, or use the value and continue the chain.
If you want to invoke a terminal operator you can invoke the await operation to make your code blocking and wait for the response.
If you want to merge this reactive invocation with another that is present in your client code, you can join or combine your actual Mutiny stream with the on coming from the response by using the combine method.
If you just want to use the value and do not retrieve it, you can suscribe and get the result.
If you have a multi you can call directly the method toList
Assuming that you want to have some timeouts involved and you want to get the actual Integer, you can go with the await method and a timeout.

How to mock webclient in Kotlin and spring boot for unit tests with mockk framework?

I have the following piece of code in Kotlin (using WebFlux), which I wanna test:
fun checkUser(user: People.User?): Mono<Unit> =
if (user==null) {
} else {
webClient.get().uri {
uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
//... building a URI
.doOnError {
//log something
}.map {
if (!item.isUserValid()) {
throw InvalidUserException()
My unit test so far looks like this:
fun `Returns error when user is invalid`() {
val user = People.User("name", "lastname", "street", "zip code")
However when I run it, it throw the following error:
io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: WebClient(#1).get()
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.defaultAnswer(MockKStub.kt:90)
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.answer(MockKStub.kt:42)
at io.mockk.impl.recording.states.AnsweringState.call(AnsweringState.kt:16)
at io.mockk.impl.recording.CommonCallRecorder.call(CommonCallRecorder.kt:53)
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.handleInvocation(MockKStub.kt:263)
at io.mockk.impl.instantiation.JvmMockFactoryHelper$mockHandler$1.invocation(JvmMockFactoryHelper.kt:25)
at io.mockk.proxy.jvm.advice.Interceptor.call(Interceptor.kt:20)
I guess the error occurs because I havent mocked WebClient(#1).get() but I am not sure how to mock it. So far I have tried:
every { webClient.get() } returns WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec
but it doesnt compile. The error says:
Classifier 'RequestHeadersUriSpec' does not have a companion object, and thus must be initialized here
Someone knows how I can mock WebClient(#1).get()? Thanks in advance
Basically you need something like this:
mock ResponseSpec - mock the body or error in whichever way you need for the respective test case
mock RequestHeadersUriSpec - let the retrieve() method return the ResponseSpec mock
mock WebClient - let the get() method return the RequestHeadersUriSpec mock
Here is a full example:
val response = mockk<WebClient.ResponseSpec>()
val spec = mockk<WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<*>>()
val client = mockk<WebClient>()
every { response.bodyToMono(String::class.java) } returns Mono.just("Hello StackOverflow")
every { spec.retrieve() } returns response
every { client.get() } returns spec
This will correctly print the Hello StackOverflow string.
Though it may be a "historical" question, I actually also had this problem recently.
Just as what Krause mentioned, the full call path of WebClient should be mocked. This means the method stream in every{} block should as the same as WebClient call. In your case, it may be something like
every{webClient.get().uri {???}.retrieve().bodyToMono(???)} returns Mono.just(...)
The next question is something about the error message io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: RequestBodyUriSpec(#3).uri(......). The key to the question is methods with parameters and without parameters are totally different things.
Thus, for target method, a uri(Function<UriBuilder, URI> uriFunction) is called(a lambda expression is used here to instead of Function interface). However, for mock method, a uri() method without any parameter is called. This is why the error message said , "no answer found for ...". Therefore, in order to match the mocked method, the code should be:
every{webClient.get().uri(any<java.util.function.Function<UriBuilder, URI>>()).retrieve().bodyToMono(???)} returns Mono.just(...)
Or, the any() method can be changed to the real URI which should be as the same as the target method.
Similarly, bodyToMono() should also be mocked with the correct parameter, which may be bodyToMono(any<ParameterizedTypeReference<*>>()).
Finally, the mock code may look like:
.uri(any<java.util.function.Function<UriBuilder, URI>>())
return Mono.just(...)

How to force URIBuilder.path(...) to encode parameters like "%AD"? This method doesn't always encode parameters with percentage, correctly

How to force URIBuilder.path(...) to encode parameters like "%AD"?
The methods path, replacePath and segment of URIBuilder do not always encode parameters with percentage, correctly.
When a parameter contains the character "%" followed by two characters that together form an URL-encoded character, the "%" is not encoded as "%25".
For example
URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri("https://dummy.com").queryParam("param", "%AD");
String test = uri.build().toString();
"test" is "https://dummy.com?param=%AD"
But it should be "https://dummy.com?param=%25AD" (with the character "%" encoded as "%25")
The method UriBuilderImpl.queryParam(...) behaves like this when the two characters following the "%" are hexadecimal. I.e, the method "com.sun.jersey.api.uri.UriComponent.isHexCharacter(char)" returns true for the characters following the "%".
I think the behavior of UriBuilderImpl is correct because I guess it tries to not encode parameters that already are encoded. But in my scenario, I will never try to create URLs with parameters that already encoded.
What should I do?
My Web application uses Jersey and in many places I build URIs using the class UriBuilder or invoke the method getBaseUriBuilder of UriInfo objects.
I can replace "%" with "%25", every time I invoke the methods queryParam, replaceQueryParam or segment. But I am looking for a less cumbersome solution.
How can I make Jersey to return my own implementation of UriBuilder?
I thought of creating a class that extends UriBuilderImpl that overrides these methods and that perform this replacing before invoking super.queryParam(...) or whatever.
Is there any way of making Jersey to return my own UriBuilder instead of UriBuilderImpl, when invoking UriBuilder.fromURL(...), UriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder(...), etc?
Looking at the method RuntimeDelegate, I thought of extending RuntimeDelegateImpl. My implementation would override the method createUriBuilder(...), which would return my own UriBuilder, instead of UriBuilderImpl.
Then, I would add the file META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate and in it, a the full class name of my RuntimeDelegateImpl.
The problem is that the jersey-bundle.jar already contains a META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate that points to com.sun.jersey.server.impl.provider.RuntimeDelegateImpl, so the container loads that file instead of my javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate. Therefore, it does not load my RuntimeDelegateimplementation.
Is it possible to provide my own implementation of RuntimeDelegate?
Should I take a different approach?
This is possible with help of UriComponent from Jersey or URLEncoder directly from Java:
Which result in:
.queryParam("param", URLEncoder.encode("%AD", "UTF-8"))
Will result in:
For a more complex examples (i.e. encoding JSON in query param) this approach is also possible. Let's assume you have a JSON like {"Entity":{"foo":"foo","bar":"bar"}}. When encoded using UriComponent the result for query param would look like:
JSON like this could be even injected via #QueryParam into resource field / method param (see JSON in Query Params or How to Inject Custom Java Types via JAX-RS Parameter Annotations).
Which Jersey version do you use? In the tags you mention Jersey 2 but in the RuntimeDelegate section you're using Jersey 1 stuff.
See if the following examples help. The thread linked below has an extensive discussion on the available functions and their differing outputs.
The following:
UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost:8080").queryParam("name", "{value}").build("%20");
UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost:8080").queryParam("name", "{value}").buildFromEncoded("%20");
Will output:
via http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.jsr311.user/71
Also, based on the Class UriBuilder documentation, the following example shows how to obtain what you're after.
URI templates are allowed in most components of a URI but their value
is restricted to a particular component. E.g.
would result in encoding of the '#' such that the resulting URI is
"foo%23bar". To create a URI "foo#bar" use
UriBuilder.fromPath("{arg1}").fragment("{arg2}").build("foo", "bar")
instead. URI template names and delimiters are never encoded but their
values are encoded when a URI is built. Template parameter regular
expressions are ignored when building a URI, i.e. no validation is
It is possible to overwrite the default behavior in jersey manually at start up e.g. with a static helper that calls RuntimeDelegate.setInstance(yourRuntimeDelegateImpl).
So if you want to have an UriBuilder that encodes percents even if they look like they are part of an already encoded sequence, this would look like:
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate;
import com.sun.jersey.api.uri.UriBuilderImpl;
import com.sun.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegateImpl;
// or for jersey2:
// import org.glassfish.jersey.uri.internal.JerseyUriBuilder;
// import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl;
public class SomeBaseClass {
// this is the lengthier custom implementation of UriBuilder
// replace this with your own according to your needs
public static class AlwaysPercentEncodingUriBuilder extends UriBuilderImpl {
public UriBuilder queryParam(String name, Object... values) {
Object[] encValues = new Object[values.length];
for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
String value = values[i].toString(); // TODO: better null check here, like in base class
encValues[i] = percentEncode(value);
return super.queryParam(name, encValues);
private String percentEncode(String value) {
StringBuilder sb = null;
for (int i=0; i < value.length(); i++) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
// if this condition is is true, the base class will not encode the percent
if (c == '%'
&& i + 2 < value.length()
&& isHexCharacter(value.charAt(i + 1))
&& isHexCharacter(value.charAt(i + 2))) {
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuilder(value.substring(0, i));
} else {
if (sb != null) sb.append(c);
return (sb != null) ? sb.toString() : value;
// in jersey2 one can call public UriComponent.isHexCharacter
// but in jersey1 we need to provide this on our own
private static boolean isHexCharacter(char c) {
return ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
|| ('A' <=c && c <= 'F')
|| ('a' <=c && c <= 'f');
// here starts the code to hook up the implementation
public static class AlwaysPercentEncodingRuntimeDelegateImpl extends RuntimeDelegateImpl {
public UriBuilder createUriBuilder() {
return new AlwaysPercentEncodingUriBuilder();
static {
RuntimeDelegate myDelegate = new AlwaysPercentEncodingRuntimeDelegateImpl();
Caveat: Of course that way it is not very configurable, and if you do that in some library code that might be reused by others, this might cause some irritation.
For example I had the same problem as the OP when writing a rest client in a Confluence plugin, and ended up with the "manual encode every parameter" solution instead, as the plugins are loaded via OSGi and thus are simply not able to touch the RuntimeDelegateImpl (getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegateImpl at runtime instead).
(And just for the record, in jersey2 this looks very similar; especially the code to hook the custom RuntimeDelegateImpl is the same.)

How to send a List<object> to a Web Method?

I am developing a web application using MVC 3 and ASMX Web Services.
I am trying to send a List< object > to a Web Method, but I get the following error:
" cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'WebServiceClass.ArrayOfAnyType' "
This is my Web Service definition:
public class WebServiceClass : System.Web.Services.WebService
public bool MyWebMethod(List<object> ParameterValues)
//do stuff..
And this is the block of code where I call the Web Method:
List<object> ParameterValues = new List<object>();
WebServiceClass.WebServiceClassSoapClient MyWebService = new WebServiceClass.WebServiceClassSoapClient();
//I use actual objects here, this is just for an example
ParameterValues.Add(new DateTime(2012,5,2));
ParameterValues.Add("some string");
My idea was to save time and pass Lists of objects to all Web Methods instead of defining WebMethod(DateTime date, int someint, string somestring).
Is there a solution for this?
Best regards.
If your method expects 3 parameters of type DateTime, int, and string than define a method with this arguments. Otherwise you will have to case down and your solution is not type-safe.
Are all your methods in code taking a list of objects as a parameter? Probably not. And the same should apply to web methods.

How to mock up a static method in a static class with URLHelp? (Moq)

I have a extension method. Can any one help me how to test this method with Moq?
public static string GetBaseUrl(this UrlHelper urlHelper)
Uri contextUri = new Uri(urlHelper.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url, urlHelper.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl);
UriBuilder realmUri = new UriBuilder(contextUri) { Path = urlHelper.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath, Query = null, Fragment = null };
string url = realmUri.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
if (url.EndsWith("/"))
url = url.Remove(url.Length - 1, 1);
return url;
many thanks.
As TrueWill points out, you can't use Moq directly with UrlHelper.RequestContext because it isn't virtual. On the other hand, UrlHelper is a public class that you can instantiate for use with unit testing.
At some point, however, you will encounter the need to assign a HttpContextBase to create the UrlHelper, and Moq can help you to do that.
Here's a test that shows that I can at least write a unit test that invokes your GetBaseUrl without throwing any exceptions:
public void Test1()
var httpCtxStub = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
httpCtxStub.SetupGet(x => x.Request).Returns(() =>
var reqStub = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
reqStub.SetupGet(r => r.RawUrl).Returns("http://foo");
reqStub.SetupGet(r => r.Url).Returns(new Uri("http://foo"));
return reqStub.Object;
var requestCtx = new RequestContext(httpCtxStub.Object, new RouteData());
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(requestCtx, new RouteCollection());
var result = urlHelper.GetBaseUrl();
// Assert something
However, this isn't the simplest unit test to write and maintain, so I support TrueWill's comment that you might make life simpler for yourself if you hide UrlHelper behind an interface.
The UrlHelper.RequestContext property is non-virtual. Moq isn't going to be of help in this case, to the best of my knowledge.
You could create a wrapper class for UrlHelper that implements an interface, but that would seem to defeat the purpose of using an extension method.
Typemock would probably do what you want, if you have the budget for a commercial program. (I haven't tried it; I use Moq myself.)
Another option would be to write integration tests against this method; while they would run more slowly than unit tests, I suspect this method is unlikely to version often.
A larger issue is coupling to UrlHelper reducing testability in the rest of your application. Perhaps other posters can suggest answers to that issue.
