when exactly should root split in a B Tree - algorithm

I learned B trees recently and from what I understand a node can have minimum t-1 keys and maximum 2t-1 keys given minimum degree t. Exception being root can have even 1 key.
Here is the example from CLRS 3rd edition Fig 18.7 (Page 498) where t=3
min keys = 3-1 = 2
max keys = 2*3-1 = 5
In the d) example when L is inserted why is the root splitted when it doesn't violate the B tree properties at the moment (It has 5 keys which is maximum allowed).
Why isn't inserting L into [J K L] without splitting [G M P T X] considered.
Should I always split the root when it reaches the maximum?

There are several variants of the insertion algorithm for B-trees. In this case the insertion algorithm is the "single pass down the tree" variant.
The background for this variant is given on page 493:
Since we cannot insert a key into a leaf node that is full, we introduce an operation that splits a full node 𝑦 (having 2𝑡 − 1 keys) around its median key 𝑦:key𝑡 into two nodes having only 𝑡 − 1 keys each. The median key moves up into 𝑦’s parent to identify the dividing point between the two new trees. But if 𝑦’s parent is also full, we must split it before we can insert the new key, and thus we could end up splitting full nodes all the way up the tree.
As with a binary search tree, we can insert a key into a B-tree in a single pass down the tree from the root to a leaf. To do so, we do not wait to find out whether we will actually need to split a full node in order to do the insertion. Instead, as we travel down the tree searching for the position where the new key belongs, we split each full node we come to along the way (including the leaf itself). Thus whenever we want to split a full node 𝑦, we are assured that its parent is not full.
In other words, this insertion algorithm will split a node earlier than might be strictly needed, in order to avoid to have to split nodes while backtracking out of recursion.
This algorithm is further described on page 495 with pseudo code.
This explains why at the insertion of L the root node is split immediately before any recursive call is made.
Alternative algorithms would not do this, and would delay the split up to the point when it is inevitable.


Why is the number of sub-trees gained from a range tree query is O(log(n))?

I'm trying to figure out this data structure, but I don't understand how can we
tell there are O(log(n)) subtrees that represents the answer to a query?
Here is a picture for illustration:
If we make the assumption that the above is a purely functional binary tree [wiki], so where the nodes are immutable, then we can make a "copy" of this tree such that only elements with a value larger than x1 and lower than x2 are in the tree.
Let us start with a very simple case to illustrate the point. Imagine that we simply do not have any bounds, than we can simply return the entire tree. So instead of constructing a new tree, we return a reference to the root of the tree. So we can, without any bounds return a tree in O(1), given that tree is not edited (at least not as long as we use the subtree).
The above case is of course quite simple. We simply make a "copy" (not really a copy since the data is immutable, we can just return the tree) of the entire tree. So let us aim to solve a more complex problem: we want to construct a tree that contains all elements larger than a threshold x1. Basically we can define a recursive algorithm for that:
the cutted version of None (or whatever represents a null reference, or a reference to an empty tree) is None;
if the node has a value is smaller than the threshold, we return a "cutted" version of the right subtree; and
if the node has a value greater than the threshold, we return an inode that has the same right subtree, and as left subchild the cutted version of the left subchild.
So in pseudo-code it looks like:
def treelarger(some_node, min):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value > min:
return Node(treelarger(some_node.left, min), some_node.value, some_node.right)
return treelarger(some_node.right, min)
This algorithm thus runs in O(h) with h the height of the tree, since for each case (except the first one), we recurse to one (not both) of the children, and it ends in case we have a node without children (or at least does not has a subtree in the direction we need to cut the subtree).
We thus do not make a complete copy of the tree. We reuse a lot of nodes in the old tree. We only construct a new "surface" but most of the "volume" is part of the old binary tree. Although the tree itself contains O(n) nodes, we construct, at most, O(h) new nodes. We can optimize the above such that, given the cutted version of one of the subtrees is the same, we do not create a new node. But that does not even matter much in terms of time complexity: we generate at most O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes is either less than the original number, or the same.
In case of a complete tree, the height of the tree h scales with O(log n), and thus this algorithm will run in O(log n).
Then how can we generate a tree with elements between two thresholds? We can easily rewrite the above into an algorithm treesmaller that generates a subtree that contains all elements that are smaller:
def treesmaller(some_node, max):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value < min:
return Node(some_node.left, some_node.value, treesmaller(some_node.right, max))
return treesmaller(some_node.left, max)
so roughly speaking there are two differences:
we change the condition from some_node.value > min to some_node.value < max; and
we recurse on the right subchild in case the condition holds, and on the left if it does not hold.
Now the conclusions we draw from the previous algorithm are also conclusions that can be applied to this algorithm, since again it only introduces O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes can only decrease.
Although we can construct an algorithm that takes the two thresholds concurrently into account, we can simply reuse the above algorithms to construct a subtree containing only elements within range: we first pass the tree to the treelarger function, and then that result through a treesmaller (or vice versa).
Since in both algorithms, we introduce O(h) new nodes, and the height of the tree can not increase, we thus construct at most O(2 h) and thus O(h) new nodes.
Given the original tree was a complete tree, then it thus holds that we create O(log n) new nodes.
Consider the search for the two endpoints of the range. This search will continue until finding the lowest common ancestor of the two leaf nodes that span your interval. At that point, the search branches with one part zigging left and one part zagging right. For now, let's just focus on the part of the query that branches to the left, since the logic is the same but reversed for the right branch.
In this search, it helps to think of each node as not representing a single point, but rather a range of points. The general procedure, then, is the following:
If the query range fully subsumes the range represented by this node, stop searching in x and begin searching the y-subtree of this node.
If the query range is purely in range represented by the right subtree of this node, continue the x search to the right and don't investigate the y-subtree.
If the query range overlaps the left subtree's range, then it must fully subsume the right subtree's range. So process the right subtree's y-subtree, then recursively explore the x-subtree to the left.
In all cases, we add at most one y-subtree in for consideration and then recursively continue exploring the x-subtree in only one direction. This means that we essentially trace out a path down the x-tree, adding in at most one y-subtree per step. Since the tree has height O(log n), the overall number of y-subtrees visited this way is O(log n). And then, including the number of y-subtrees visited in the case where we branched right at the top, we get another O(log n) subtrees for a total of O(log n) total subtrees to search.
Hope this helps!

Special Augmented Red-Black Tree

I'm looking for some help on a specific augmented Red Black Binary Tree. My goal is to make every single operation run in O(log(n)) in the worst case. The nodes of the tree will have an integer as there key. This integer can not be negative, and the tree should be sorted by a simple compare function off of this integer. Additionally, each node will also store another value: its power. (Note that this has nothing to do with mathematical exponents). Power is a floating point value. Both power and key are always non-negative. The tree must be able to provide these operations in O(log(n)) runtime.:
insert(key, power): Insert into the tree. The node in the tree should also store the power, and any other variables needed to augment the tree in such a way that all other operations are also O(log(n)). You can assume that there is no node in the tree which already has the same key.
get(key): Return the power of the node identified by the key.
delete(key): Delete the node with key (assume that the key does exist in the tree prior to the delete.
update(key,power): Update the power at the node given by key.
Here is where it gets interesting:
highestPower(key1, key2): Return the maximum power of all nodes with key k in the range key1 <= k <= key2. That is, all keys from key1 to key2, inclusive on both ends.
powerSum(key1, key2): Return the sum of the powers of all nodes with key k in the ragne key1 <= k <= key2. That is, all keys from key1 to key2, inclusive on both ends.
The main thing I would like to know is what extra variables should I store at each node. Then I need to work out how to use each one of these in each of the above functions so that the tree stays balanced and all operations can run in O(log(n)) My original thought was to store the following:
highestPowerLeft: The highest power of all child nodes to the right of this node.
highestPowerRight: The highest power of all child nodes to the right of this node.
powerSumLeft: The sum of the powers of all child nodes to the left of this node.
powerSumRight: The sum of the powers of all child nodes to the right of this node.
Would just this extra information work? If so, I'm not sure how to deal with it in the functions that are required. Frankly my knowledge of Red Black Tree's isn't great because I feel like every explanation of them gets convoluted really fast, and all the rotations and things confuse the hell out of me. Thanks to anyone willing to attempt helping here, I know what I'm asking is far from simple.
A very interesting problem! For the sum, your proposed method should work (it should be enough to only store the sum of the powers to the left of the current node, though; this technique is called prefix sum). For the max, it doesn't work, since if both max values are equal, that value is outside of your interval, so you have no idea what the max value in your interval is. My only idea is to use a segment tree (in which the leaves are the nodes of your red-black tree), which lets you answer the question "what is the maximal value within the given range?" in logarithmic time, and also lets you update individual values in logarithmic time. However, since you need to insert new values into it, you need to keep it balanced as well.

a-b trees reason for requirement of a <= (b+1)/2

The definition of a-b trees says
2 ≤ a ≤ (b+1)/2
Each internal node except the root has at least a children and at most b children.
The root has at most b children.
Now can anyone explain the reason for the requirement a ≤ (b+1)/2 ?.
Well a≤(b+1)/2 is equivalent to 2a≤b+1 or 2a-1≤b.
The interval from a to 2a-1 is the smallest interval for which the rebalancing algorithm used for (a,b) trees actually work. Picking actual value for b greater than the minimum can affect the space utilization in the nodes and the complexity of the actual rebalancing part in the delete/insert operations but the algorithm will still work.
Lets say for example a=k and k>=2. If we pick value for b less than 2a-1say 2a-2=2k-2.
The Insert rebalancing part says :
If the node you are inserting into already has b keys and they become b+1.
If the overflowing node is the tree root :
create two new nodes, copy into each half the root entries
put into the root pointers to these two new nodes with the key that separates them.
create a new node
move half of the entries of the overflowing node into the new node
insert a pointer to the new node in the upper neighbor
Now if b=2a-2 overflow occurs when you need to add one entry in node with 2a-2 entries leaving you with 2a-1 entries total. If you split the node one of the nodes will be left with less than a entries creating an underflow in the node which is a problem. If b was the minimum possible value for b which is 2a-1 then overflowing node will have "total" 2a entries which you can split into two nodes which have exactly the minimum a.
For more concrete example lets say you could make a (a,b) tree with a=3 and b=4 which is less than 2a-1. Then If you want to store exactly 5 values in your tree how are you going to do it? You cant put all the values in one node because they are more than 4. But you cant split into two nodes either because only one of the two nodes will have 3 entries and the other will be underflowing(2 entries only which is prohibited).
Another simple example is if a=2, then the minimum value of b is 3. If b was 2 this means that the node must have always 2 entries which is not achievable.

Why in B-tree and B+_tree store from half-full to complete-full in each non-leaf node

I've just learn B-tree and B+-tree in DBMS.
I don't understand why a non-leaf node in tree has between [n/2] and n children, when n is fix for particular tree.
Why is that? and advantage of that?
Thanks !
This is the feature that makes the B+ and B-tree balanced, and due to it, we can easily compute the complexity of ops on the tree and bound it to O(logn) [where n is the number of elements in the data set].
If a node could have more then B sons, we could create a tree with depth 2: a root, and all other nodes will be leaves, from the root. searching for an element will be then O(n), and not the desired O(logn).
If a node could have less then B/2 sons, we could create a tree which is actually a linked list [n nodes, each with 1 son], with height n - and a search op will again be O(n) instead of O(logn)
Small currection: every non-leaf node - except the root, has B/2 to B children. the root alone is allowed to have less then B/2 sons.
The basic assumption of this structure is to have a fixed block size, this is why each internal block has n slots for indexing its children.
When there is a need to add a child to a block that is full (has exactly n children), the block is split into two blocks, which then replace the original block in its parent's index. The number of children in each of the two blocks is obviously n div 2 (assuming n is even). This is what the lower limit comes from.
If the parent is full, the operation repeats, potentially up to the root itself.
The split operation and allowing for n/2-filled blocks allows for most of the insertions/deletions to only cause local changes instead of re-balancing huge parts of the tree.

Applying a Logarithm to Navigate a Tree

I had once known of a way to use logarithms to move from one leaf of a tree to the next "in-order" leaf of a tree. I think it involved taking a position value (rank?) of the "current" leaf and using it as a seed for a fresh traversal from the root down to the new target leaf - all the way using a log function test to determine whether to follow the right or left node down to the leaf.
I no longer recall how to exercise that technique. Can anyone re-introduce me?
I also don't recall if the technique required the tree to be balanced, or if it worked on n-trees or only binary trees. Any info would be appreciated.
Since you mentioned whether to go left or right, I'm going to assume you're talking about a binary tree specifically. In that case, I think you're right that there is a way. If your nodes are numbered left-to-right, top-to-bottom, starting with 1, then you can find the rank (depth in the tree) by taking the log2 of the node's number. To find that node again from the root, you can use the binary representation of the number, where 0 = left and 1 = right.
For example:
n = 11
11 in binary is 1011
We always ignore the first 1 since it's going to be there for every number (all nodes of rank n will be binary numbers with n+1 digits, with the first digit being 1). We're left with 011, which is saying from the root go left, then right, then right.
If you want to find the next in-order leaf, take the current leaf's number and add one, then traverse from the root using this method.
I believe this only works with balanced binary trees.
OK, this proposal requires more characters than I can fit into a comment box. Steven does not believe that knowing the depth of the node in the tree is useful. I think it is. I have been wrong in the past, and I'm sure I'll be wrong in the future, so I will try to explain how this idea works in an attempt to not be wrong in the present. If I am, I apologize ahead of time. I'm nearly certain I got it from one of my Algorithms and Datastructures courses, using the CLR book. Please excuse any slips in notation or nomenclature, I haven't studied this stuff in a while.
Quoting wikipedia, "a complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible."
We are considering a complete tree with any branching degree (where a binary tree has a branching degree of two). Also, we are considering our nodes to have a 'positional value' which is an ordering of the positional value (top to bottom, left to right) of the node.
Now, if we are given a positional value, we can find the node in the following fashion. Take the log_base_n of the positional value of the element we are looking for (floor of this, we want an integer). Traverse down from the root that many times, minus one. Now, start looking through all the children of the nodes at this level. Your node you are searching for will be in this set.
This is an attempt in explaining the additional part of the wikipedia definition:
"This depth is equal to the integer part of log2(n) where n
is the number of nodes on the balanced tree.
Example 1: balanced tree with 1 node, log2(1) = 0 (depth = 0).
Example 2: balanced tree with 3 nodes, log2(3) = 1.59 (depth=1).
Example 3: balanced tree with 5 nodes, log2(5) = 2.32
(depth of tree is 2 nodes)."
This is useful, because you can simply traverse down to this level and then start looking around. It is useful and important to know the depth your node is located on, so you can start looking there, instead of starting to look at the beginning. Unless you know what level of the tree you are on, you get to start looking at all the nodes sequentially.
That is why I think it is helpful to know the depth of the node we are searching for.
It is a little bit odd, since having the "positional value" is not something we normally care about in a tree. I can see why Steve thought of this in terms of an array, since positional value is inherent in arrays.
-Brian J. Stinar-
Something that at least resembles your description is the Binary Heap, used a.o. in Priority Queues.
I think I've found the answer, or at least a facsimile.
Assume the tree nodes are numbered, starting at 1, top-down and left-to-right. Assume traversal begins at the root, and halts when it finds node X (which means the parent is linked to its children). Also, for quick reference, the base 2 logarithmic values for nodes 1 through 12 are:
log2(1) = 0.0
log2(2) = 1
log2(3) = 1.58
log2(4) = 2
log2(5) = 2.32
log2(6) = 2.58
log2(7) = 2.807
log2(8) = 3
log2(9) = 3.16
log2(10) = 3.32
log2(11) = 3.459
log2(12) = 3.58
The fractional portion represents a unique diagonal position (notice how nodes 3, 6, and 12 all have fractional portion 0.58). Also notice that every node belongs either to the left or right side of the tree, depending on whether the log fractional component is less or great than 0.5. Anecdotes aside, the algorithm for finding a node is then as follows:
examine fractional portion, if it is less than .5, turn left. Else turn right.
subtract one from the whole number portion of the log, stop if the value reaches zero.
double the fractional portion, and start over.
So, for example, if node 11 is what you seek then you start by computing the log which is 3.459. Then...
3-459 <=fraction less than .5: turn left and decrement whole number to 2.
2-918 <=doubled fraction more than .5: turn right and decrement whole number to 1.
1-836 <=doubling .918 gives 1.836: but only fractional part counts: turn right and dec prior whole number to 0. Done!!
With appropriate accomodations, the same technique appears to work for any balanced n-ary tree. For example, given a balanced ternary tree, the choice of following left, middle, or right edges is again based on the fractional portion of the log, as follows:
between 0.5-0.832: turn left (a one-third fraction range)
between 0.17-0.49: turn right (another one-third fraction range)
otherwise go down the middle. (the last one-third range)
The algorithm is adjusted by multiplying the fractional portion by 3 instead of 2. Again, a quick reference for those who want to test this last statement:
log3(1) = 0.0
log3(2) = 0.63
log3(3) = 1
log3(4) = 1.26
log3(5) = 1.46
log3(6) = 1.63
log3(7) = 1.77
log3(8) = 1.89
log3(9) = 2
At this point I wonder if there is an even more concise way to express this whole "log-based top-down selection of a node." I'm interested if anyone knows...
Case 1: Nodes have pointers to their parent
Starting from the node, traverse up the parent pointer until one with non-null right_child is found. Go to the right_child and traverse left_child as long as they are non-null.
Case 2: Nodes do not have pointers to the parent
Starting from the root, find the path to the node (including the root and the node). Then find the latest vertex (i.e. a node) in the path that has non-null right_child. Go the the right_child and traverse left_child as long as they are non-null.
In both cases, we traversing either up or down from the root to one of the nodes. The maximum of such traversal is in the order of the depth of the tree, hence logarithmic in the size of the nodes if the tree is balanced.
