SQL Loader how to insert path with spaces - arguments

I'm using a command of sql loader but I get an error I think due to the space in the path, I tried to put double quotes (") or single quotes (') but I got Syntax error on command-line:


MacOS export of env var is being escaped or misinterpreted on shell

Mac OS here. On the terminal, I create the following .env file:
export FIZZ=foo
export BUZZ="$2a$10$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO"
Then I run source .env && echo $FIZZ and I see:
So far, so good. But now I run echo $BUZZ and the output is:
I explicitly put the value for BUZZ in double quotes ("$2a$10$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO"), so why is it outputting as "a0.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO"?
I was able to reproduce what you saw. I'm pretty sure you're having issues with the environment variable substitution that bash does. (triggered by the "$" character.) I know of two ways to "fix" it.
One is to escape the "$" characters with a preceding backslash.
export BUZZ=\$2a\$10\$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO
Another is to change the way you quote the string. Use single quotes instead of double quotes...
export BUZZ='$2a$10$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO'.
The double quotes allow environment variable substitution to continue, the single quotes prevent that from occurring.

Is it possible to wrap a Doxygen filter command in quotes?

I am trying to write a Doxygen file filter that lives in a subdirectory that works from Doxyfile on both Windows and Linux.
I seem to be unable to specify the path using a forward-slash on Windows unless it is quoted:
However, trying to quote the command in Doxyfile does not work.
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.glsl=""scripts/runpython" scripts/doxygen-glslfilter.py"
On Windows, you get an error that implies the quotes don't exist.
'scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Doxygen uses popen() to run these commands and will remove the wrapping quotes around the command, but it does not seem to remove all quotes.
popen() call:
filter name quote strip:
However, the result is the same as if there were no quotes.
I was able to get command logging in Doxygen, and it appears the extra quotes are being stripped in an odd way. You can see how there is a space in front of the command.
Executing popen(` scripts/runpython scripts/doxygen-glslfilter.py "C:/dev/g3d/G3D10/data-files/shader/AlphaFilter.glsl"`)
I submitted a bug report/feature request but I doubt it will be read.
Doxygen Bug Report
The issue was reported to the doxygen project, and they have provided a solution where any '/' in the command is replaced by '\' on Windows.
This was done to resolve a similar issue here:
What is the QHG_LOCATION path relative to for doxygen?
The pull request for the project on github here: https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/pull/703
When using double quotes within double quotes in a single string, it sees the first double quote as the start string and the next double quote as the end of the string.
So in your example:
""scripts/runpython" scripts/doxygen-glslfilter.py"
The first 2 quotes are seen as open and close, then it sees scripts/runpython as the next command etc.
I do not have the same tool, but these 2 examples will probably sort out your issue.
This example wraps each set in double quotes, and the entire set in single quotes.
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.glsl='"scripts/runpython" "scripts/doxygen-glslfilter.py"'
Where this example wraps the first set in double quotes and the entire set in single quotes.
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.glsl='"scripts/runpython" scripts/doxygen-glslfilter.py'
NOTE!! I am unable to test this as I do not have the same environment as you. I am therefore not sure if the second option will work, as it might also need scripts/doxygen-glslfilter.py in double quotes, I am adding it to the answer regardless.

How do I avoid calling part of my string as a command?

I run with the file with command line arguments:
samplebash.bsh fakeusername fakepassword&123
.bsh file:
echo "Beginning script..."
protractor indv.js --params.login.username=$argUsername --params.login.password=$argPassword
Beginning script...
123: command not found
The Issue: For some reason, it interprets what follows the & symbol from the password as a command, how do I avoid this?
The problem isn't happening in your script, it's happening in your original command line. & is a command terminator, which specifies that the command before it should be executed in the background. So your command was equivalent to:
samplebash.bsh fakeusername fakepassword &
You need to quote the argument to prevent special characters from being interpreted by the shell.
samplebash.bsh fakeusername 'fakepassword&123'
Also, you shouldn't put single quotes around a variable like you do in your assignments, that prevents the variable from being expanded. So it should be:
And you should put double quotes around the variables when you use them in the command, to prevent wildcards and whitespace from being interpreted.
protractor indv.js --params.login.username="$argUsername" --params.login.password="$argPassword"
As a general rule, you should always put double quotes around variables unless you know they're not needed.

Expansion of bash variable in multiple quotes?

I am trying to perform a cURL command within a bash script to POST to a URI. The command requires that one of the arguments be surrounded by double and single quotes i.e. '"jsimmons"' In my script however this argument is a variable so the command keeps failing which I believe is because the variable is doing some weird expansion and the command is losing the quotes necessary.
For my current attempt, which doesn't work, the argument looks like, '""$watcher""' as I am trying to expand the variable and place that string within the double and single quotes.
How can I expand my variable properly to fulfill the requirements of the command?
If you have double quotes around your whole command, you can insert single quotes without any trouble but need to escape double quotes.
For example:
$ watcher=jsimmons
$ echo "'\"$watcher\"'"
You can escape the surrounding 's and "s with \

Importing data with bcp

I would like to import data in the file 'c:_value_.txt' to my database like this
Bcp mydb.mytable in 'C:\_value_.txt' -T -c -Smypc\instancename
However I keep getting the error
Unable to open BCP host data -file
Why is this?
Lose the single quotes around the filename. Either use no quotes, or use double quotes ("") if the name contains spaces and such.
Removing the single quotes was able to solve this
