Restart Keynote presentation if not on first slide - applescript

I have a keynote presentation of 32 slides. The first slide contains a video playing in a loop. The video has a length of 3m 24s. The presentation will be displayed on an iPad connected to a TV during a trade show in kiosk mode.
The presentation should restart after a fixed period of minutes of inactivity. In keynote, I can only enter full minutes, not seconds
The presentation also restarts while being on the first slide. Since the video length does not match the inactivity interval, the video does not loop continously, but gets restarted somewhere in the process of playing.
Is there anywany to change the period of inactivity to respect seconds as well?
Is it possible to have the presentation being restarted, ONLY if it is NOT on the first slide? Maybe with AppleScript?


Microsoft Teams: video meeting window is HUGE on a 4K monitor. Any fixes, including registry settings?

I use a cheap 55" 4K TV as an external monitor over HDMI (laptop screen is too small).
Most programs are all good, and this is like having 4 22" monitors on my desk so I can keep a lot of files open.
However, one program is a problem - when I join MS teams meetings, they are in a separate window as expected. However, the video window always opens at about 38 inches (diagonal) on my 55" monitor, so multiple times per day I have to resize and reposition at the start of a meeting.
There are no apparent settings in teams (the zoom setting has no effect on the size of the new video window). Teams does not save the size/position of the last video window from the last meeting.
Are there any other hidden settings, or maybe a registry key that defines either the absolute size of the new video window, or the percentage of the screen it should fill when opening?
Thank you!

Mac control center "now playing" info not showing duration over 1h

For a Mac app I'm trying to use the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter with playback controls and track info.
I'm using the MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration property to set the track duration, with the number of seconds as NSNumber wrapped value.
Tracks over 1 hour do not show the full duration and roll over at 59:59.
Is there any way to make items in the control center show their full duration & elapsed time?
The image shows Control center information for a track with a duration of 1:52:33 and current play position is 1:00:05.
The seek bar works correctly.
That looks like a macOS bug since media played using QuickTime Player also exhibits the same erroneous behavior. Please file a macOS feedback report!

How to get time in mm:ss format in App Inventor

I am making an app for myself in app inventor which calculates time. There are two buttons (start, stop) and a label to display the time.
Now my problem is that I get the resultant time which is (stop time - start time) in milliseconds but I want it in MM:SS format. I tried certain clock buttons like get instant from milliseconds and time format too, but still failed to resolve the issue.
see the screenshot how to do it
for a complete example of a countdown timer see here

Windows GPUView

I am hitting low FPS on one of the application that I am working on. I found that GPUView can be used for debugging graphics performance issues. I have collected Merged.etl file for use case. This shows FPS chart for my application. I am trying to understand co-relation between this chart and GPU Hardware Queue and CPU Context Queue. Basically I want to know how this FPS chart has been derived? If there is any event that can trace this information I am thinking of adding real time tracing of this event so that I can display the FPS as widget while I run my application, something similar to
look for D3D9-Present, and DX-Flip for DX1X. span around for significant amount of time say 1 second. Press Ctrl+E, which will show event viewer, from that, select D3D9-Present or DX-Flip events. Left pane in the event viewer will give you number of these events and you already have the time span you have Zoomed to. I think dividing the number of events by the time would give you average fps for that duration. How gpu view does it, might be running average or instantaneous (1/ deltaT), where deltaT may be time between two events.
Can you try this little math and post some results for reader :)
The FPS chart is derived from the event "D3D9 - Present"(maybe other similar name for d3d10/11)
the "D3D9 - Present" event is produced when the D3D runtime calls into the user mode graphic driver's interface Present
The FPS chat in GPUview only consider the counter of Present called, but for some application, like windows media player, it will call Present twice for one frame in DWM off for tearing free, first one to present top half, and second one to present bottom half. In this case, the FPS in GPUview actually is double of real FPS. To get real FPS, you also need look the "DX - blt" event, if there are "Present Blt" information in "DX - Blt" event, it indicates the "DX-blt" is for "Present", and then look the Source Rect and Dest Rect information in this event to determine whether the Present is for a full frame or a part of frame.

Animate tile in Start Menu

I would like to know if it is possible to animate the tile in the start menu of the WP7, much like the tile "foto's" is animated, or if this is restricted to Developers for Windows only ( I can image battery life etc. are taken in mind by the developers ). I have already looked at the ScheduledAgent, but the periodic agents typically run every 30 minutes, and only when the app is running in the background.
So, anyone knows if this is possible, or am I just wasting my time looking for a way?
Further to the answer from #Ku6opr - you can create an animated tile without push notifications, or background agents. The application tile supports 'background' content. If you specify this, your tile will flip periodically while on the start screen to reveal the other side. Details of how to use this feature are found on MSDN.
No, you can't. You can change Tile only from: running application, Background Agent (30 min interval), Tile scheduler (1 hour minimum interval) or Push Notification (updates are not guaranteed)
