What is difference between the KFP SDK v2, v2 namespace, and v2 compatible mode? - google-cloud-vertex-ai

What is the difference between KFP SDK v2, the v2 namespace in KFP SDK v1, and v2 compatible mode?

The KFP SDK has two major versions: v1.8.x and v2.x.x (in pre-release at the time of writing this).
KFP SDK v2.x.x compiles pipelines and components to IR YAML [example], a platform neutral pipeline representation format. It can be run on the KFP open source backend or on other platforms, such as Google Cloud Vertex AI Pipelines.
KFP SDK v1.8.x, by default, compiles pipelines and components to Argo Workflow YAML. Argo Workflow YAML is executed on Kubernetes and is not platform neutral.
KFP SDK v1.8.x provides two ways to author pipelines using v2 Python syntax:
KFP SDK v2-compatible mode is a feature in KFP SDK v1.8.x which permits using v2 Python authoring syntax within KFP SDK v1 but compiles to Argo Workflow YAML. v2-compatible mode is deprecated and should not be used.
The KFP SDK v2 namespace in KFP SDK v1.8.x (from kfp.v2 import dsl, compiler) permits using v2 Python authoring syntax within KFP SDK v1 and compiles to IR YAML [usage example]. While this mode is not deprecated, users should prefer authoring IR YAML via the pre-released KFP SDK v2.x.x.


Can I use Firebase for creating Windows app?

I need create some Windows app with Firebase, but I can't choose a programming environment for Windows app. Which ones support FireBase?
Firebase does not have SDKs that directly support building apps that can be deployed on Windows.
The closest I can think of:
The Firebase SDKs for C++ and Unity can deploy to Windows desktop, but that is explicitly only intended for development. So you can develop and test your mobile game on Windows.
There is some movement on adding Windows support to the FlutterFire binding library, but it seems very early going.
Outside of these: the REST APIs for Firebase are all platform agnostic, so can be called from anywhere. There are quite some third party libraries that wrap these REST APIs, so I recommend doing a search for your combination.
Also see:
Firebase for Unity3d Windows application
Is it possible to use any kind of database in Flutter Desktop
Flutter & Firebase
Flutter Fire
Flutter Fire is the official Firebase SDK for Flutter and has incredible documentation, helpful videos and tutorials. The integration is seamless since both tools are built by Google. The maintainer of FlutterFire has created FlutterFire_Desktop which I believe may be a solution for you once its fully built out.
Flutter is a UI framework which uses the Dart language (also built by Google) to allow developers to build one app and deploy everywhere.
Dart can compile to x86_64; ARM64 and Javascript - Ideally you can write one codebase for Windows, Mac, IOS/Android and Web. Dart also has a built in package manager and open sourced community through Pub.Dev which may have more workarounds for you.
As of the latest Firebase Summit , they have recently added more support for their C++ SDK although I'm not entirely sure how it would integrate or if it integrates into windows desktop applications at all.

How to build Xamarin.Forms iOS app with Azure Pipelines and F# 5

I have a Xamarin.Forms app that I'm trying to build with an Azure DevOps Pipeline. The app uses the Fabulous F# MVU framework for Xamarin.Forms and therefore needs F#.
The Android version of the app compiles fine, both locally and on the pipeline. The iOS version of the app compiles fine locally in Visual Studio where I am using F# 5, but the build fails in the pipeline, complaining about a number of syntax errors. I think the reason for this is that the Mac pipeline build agent that I need to use for the iOS version is using F# 4.5 and not F# 5. I can see this output in the pipeline build log:
Microsoft (R) F# Compiler version 10.2.3 for F# 4.5
A sample syntax error would be:
error FS1160: This token is reserved for future use
The reserved token referred to is the $ character being used to denote string interpolation. I guess that's not a thing in F# 4.5.
I have tried adding the "Use .NET Core" pipeline task to try and set the use of .NET 5.x, but the subsequent "Xamarin.iOS" pipeline build task does not seem to pick up on this.
How can I build this Xamarin.Forms iOS app in an Azure DevOps pipeline and make it use F# 5?
How can I build this Xamarin.Forms iOS app in an Azure DevOps pipeline and make it use F# 5?
According to this doc, we could see that the SDK 5.0.202 contains F# 5.0
And check this doc, we could see that the hosted agent macos-10.15 has the .NET SDK 5.0.202
We need to specify the hosted agent in the Azure DevOps pipeline and add the task Use .NET Core to install the SDK version 5.0.202, then we could use F# 5.0 in the Azure DevOps pipeline.
For anyone else who runs across a similar problem: there was a script included in the pipeline (for only historical reasons now, from when we were using the MacOS 10.14 build agent image with an older version of the app) that set the Xamarin SDK to version 6.8.0. Disabling this script allowed the default Xamarin SDK version (currently 6.12.7) on the MacOS 10.15 build agent image to take over, and this solved my F# version problem.

which version to use to build bot: bot framework SDK 3.x or SDK4.0?

Since I used to build bot using SDK 3.x, recently 4.0 is out. Though the documentation is very poor for bot framework SDK4., is it recommended to use for new bots?
does support for SDK 3.x stops in future?
Officially, v4 is now the stable and up-to-date version. From the official repository here:
If you are new to the Bot Builder SDK, we strongly encourage you to
build your bot using the v4 SDK.
v3 will still be supported for a while, but in the end this support will be stopped (I can't find the date).
You can have a look to the roadmap of v4 here: https://github.com/microsoft/botbuilder-dotnet/wiki/Roadmap

Xamarin support for cognitive speech service

I want to use the Cognitive speech service (real-time continuous speech to text and interim results) in the Xamarin app. Is there any SDKs or plugin available? Since REST API has some limitations (no interim results), i am unable to go with it.
Currently the SDK supports C# .NET and C++. We are expanding SDK support on other platforms. Support for .Netstandard and UWP will coming soon. Xamarin is also on our list. Please stay tuned.

MvvmCross Community Plugin for Sqlite with Unified API

I've recently taken a client with an existing app using MvvmCross and the Community.Plugins.Sqlite. It looks like the old 3.1.1 version is all that is in nuget, which supports the classic ios api. Is there a version anywhere for the unified api?
The Community code supports iOS unified but you have to download the latest source and compile. We are debating whether or not to just swap out Sqlite-net for one of the PCL options.
