ElasticSearch substring match - elasticsearch

Suppose I have a string like
I want to be able to search 123. For some reason given that the string is indexed as keyword, when I attempt to do
GET /_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {"myfield": {"value": "*123"}}
It gives nothing, why is that?

Wildcard query works on the keyword field. if you have .keyword subfield(if Elasticsearch generated the mapping for your myfield) then below query returns the result.
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"myfield.keyword": { --> note .keyword in the field name.
"value": "*123"


Elasticsearch query match one word

if i have three rows like
name: "cat"
name: "cat is white"
name: "cat is black"
If i query filed name with string 'cat' using match or term query, get all three results.
How to get only name: "cat"?
GET animals/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "cat"
Use term query on keyword field
Returns documents that contain an exact term in a provided field.
GET /_search
"query": {
"term": {
"name.keyword": {
"value": "cat"
term query performs case sensitive match. If you want case insensitive match you will have to use normalizer on keyword field

how to write Elastic search query for exact match for a string

I am using kibanna
I am trying to put filter on a field container_name = "armenian"
but I have other container names with following names
after putting the filter , search query in kibanna becomes
"query": {
"match": {
"container_name": {
"query": "armenian",
"type": "phrase"
But the output searches logs for all containers , as I can see the Elastic search query is using a pattern matching
How can I put an exact match with the string provided and avoid the rest ?
You can try out with term query. Do note that it is case sensitive by default unless you specify with case_insensitive equals to true. Also, if your container_name is a text field type instead of keyword field type, do add the .keyword after the field name. Otherwise, ignore the .keyword.
GET /_search
"query": {
"term": {
"container_name.keyword": {
"value": "armenian"
Link here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-term-query.html
I would recommend using a direct wildcard in query or wildcard as follow
GET /_search
"query": {
"match": {
"container_name": {
"query": "*armenian",
"type": "phrase"
GET /_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"container_name": {
"value": "*armenian"
With *armenian you are ensuring that armenian comes at the end.

How to use Wildcards in Elastic search query to skip some prefix values

"I am searching in a elasticsearch cluster GET request on the basis of sourceID tag with value :- "/A/B/C/UniqueValue.xml" and search query looks like this:-"
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"source_id": {
"value": "/A/B/C/UniqueValue.xml"
"How can i replace "/A/B/C" from any wildcard or any other way as i just have "UniqueValue.xml" as an input for this query. Can some please provide the modified search Query for this requirement? Thanks."
The following search returns documents where the source_id field contains a term that ends with UniqueValue.xml.
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"source_id": {
"value": "*UniqueValue.xml"
Note that wildcard queries are expensive. If you need fast suffix search, you could add a multi-field to your mapping which includes a reverse token filter. Then you can use prefix queries on that reversed field.

elasticsearch added wildcard fails query

Works as expected:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "Hofstetten-Grünau"
an added wildcard at the end delivers no results and I wonder why:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "Hofstetten-Grünau*"
how to fix it?
elasticsearch v5.3.2
This delivers results:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "Hofstetten*"
I use a single search field. The end user can freely use wildcards as they see fit. A user might type in:
hofstetten grünau
so using a match query wont work out for me.
I am using Jest (Java Annotations) as Mapping, and using "default" for this field. My index mapping declares nothing special for the field:
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"date_detection": false,
"dynamic_templates": [{
Adding the wildcard "*" at the end of your query string is causing the query analyzer to interpret the dash between "Hofstetten" and "Grünau" as a logical NOT operator. So you're actually searching for documents that contain Hofstetten but do NOT contain Grünau.
You can verify this by doing the following variations of your search:
"query": "Hofstetten-XXXXX" #should not return results
"query": "Hofstetten-XXXXX*" #should return results
To fix this I would recommend using a match query instead of a query_string query:
{"query": {"match": { "city": "Hofstetten-Grünau" }}}'
(with whatever your appropriate field name is in place of city).

Match a string in elasticsearch?

I am using ES 2.4.0
i have to match a string it will be like this "{hi} {ARE} {how} {You}"
I given query like this
"query": {
"match": {
"simple": "{hi} {ARE} {how} {You}"
In the output it is showing all the documents rather than the documents that match the exact string (i.e simple) value.
NOTE: This is analysed at mapping level.
If you want to match all the keywords in the same order, you should use match_phrase
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"simple": "{hi} {ARE} {how} {You}"
In case you don't need the words in the same order, but want only all these words to be present in the search results, then use match with operator.
"query": {
"match": {
"simple": {
"query": "{hi} {ARE} {how} {You}",
"operator": "and"
