Retrieving Information from Userinput SpringMVC dropdown box - spring

Hi I'm having some trouble retrieving information from the user using a spring controller.
the controller looks like this:
public class IndexController {
List<String> userInput = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"Apple", "Blackberry", "Strawberry"}));
public List<String> getUserInput() {
return userInput;
#RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(
Model model
){"home path was hit");
model.addAttribute("options", getUserInput());
model.addAttribute("option", new Object());
return "index";
#RequestMapping(value = "createOrder", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String placeUserOrder(
Model model,
#ModelAttribute("option")String usersInput
){"createOrder path was hit");;
return "redirect:/home";
the index.thml within re main/resource/templates folder looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>home page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<h2>your orders are:</h2>
<form method="post" action="/createOrder" th:object="${order}">
<th:text alignment-baseline="text-before-edge" aria-atomic="true" > select a copybook</th:text>
<select class="from-control" id="dropDownList">
<option value="0">select copybook</option>
<option th:each="option : ${options}" th:value="${option}" th:text="${option}" >
<input type="hidden" name="${_csrf.usersChoiceFromThymeleaf}" value="${_csrf.token}" />
<input type="submit" name="createOrder" value="place">
<th:block th:each="order : ${orders}">
<td th:text="${order.value}"></td>
every time after i set a breakpoint within the post function the option value is empty.
what am i doing wrong?
shouldnt i expect a string from selected dropdown menu?
i tried to fetch an int and it remains empty as well
the model contains also only 2 key value pairs "option"->""
and org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.option -> {BeanPropertyBindingResult#7472} "org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 0 errors"


The object in the Controller is not filled in when calling the POST method, it gives an error

I am making a Spring MVC application, when I fill out a table in jsp and click the "save" button, the data is not saved, an error is generated: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [null];
here is the output I have on the console: Pass_in_trip [key=null, trip=Trip [trip_no=0, comp=Company [id_comp=0, name=null], plane=null, town_from=null, town_to=null, time_out=null, time_in=null, passInTrips=[]], passenger=Passenger [name=null, passengerId=0, passInTrips=[]], place=6f, date=null]
and at the input to the insert method, my object is empty, tell me what I'm doing wrong?
#RequestMapping(value = "insert", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String insertnewform(Pass_in_trip pass_in_trip, Model uiModel) {
return "/pass_in_trip/insert";
#RequestMapping(value = "insert", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String insert(Pass_in_trip pass_in_trip, BindingResult bindingResult, Model uiModel,
HttpServletRequest httprervletrequest, RedirectAttributes redirectatributes) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
uiModel.addAttribute("pass_in_trip", pass_in_trip);
return "pass_in_trip/edit";
return "redirect:/pass_in_trip/";
<%# page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%# taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
<%#taglib uri="" prefix="form"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
form fieldset {
width: 40%;
form fieldset label {
display: block;
/*width : 50%;
float :left;*/
form fieldset input, form fieldset select, form fieldset textarea {
width: 100%;
<form method="POST">
<select name="trip">
<c:forEach var="trip" items="${trip}">
<option value="${trip}" label="№ ${trip.trip_no} ${trip.town_from} ${trip.town_to}"/>
<select name="passenger">
<c:forEach var="passenger" items="${passenger}">
<option value="${passenger}" label="${passenger.passengerId} ${}">
<label>Date: </label>
<input type="datetime" name="date" value="${}">
<input type="text" name="place" value="${}">
<input type="submit" value="Save">
#Table (name="pass_in_trip")
public class Pass_in_trip implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
return "Pass_in_trip [key=" + key + ", trip=" + trip + ", passenger=" + passenger + ", place=" + place
+ ", date=" + date + "]";
private KeysPass_in_trip key;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
Trip trip = new Trip();
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
Passenger passenger = new Passenger();
private String place;
private Timestamp date;
//Getters and setters

Spring Boot / Redirect user to given website

I am building an App where a new website can be added to the list and I would now like to be able to redirect the user to this given website. How do I do that?
For example, a user can add to the list: Clicking the link (inside Index.html) will take the user to the example homepage.
index.html is where I would like the link to appear to the user
<td><a th:href="#{'/'}">Link</a></td>
new.html page can add links
<div alight="left">
<label class="form-label">Link</label>
<td><input type="text" th:field="*{link}" class="form-control"
placeholder="Link" /></td>
Notice I don't have anything in the Controller yet.
Consider a Contr-application like:
public class Application {
private final List<URI> allLinks = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public List<URI> allLinks() {
return allLinks;
public String index() {
return "index";
#PostMapping(value = "/", params = "send")
public void sendMeThere(#RequestParam String link, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
// response send redirect! (relative/absolute/throws exception)
#PostMapping(value = "/")
public String addLink(#RequestParam String link) throws URISyntaxException {
links.add(new URI(link)); // throws exception!
return "redirect:/";
We can try it out with an index.html like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:th="" lang="en">
<title>Hello Links</title>
<h2>Add More Lnks</h2>
<form action="" th:action="#{/}" method="post">
<input type="text" name="link"
placeholder="" />
<input type="submit" value="Add Link" />
<h2>Naviagte via form submit</h2>
<form action="" th:action="#{/}" method="post">
<select name="link">
<option th:each="link : ${allLinks}" th:value="${link}" th:text="${link}" />
<input type="submit" value="Send me There" />
<input type="hidden" name="send" />
<h2>Naviagte via link</h2>
<li th:each="link : ${allLinks}">
<!-- encapsulate ${link} in thymeleaf url #{...} (relative or absolute) -->
<a th:href="#{${link}}" th:text="${link}"/>
It looks like:
Thymeleaf URL Syntax

Is it possible to use Spring model in Javascript functions inside Thymeleaf template?

I've the following domain:
#Document(collection = "backupareas")
public class BackupArea {
private String id;
private String area;
private List<Tape> tapes;
In my template I would that when I change area a js function fill the tape select with related area tapes.
<div class="form-group col-md-3">
<label for="backup"><i>*</i> Backup</label>
<select id="backup" class="form-control" name="backup" required onchange="loadTapes();">
<option value="" selected="selected">--- Select Area ---</option>
<option th:each="area: ${areas}" th:value="${area.getArea()}" th:text="${area.getArea()}"></option>
<div class="form-group col-md-3">
<label for="tape"><i>*</i> Tape</label>
<select id="tape" class="form-control" name="tape" required >
I start with this js function, but I don't know how to use (or if it is possible) model variables.
function loadTapes() {
var area = $("#backup").val();
if($("#backup").index(area) == 1) {
return false;
var select = $('#tape');
select.append($("<option />").val("").text("--- Select one ---"));
// Here should use model variable to loop over tapes related to the selected area
I solved. I created a fragment as:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="" xmlns="">
<th:block th:fragment="tapes">
<th:block th:if="${tapes != null}">
<option th:each="tape: ${tapes}" th:value="${tape}" th:text="${tape}"></option>
In the main template I call an ajax method:
function loadTapes() {
$.post("/area/loadTapes", {area: area}, function (data) {
The loadTapes method is:
public String loadTape(#RequestParam("area") String area, Model model) {
BackupArea backupArea = backupAreaService.findByArea(area);
List<Integer> tapes = new ArrayList<>();
for(Tape tape: backupArea.getTapes()) {
model.addAttribute("list", tapes);
return "/backup/tapes :: list";

Spring Boot Thymeleaf Method POST SELECT null

Tell me please how to get values from select in the Controller?
This returns null.
I want to get value of "birthDay" field.
my thymeleaf html form:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<form method="post" action="/calculate_years">
<select name="firstUserYears" th:field="*{users}"/>
<option th:each="user : ${users}" th:value="firstUserYears" th:text="${user.firstName}">
<select name="secondUserYears" th:field="*{users}"/>
<option th:each="user : ${users}" th:value="${user.firstName}" th:text="${user.firstName}">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
public String calculateDifferenceForm(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("users", service.findAll());
return "user-difference";
public String calculateDifferenceForm(HttpServletRequest request, #ModelAttribute User user,
BindingResult bindingResult){
String firstUsersYearsOld = request.getParameter("firstUserYears");
String secondUsersYearsOld = request.getParameter("secondUserYears");
String name = request.getParameter("name");
BindingResult results = bindingResult;
return "redirect:/user-difference";
You should start with defining a form data object. For example:
public class AgeDifferenceFormData {
private long user1Id;
private long user2Id;
// getters and setters here
Create an empty such object in your #GetMapping:
public String calculateDifferenceForm(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("formData", new AgeDifferenceFormData());
model.addAttribute("users", service.findAll());
return "user-difference";
Now update your HTML form to use the form data object:
<form method="post" action="/calculate_years" th:object="${formData}">
<select th:field="*{user1Id}"/>
<option th:each="user : ${users}" th:value="${}" th:text="${user.firstName}">
<select th:field="*{user2Id}"/>
<option th:each="user : ${users}" th:value="${}" th:text="${user.firstName}">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Note how you need to:
Set a selected object for Thymeleaf via th:object="${formData}"
Set the dedicated field for each select via th:field="*{user1Id}" and th:field="*{user2Id}"
Use the unique id of the user for the th:value.
Now in your #PostMapping method do this:
public String calculateDifferenceForm(#ModelAttribute("formData") AgeDifferenceFormData formData,
BindingResult bindingResult){
User user1 = service.getUser(formData.getUser1Id());
User user2 = service.getUser(formData.getUser2Id());
// calculate age difference here
return "redirect:/user-difference";
See also Using HTML select options with Thymeleaf for more info.

How to send dropdown value from the html form to the controller?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Super Spy App</title>
<h1>Our Super Cool Spy App</h1>
<h2>Create a Mission</h2>
<form action="/addMission" method="post">
<p><input type="submit" value="Create a Mission"></p>
<form action="/viewMission" method="get">
<h2>View Missions for</h2>
<select id="agents" name="agents">
<option value="Johnny English">Johnny English</option>
<option value="Natasha Romanova">Natasha Romanova</option>
<option value="Austin Powers">Austin Powers</option>
<input type="submit" value="Go">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>View Missions</title>
<h1> Here are the missions for</h1>
<div th:if="${missionList.empty}">
<h2>No Current Missions</h2>
<div th:unless="${missionList.empty}">
<table border="1">
<th>Gadget 1</th>
<th>Gadget 2</th>
<th colspan="2">Operation</th>
<tr th:each="mission : ${missionList}">
<td th:text="${mission.title}"></td>
<td th:text="${mission.gadget1}"></td>
<td th:text="${mission.gadget2}"></td>
<p> Back to home </p>
Controller Class
public String Home() {
return "index";
public String addMission(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("mission", new Mission());
return "create_mission";
public String ViewMission1(Model model) {
List<Mission> mission1 = database.getMissions();
model.addAttribute("missionList", mission1);
return "view_missions";
public String createMission(#ModelAttribute Mission mission) {
int returnValue = database.createMission(mission);
return "view_missions";
public String viewMission2(Model model) {
List<Mission> mission1 = database.getMissions();
model.addAttribute("missionList", mission1);
return "view_missions";
getMissions method
public List<Mission> getMissions() {
MapSqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
String query = "SELECT * FROM missions";
BeanPropertyRowMapper<Mission> missionMapper = new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Mission>(Mission.class);
List<Mission> missions = jdbc.query(query, namedParameters, missionMapper);
return missions;
} (the getter setter are already set but I didn't paste them here to prevent hustle and bustle)
public class Mission {
private Long id;
private String agent;
private String title;
private String gadget1;
private String gadget2;
So, in the above examples, I want to send the value selected from the dropdown list to my controller.
Im my html, if I select any value from the dropdown and press 'Go' it shows me the whole database for all the 3 agents but not the particular one that I selected.
Any suggestions how to curb this error.
I have tried searching for a solution on internet but they were using JSP which I haven't studied yet.
You can get the value submitted from the view to the controller in many ways. As you have a single value is passed from View to Controller you can use
Your viewMission may look like this
public String viewMission2(#RequestParam#RequestParam(name = "agents", required = true) String agents, Model model) {
List<Mission> mission1 = database.getMissions(String agents);
model.addAttribute("missionList", mission1);
return "view_missions";
You have to pass the selected value to your query to filter the list based on the selected agent and your query will be
public List<Mission> getMissions(String agents) {
MapSqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
String query = "SELECT * FROM missions WHERE agent ='" + agent +"'";
BeanPropertyRowMapper<Mission> missionMapper = new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Mission>(Mission.class);
List<Mission> missions = jdbc.query(query, namedParameters, missionMapper);
return missions;
Which will filter the list.
