no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value with spring boot client - spring-boot

I am using spring boot application with frontend (spring boot application using thymeleaf) and backend (spring boot REST application ) are separated using REST api. The frontend uses HttpClient to send request to backend. Whenever I try to update an object the HttpClient creates an error for json parsing. The request is not accepted by the backend (ProcessDTORequest object ) with error as follows.
The exception is as follows:
{"message":"JSON parse error: Cannot construct instance of `` (although at least one Creator exists): no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('68d22e4d-7116-4130-aa06-9ba120aadc66'); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of `` (although at least one Creator exists): no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('68d22e4d-7116-4130-aa06-9ba120aadc66')\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 1, column: 10310] (through reference chain:[\"answeredQuestionnaires\"]->java.util.HashSet[0]->[\"process\"])","httpStatus":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","timeStamp":"2022-11-04T08:44:35.9108286Z"}
HttpClient method for post request is as follows:
public String executePost(
final String url, final Object payLoad, final Map<String, String> headers,
final Map<String, String> params) throws Exception {
final CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
// Add query strings to URL
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(url);
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> elm : params.entrySet()) {
builder = builder.setParameter(elm.getKey(), elm.getValue());
// can change for HttpPut, HttpPost, HttpPatch
final HttpPost request = new HttpPost(;
// Add headers from input map
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> elm : headers.entrySet()) {
request.addHeader(elm.getKey(), elm.getValue());
request.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
// Send Json String as body, can also send UrlEncodedFormEntity
final StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(payLoad));
try {
final CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
System.out.println("Return response status code: "+response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
System.out.println("Return response status code: "+response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
// Read response string using EntityUtils class of Apache http client library
// Serialize json string into map or any other object
return EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
} else {
throw new Exception(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));
// throw new Exception(String.format("Response status code was and response was ",
// response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())));
} catch (final ClientProtocolException e) {
throw new Exception("Client protocol Exception occurred while executing request", e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new Exception(e);
I used the configuration for object mapper as follows:
public class AppConfig {
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT, true);
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
return objectMapper; }
} (this is used for serializing/deserializing)
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.UUIDGenerator.class)
public class Process {
private UUID processId;
private List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
private List<UnitType> units = new ArrayList<>();
private String furtherComment;
private List<AnsweredQuestionnaire> answeredQuestionnaires = new ArrayList<>()
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Process)) return false;
Process process = (Process) o;
return getProcessId().equals(process.getProcessId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getProcessId());
The json from the server is like the following
"#id": "bba35e58-5d4b-44ce-9a5a-486f55f79af7",
"processId": "21ef7f9d-4fcc-417c-96e8-4327206d2592",
"users": [
"#id": "69d2f392-8213-4f34-9cb5-f0c403170787",
"userId": "5a17ec5f-c20a-4873-93af-bf69fad4eb26",
"roles": [
"roleId": "f6ad33a7-9d03-4260-81c2-a4a4c791e30a",
"users": []
"processes": []
"units": [
"unitTypeId": "c784d197-1dc7-446e-b3e5-6468a7954878",
"unit": {
"unitId": "aba76d05-e2ea-4b5a-828b-349966595258"
"isResponsibleUnit": true
"furtherComment": "",
"answeredQuestionnaires": [
"#id": "7ca1af09-eefd-4c56-9587-581858fbbc57"
The relation between the entities Process, AnsweredQuestionnaire and User is as follows:
Between Process and AnsweredQuestionnaire (One-to-many) respectively.
Between Process and User (many-to-many).
Between Process and UnitType (one-to-many) respectively.
public class AnsweredQuestionnaire {
private UUID answeredQuestionnaireId;
private Questionnaire questionnaire;
private Process process;
public void addProcessToAnsweredQuestionnaire(Process process){
//remove old association
if(this.process != null){
this.process = process;
//add new association
if(process != null){
public class User {
private UUID userId;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String phoneNumber;
private String email;
private List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Process> processes = new ArrayList<>();
public void addProcessToUser(Process process){
public void removeProcessFromUser(Process process){
} (this class is on the backend accepting the request from the frontend)
public class ProcessDTORequest {
private UUID processId;
private Set<User> users = new HashSet<>();
private Set<AnsweredQuestionnaire> answeredQuestionnaires = new HashSet<>();
private Set<UnitType> units = new HashSet<>();
public class UnitType {
private UUID unitTypeId;
private Unit unit;
private Boolean isResponsibleUnit = false;


JSON decoding error: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.math.BigInteger` from Object value (token `JsonToken.START_OBJECT`); (Jackson)

It is necessary to deserialize the result from Mono<ResultSumDto> to JSON, then to sent to the client as JSON.
Mono<ResultSumDto > getSumFromRange(
#PathVariable BigInteger startRange,
#PathVariable BigInteger endRange) {
ResultSumDto resultSumDto = ...
return Mono.just(resultSumDto);
public class JacksonObjectMapperConfiguration {
public void serializeBigInteger(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
JsonFormat.Value formatValue =
public class ResultSumDto {
private final BigInteger sumSeq;
private final BigInteger [] seqRange;
private final Boolean isCached;
private Mono<ResultSumDto> buildResult(SeqDto dto) {
Mono<BigInteger> sumSeq =
BigInteger bigInteger = null;
try {
bigInteger = sumSeq
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
BigInteger[] rangeGiven = new BigInteger[]
{dto.getStartRange(), dto.getEndRange()};
return Mono.just(ResultSumSeqDto.builder()
But I have a mistake:
org.springframework.core.codec.DecodingException: JSON decoding error: Cannot deserialize value of type java.math.BigInteger from Object value (token JsonToken.START_OBJECT); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type java.math.BigInteger from Object value (token JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
at [Source: (io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream); line: 1, column: 1]
But after all, when I get values in endpoint, serialization to the BigInteger type goes without problems.
Who has any idea why it doesn't work and how it can be fixed. Share your knowledge on how to deserialize an array BigInteger and a field with the BigInteger type?
That's what worked in my case.
public class DeserializeResultCalculateSumSequence
extends StdDeserializer<ResultCalculateSumSequenceDto> {
public DeserializeResultCalculateSumSequence() {
protected DeserializeResultCalculateSumSequence(Class<?> vc) {
public ResultCalculateSumSequenceDto deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser,
DeserializationContext deserializationContext)
throws IOException, JacksonException {
JsonNode node = jsonParser
BigInteger sumSequence = node
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String sequenceRangeStr = node.get("sequenceRange").toString();
BigInteger[] sequenceRange = mapper
.readValue(sequenceRangeStr, BigInteger[].class);
boolean isCached = node
return ResultCalculateSumSequenceDto
#JsonDeserialize(using = DeserializeResultCalculateSumSequence.class)
public class ResultCalculateSumSequenceDto {
private final BigInteger sumSequence;
private final BigInteger [] sequenceRange;
private final Boolean isCached;

Spring boot consume 2 rest and merge some fields

Im new to Spring Boot and got a problem were i need to consume 2 remote Rest services and merge the results. Would need some insight on the right approach.
I got something like this:
{"OrganizationId": 0,
"ManagementBusinessUnitName":""}, ...{}...]}
and need to make it into something like this:
got 2 #Entitys to represent each item, Organizations and Inventories with the attributtes like the JSON fields.
Currently trying to get matches with Java8 stream()
public List<Organization> getManipulate() {
List<Organization> organization = (List<Organization>)(Object) organizationController.getOrganization();
List<SubInventories> subInventories = (List<SubInventories>)(Object) getSuvInventories();
List<Organization> intersect = -> -> s.getOrganizationId()==o.getOrganizationId()))
return intersect;
found this searching but i got many classes and I don't know if it would be better to just for each organization get the subinventories and put them in a list of maps like
List<Map<String,Object> myList = new ArrayList<>();
//Loops here
Map<String,Object> a = new HashMap<>();
a.put("OrganizationID", 1231242415)...
Quite lost in what the right approach is.
Here the classes I'm using.
#JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Organization implements Serializable{
private Long OrganizationId;
private Long ManagementBusinessUnitId;
private String OrganizationCode,OrganizationName,ManagementBusinessUnitName;
public Organization() {
//getters setters
#JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class SubInventories implements Serializable{
private Long OrganizationId;
private String OrganizationCode,SecondaryInventoryName,Description;
public SubInventories() {
//getters and setters
Wrapper to unwrapp consume
#JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Wrapper {
private List<Object> items;
public Wrapper() {
public List<Object> getOrganization() {
return items;
public void setOrganization(List<Object> organization) {
this.items = organization;
public class OrganizationController {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private Environment env;
public List<Object> getOrganization() {
return getOrganizationInfo();
private List<Object> getOrganizationInfo() {
String url = env.getProperty("web.INVENTORY_ORGANIZATIONS");
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url);
builder.queryParam("fields", "OrganizationId,OrganizationCode,OrganizationName,ManagementBusinessUnitId,ManagementBusinessUnitName");
builder.queryParam("onlyData", "true");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity request = new HttpEntity(headers);
ResponseEntity<Wrapper> temp =, HttpMethod.GET, request, new ParameterizedTypeReference<Wrapper>() {});
List<Object> data = temp.getBody().getOrganization();
return data;
public class SubInventoryController {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private Environment env;
public List<Object> getSuvInventories() {
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("this is private :(");
builder.queryParam("onlyData", "true");
builder.queryParam("expand", "subinventoriesDFF");
builder.queryParam("limit", "999999");
builder.queryParam("fields", "OrganizationId,OrganizationCode,SecondaryInventoryName,Description");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("REST-Framework-Version", "2");
HttpEntity request = new HttpEntity(headers);
ResponseEntity<Wrapper> subInventories =, HttpMethod.GET, request, new ParameterizedTypeReference<Wrapper>() {});
List<Object> data = subInventories.getBody().getOrganization();
return data;
where I'm right now
public class MainController {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private Environment env;
private OrganizationController organizationController;
private SubInventoryController subInventoryController;
public Map<Organization, List<SubInventories>> getManipulate() {
List<Organization> organizations = (List<Organization>)(Object) organizationController.getOrganization();
List<SubInventories> subInventories = (List<SubInventories>)(Object) subInventoryController.getSuvInventories();
Map<Organization,List<SubInventories>> result = new HashMap<Organization,List<SubInventories>>();
for(Organization organization : organizations) {
List<SubInventories> subInventoryMatched = (List<SubInventories>) s -> s.getOrganizationId()== organization.getOrganizationId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
result.put(organizations.get(0), subInventoryMatched);
return result;
From what I understand I need to make a wrapper class for each POJO cause the response looks like this
"items": [
"OrganizationId": 1,
"OrganizationCode": "adasd",
"OrganizationName": "Hotel Bahía Príncipe Sunlight Costa Adeje",
"ManagementBusinessUnitId": 131231,
"ManagementBusinessUnitName": "asdasfdas"
"OrganizationId": 2,
"OrganizationCode": "adadas",
"OrganizationName": "Hadasd",
"ManagementBusinessUnitId": 1231,
"ManagementBusinessUnitName": "aewfrqaew"
and /subInventories
"items": [
"OrganizationId": 1,
"OrganizationCode": "asada",
"SecondaryInventoryName": "adfasdfasdgf",
"Description": "pub"
"OrganizationId": 2,
"OrganizationCode": "asgfrgtsdh",
"SecondaryInventoryName": "B LOB",
"Description": "pub2"
If used the generic one with Object I get a java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap incompatible with com.demo.model.Organization in the stream().filter and for the merge of the fields another class to get the desired
"items": [
"OrganizationId": 1,
"OrganizationCode": "asdas",
"OrganizationName": "adsadasd",
"ManagementBusinessUnitId": 1,
"ManagementBusinessUnitName": "asdasdf",
"SecondaryInventoryName": "sfsdfsfa",
"Description": "pub1"
Tons of classes if i get lots of POJO
I assume the following from the information you provide:
You have two Datatypes (Java classes). They should be merged together to one Java class
You have to load this data from different sources
Non of the classes are leading
I can provide you some example code. The code is based on the previos adoptions. This will give you an idea. It's not a simple copy and paste solution.
At first create a class with all fields you want to include in the result:
public class Matched {
private Object fieldA;
private Object fieldB;
// Some getter and Setter
The Basic idea is that you load your data. Than find the two corresponding objects. After that do your matching for each field.
public List<Matched> matchYourData() {
// load your data
List<DataA> dataAList = loadYourDataA();
List<DataB> dataBList = loadYourDataB();
List<Matched> resultList = new ArryList<>();
for (dataA: DataA) {
DataB dataB =
.filter(data -> data.getId() == dataA.getId())
// Now you have your data. Let's match them.
Matched matched = new Matched();
matched.setFieldA(dataB.getFieldA() == dataA.getFieldA() ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse());
// Set all your fields. Decide for everyone the matching strategy
return resultList;
This is a quite simple solution. Of course you can use Tools like Mapstruct for mapping purpose. But this depends on your environment.

Handler Goblal Exceptions Spring - add data when sending exception

I have a doubt about how to pass more data to throw an exception, I want to pass more data at the time of launching it, to put that data in the service response ..
I have an exception handler class labeled #ControllerAdvice in spring, but I don't know the best way to pass the data.
This is the code I have
throw new OcspException("Exception OCSP");
public class OcspException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public OcspException(String businessMessage) {
public OcspException(String businessMessage, Throwable throwable) {
super(businessMessage, throwable);
public ResponseEntity<Object> exception(OcspException exception,HttpServletRequest request) {
ResponseException response = new ResponseException();
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
I have the idea to do it, but I don't know if it is a good practice ... in the OcspException class to create attributes with their setter and getters, and create the constructor that receives this data, to then extract the data in exception controller
throw new OcspException("Exception OCSP","Hello");
public class OcspException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String m;
public OcspException(String businessMessage) {
public OcspException(String businessMessage, Throwable throwable) {
super(businessMessage, throwable);
public OcspException(String businessMessage, String message) {
public String getM() {
return m;
public void setM(String m) {
this.m = m;
public ResponseEntity<Object> exception(OcspException exception,HttpServletRequest request) {
ResponseException response = new ResponseException();
response.setDetails(exception.getM() );
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
Try making an model called ErrorDetails which will hold a timestamp, message, and details.
It may look like this:
public class ErrorDetails {
private LocalDateTime timeStamp;
private String message;
private String details;
Here's a sample of what my custom exceptions usually look like:
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
public class OrderNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
private final String message;
public OrderNotFoundException(String message) {
this.message = message;
Then for the #ExceptionHandler:
public ResponseEntity<ErrorDetails>
orderNotFoundException(OrderNotFoundException ex, WebRequest request) {
ErrorDetails errorDetails = ErrorDetails.builder()
return new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
The error response for an order not found ends up being this:
"timeStamp": "2019-10-07T21:31:37.186",
"message": "Order with id 70 was not found.",
"details": "uri=/api/v1/order"
This way you can add whatever extra details in the ErrorDetails object. I hope that helps!

sprng boot jpa + redis LazyInitializationException

I use spring boot 2.1.2 and redis as cache provider.
But now, I have a question.
In sysUser entity
#Table(name = "sys_user")
#ToString(exclude = "roles")
#EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
#Proxy(lazy = false)
public class SysUser extends BaseEntity implements UserDetails {
// ...
* 当前用户的权限
#ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JsonIgnoreProperties(value = "users")
#JoinTable(name = "sys_user_role",
joinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "user_id", nullable = false)},
inverseJoinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "role_id", nullable = false)})
private List<SysRole> roles;
// ...
In sysRole entity
#Table(name = "sys_role")
#EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
#ToString(exclude = {"users", "permissions"})
#Proxy(lazy = false)
public class SysRole extends BaseEntity {
// ...
* 当前角色的菜单
#JsonIgnoreProperties(value = "roles")
#ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinTable(name = "sys_permission_role", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "role_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "permission_id"))
private List<SysPermission> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
* 当前角色对应的用户
* 双向映射造成数据重复查询死循环问题
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "roles")
private List<SysUser> users = new ArrayList<>();
In SysPermission entitty
#Table(name = "sys_permission")
#EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
#Proxy(lazy = false)
public class SysPermission extends BaseEntity {
// ...
* 菜单角色
* 双向映射造成数据重复查询死循环问题
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "permissions")
private List<SysRole> roles = new ArrayList<>();
In sysUser service impl
public SysUser loadUserByUsername(String username) {
return sysUserRepository.findFirstByUsernameAndEnabledTrue(username).orElseThrow(() ->
new UsernameNotFoundException("用户不存在")
redis config
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
RedisCacheConfiguration redisCacheConfiguration = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
return RedisCacheManager
#Bean(name = "redisTemplate")
public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<>();
return redisTemplate;
private RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer() {
return new StringRedisSerializer();
private RedisSerializer<Object> valueSerializer() {
return new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer();
When I first called loadUserByUsername,it is ok.And in redis
But when I secound called loadUserByUsername,it is wrong,And get exception Could not read JSON: failed to lazily initialize a collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session (through reference chain: cn.echocow.xiaoming.model.entity.SysUser["roles"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: failed to lazily initialize a collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session (through reference chain: cn.echocow.xiaoming.model.entity.SysUser["roles"])
Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: failed to lazily initialize a collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session (through reference chain: cn.echocow.xiaoming.model.entity.SysUser["roles"])
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException.wrapWithPath(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException.wrapWithPath(
Caused by: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection, could not initialize proxy - no Session
at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException(
at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.withTemporarySessionIfNeeded(
at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.readSize(
at org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentBag.size(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.CollectionDeserializer.deserialize(
I try these methods
#JsonIgnore , but it will set roles is null, I want to use this field.
Config jackson registerModule Hibernate5Module, it will set roles is null.
Use #Proxy(lazy = false), no changes.
Use #ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER), no changes
open-in-view: true
enable_lazy_load_no_trans: true
no changes...
Use another json tools, such as gson and FastJson, but infinite loop for jpa when save cache.
Please help me, I had spent three days...But I do not resolve this question...
github address: XIAOMING
If do not have resolve method, maybe I must use Mybatis. But there is a lot of work.Please help me resolve this question...
1st. create 2 classes below
The HibernateCollectionIdResolver.class will translate HibernateCollection class into JDK collection class, so the Jackson will write json from
"paramA": [
"paramA": [
then the method typeFromId will get JDK JavaType from the class full name above, to deserialize your json to POJO.
class HibernateCollectionIdResolver extends TypeIdResolverBase {
public HibernateCollectionIdResolver() {
public String idFromValue(Object value) {
//translate from HibernanteCollection class to JDK collection class
if (value instanceof PersistentArrayHolder) {
return Array.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentBag || value instanceof PersistentIdentifierBag || value instanceof PersistentList) {
return List.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentSortedMap) {
return TreeMap.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentSortedSet) {
return TreeSet.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentMap) {
return HashMap.class.getName();
} else if (value instanceof PersistentSet) {
return HashSet.class.getName();
} else {
//default is JDK collection
return value.getClass().getName();
public String idFromValueAndType(Object value, Class<?> suggestedType) {
return idFromValue(value);
//deserialize the json annotated JDK collection class name to JavaType
public JavaType typeFromId(DatabindContext ctx, String id) throws IOException {
try {
return ctx.getConfig().constructType(Class.forName(id));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);
public JsonTypeInfo.Id getMechanism() {
return JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS;
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS
#JsonTypeIdResolver(value = HibernateCollectionIdResolver.class)
public class HibernateCollectionMixIn {
2nd. register this MixIn class to you ObjectMapper
Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer jackson2JsonRedisSerializer = new Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer<>(Object.class);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.enableDefaultTyping(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY);
mapper.registerModule(new Jdk8Module());
mapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());
mapper.addMixIn(Collection.class, HibernateCollectionMixIn.class);
last, register your jackson2JsonRedisSerializer to your RedisCacheConfiguration.
This would be helpful, I spent 2 days researching how to solve this problem.
And I found the json type id could be rewrite...
So just override jackson typeIdResolver~
EDIT: solve deserialization issue and add some comments
In your code you return valueSerializer like this
private RedisSerializer<Object> valueSerializer() {
return new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer();
But you will have to return the GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer with Jackson Object mapper that has Hibernate5Module or Hibernate4Module registered as a module
public ObjectMapper getMapper() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);
// Registering Hibernate5Module to support lazy objects for hibernate 5
// Use Hibernate4Module if using hibernate 4
mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate5Module());
return mapper;
private RedisSerializer<Object> valueSerializer() {
return new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(getMapper());

error in parsing JSON using GSON with retrofit API

this is POJO or model class that I am using, I'm able to get the response from server but it is throwing SyntaxException and MalformedJSONException
//Model class:
public class AppUser {
public Integer userID;
public String username;
public String password;
public String emailID;
public String accessToken;
//JSON Retrieved:
"userID": "123456",
"username": "rkumar",
"password": "rohitk",
"emailID": "",
"accessToken": "1weErtYo90ds8i9"
//JSON Deserializer
public class AppUserDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<AppUser> {
public AppUser deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
Log.d("Json element",json.toString());
return new Gson().fromJson(json, AppUser.class);
//Rest Client Constructor
public RestClient()
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(AppUser.class, new AppUserDeserializer())
RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
.setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))
signInService = restAdapter.create(SignInService.class);
