Read Azure event-Hub older data - azure-databricks

Read Azure event-Hub older data. (Older data date > retention Period-7 days)
Is there any way to read event hub based on date ?
Need Python or Scala functions.
FYI, am processing events in azure databricks

Consumers cannot read data older than the retention policy period. If you think you may need to process older data, I recommend turning on capture for your eventhubs. Check below for more information on the capture feature.


I have installed Auditbeat today and want to view audit logs which are older than a month. Is this achievable somehow?

I have installed Auditbeat today and want to view audit logs which are older than a month in Elasticsearch. Is this achievable somehow?
Auditbeat is a data shipper so it is just going to move the data around.
This data is mainly event, and Auditbeat listen to then, it is not reading them from a file so sadly I don't think so.
To understand
Auditbeat is composed of 3 modules:
Get event from the kernel as the come.
This module establishes a subscription to the kernel to receive the events as they occur.
So no way to get the data from earlier this month.
File integrity
This module uses features of the operating system to monitor file changes in realtime.
It will not be able to get events from a month back.
Event information is sent as the events occur (e.g. a process starts or stops).
Yet again, not possible.
So you won't be able to access the data from a month from now.

How to migrate to Event-Sourcing?

we are migrating from a legacy monolith application to a microservice architecture. we use CQRS and event sourcing pattern and message broker (rabbitmq) for communication mechanism. now We are facing a challenge about how can convert the old database to new architecture and how can use event sourcing for these? Assuming the old database did not have events, can we do the data conversion without creating events? what is the start point of our old database data in the event sourcing pattern?
One important thing to remember is that many databases internally event source: every write goes to a log and that log is used to update tables, replicate etc., after which the log is truncated. It's equivalent to event sourcing with a lot of snapshots and very little retention of events and old snapshots.
In these databases (which include the likes of Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Cassandra, CosmosDB, to name ones I know from experience do this), there's a technique called Change Data Capture which essentially taps into the log and exposes a stream of changes to the database which can be treated as events from the database (or by extension as commands: "one service's events are another service's commands"). Debezium can be used to write CDC records to Kafka; for RabbitMQ you may need to roll something yourself, in which case you'll want to get acquainted with how CDC is exposed in your database.
Even if the database doesn't support CDC, if the data isn't that large, you can often turn it into an ersatz event stream by periodically dumping its data (if the records are timestamped, this can even work if the data is particularly slow moving) and implementing a service to track what changed: this won't tell you about changes that netted out, but it's often better than nothing. This sort of dump is also likely to be required if you need a "genesis" event to ensure that your initial state is current to when you moved to event-sourcing or CDC.
This whole broad family of techniques has limitations compared to full event sourcing: reifying what changed is not as valuable as reifying what changed and why it changed. But it can be a useful middle ground in migrating to event-sourcing.
By referring #alexey-zimarev's answer at this post, it's essential to have the starting event in your event sourced database. You can not configure an event-sourced aggregate without replaying its events. Therefore, you need to map the legacy snapshot to an individual domain event of your relevant aggregate.
Either the way, considering event souring definition by Martin Fowler:
The fundamental idea of Event Sourcing is that of ensuring every
change to the state of an application is captured in an event object,
and that these event objects are themselves stored in the sequence
they were applied for the same lifetime as the application state
So that, it's not an appropriate solution to migrate legacy snapshots into the newer one without extracting and storing domain events. It will turn your event-sourced project into a semi-event-sourced project which is not considered as a paradigm to design and develop.
You have an event store that is a database for events. you can create event data that you need for the old database and insert into the event store. After that, do event replaying for creating read models.

Why use Beats if i can post directly to Elasticsearch?

Recently i have been reading into Elastic stack and finding out about this thing called Beats, which basically used for lightweight shippers.
So the question is, if my service can directly hit to Elasticsearch, do i actually need beats for it? Since from what i have known it's just kinda a proxy (?)
Hopefully my question is clear enough
Not sure which beat you are specifically referring but let's take an example of Filebeat.
Suppose application logs need to be indexed into Elasticsearch. Options
Post the logs directly to Elasticsearch
Save the logs to a file, then use Filebeat to index logs
Publish logs to a AMQP service like RabbitMQ or Kafka, then use Logstash input plugins to read from RabbitMQ or Kafka and index into Elasticsearch
Option 2 Benefits
Filebeat ensures that each log message got delivered at-least-once. Filebeat is able to achieve this behavior because it stores the delivery state of each event in the registry file. In situations where the defined output is blocked and has not confirmed all events, Filebeat will keep trying to send events until the output acknowledges that it has received the events.
Before shipping data to Elasticsearh, we can do some additional processing or filtering. We want to drop some logs based on some text in the log message or add additional field (eg: Add Application Name to all logs, so that we can index multiple application logs into single index, then on consumption side we can filter the logs based on application name.)
Essentially beats provide the reliable way of indexing data without causing much overhead to the system as beats are lightweight shippers.
Option 3 - This also provides the same benefits as option2. This might be more useful in case if we want to ship the logs directly to an external system instead of storing it in a file in the local system. For any applications deployed in Docker/Kubernetes, where we do not have much access or enough space to store files in the local system.
Beats are good as lightweight agents for collecting streaming data like log files, OS metrics, etc, where you need some sort of agent to collect and send. If you have a service that wants to put things into Elastic, then yes by all means it can just use rest/java etc API directly.
Filebeat offers a way to centralize live logs from Multiple Servers
Let's say you are running multiple instances of an application in different servers and they are writing logs.
You can ship all these logs to a single ElasticSearch index and analyze or visualize them from there.
A single static file doesn't need Filebeat for moving to ElasticSearch.

Run Confluent JDBC Connector at specific time instead of using polling interval?

We are trying to copy data from a database table into Kafka using the Confluent JDBC-Source connector. The problem is that the data in that table gets updated exactly one every night, so we would like to copy the latest data after the table has been updated, for example we would like the connector to run at 7am every day. Is that possible?
The documentation only shows the poll interval property, we could only use that if we set the poll.interval to 24 hours, but then we would have to start the connector at 7am, which is not really an elegant solution. Is there a better way to do that?
Thank you!
Kafka, and Kafka Connect, is not really designed for "batch". That is, you can use it in a batch-driven way, but the concept of integrating it into the kind of daisy-chained workflow you describe is not native to it.
The polling interval of the JDBC connector is so that you can periodically check for new data, at a rate at which strikes the balance for you between load on the source system (from polling) vs latency of received data.
Why not set the connector to poll every few minutes (or few times an hour; whatever), and then once the new data is available, it'll pull it in. No new data, no new records.
Alternatively, you can use the Kafka Connect REST API to start and stop the connector programmatically. Before your load, pause the connector. Once loaded, resume the connector. If you use pause/resume note that you'll still want to set the polling interval appropriately. You could also simply delete & recreate it each time.
You might also consider a log-based CDC approach (pros & cons).

Concurrent batch jobs writing logs to database

My production system has nearly 170 Ctrl-M jobs(essentially cron jobs) running every day. These jobs are weaved together(by creating dependencies) to perform ETL operations. eg: Ctrl-M(scheduler like CRON) almost always start with a shell script, which then executes a bunch of python, hive scripts or map-reduce jobs in a specific order.
I am trying to implement logging into each of these processes to be able to better monitor the tasks and the pipelines in whole. The logs would be used to build a monitoring dashboard.
Currently I have implemented logging using a central wrapper which would be called by each of the processes to log information. This wrapper in turn opens up a teradata connection EACH time and calls a teradata stored procedure to write into a teradata table.
This works fine for now. But in my case, multiple concurrent processes (spawning even more parallel child processes) run at the same time and I have started experiencing dropped connections while doing some load testing. Below is an approach I have been thinking about:
Make processes write to some kind of message queues(eg: AWS sqs). A listener would pick data from these message queues asynchronously and then batch write to teradata.
Using files or some structure to perform batch writing to teradata db.
I would definitely like to hear your thoughts on that or any other better approaches. Eventually the end point of logging will be shifted to redshift and hence thinking in the lines of AWS SQS queues.
Thanks in advance.
I think Kinesis firehose is the perfect solution for this. Setting up a the firehose stream is incredibly quick and easy to configure, very inexpensive and will stream your data to s3 bucket of your choice and optionally stream your logs directly to redshift.
If redshift is your end goal (or even just s3), kinesis firehose couldn't make it easier.
Amazon Kinesis Firehose is the easiest way to load streaming data into
AWS. It can capture and automatically load streaming data into Amazon
S3 and Amazon Redshift, enabling near real-time analytics with
existing business intelligence tools and dashboards you’re already
using today. It is a fully managed service that automatically scales
to match the throughput of your data and requires no ongoing
administration. It can also batch, compress, and encrypt the data
before loading it, minimizing the amount of storage used at the
destination and increasing security. You can easily create a Firehose
delivery stream from the AWS Management Console, configure it with a
few clicks, and start sending data to the stream from hundreds of
thousands of data sources to be loaded continuously to AWS – all in
just a few minutes.
