Recovering Authenticator Access on Heroku - heroku

I had to get a new phone, and I didn't think about my auth applications. I got all my others replaced and working, but I can't even get to the Third-Party Authenticator App to get the QR code I need since I have to be logged in to get to it. I can't even submit a help ticket since I have to be logged in as well to do this. Does anyone have any ideas on how to recover your validation authorization application for Heroku?


How do I send emails using blastula from

I'm trying to send email notifications from a shiny app using Gmail and the blastula package. What I want is that when a user presses a button, that sends an email notification to someone at my company so that they know to respond. This works when running the app locally, but when deployed to, I am getting a login denied error (I've updated my gmail settings for this account to allow less secure apps, which is why it's working locally). Does anyone know how to get blastula functioning on
I created an App Password to enhance security, as per the updated vignette from the authors of the bastula package, and it is working now!

Bot Framework - Oauth BadRequest -

I am trying to get a Bot working with the Oauth example provided here:
If I use Azure as an exemplary issuer all works ok. So the general code works out fine.
Now, I have an example Laravel Passport app running to issue myself for testing purposes. All configuration, normal login etc. works fine. I created a generic oauth 2 client in Azure with my password client id and secret.
If I test it in the Azure Portal it heads to the request permission dialog. I confirm and it redirects to e.g. and just shows Bad Request. No more, no less.
I tried different configurations etc., googled and found some with similar problems but no solution. Most just referred to secrets etc. But the secret works, a broken secret before lead to other issues I am not facing now.
And the error message is not really helpful ^^ No matter how I call it is always a Bad Request.
Does anybody have an idea, a hint in what direction to look further, where issues could occur? As I am a little lost right now.

Users log in to Facebook on my React Native app, but I also need authentication for the API calls to my own server. How do I do this?

I'm using the Expo Facebook login on my React Native app. In my app they can create and join events, which is done via API calls to my Laravel backend. I need these API calls to be authenticated (so some random person can't submit requests on someone else's behalf), but I don't want them to have to login twice. How can I ensure the person making API calls is who they say they are?
When they auth with Facebook they get their unique Facebook user ID, but I'm not sure if that is a secret they would only know after authenticating with FB or if anyone could get it. For my alpha version it's just sending their FB user ID with the request to ensure it's coming from the right person, but that seems really insecure because if anyone gets that ID they can forge requests.
One idea I had was to pass the auth token the React Native app got from Facebook to my API, and then on my server use that auth token to ensure it's really them. That just seems sort of complicated and it's hard to find a package that helps facilitate this, though.
It seems like this has to be a common problem. Any resources on how other apps handle this? Tinder, for example, must have this same problem.

Google Apps SAML error app_not_configured_for_user

I'm trying to enable SAML for our domain so that Google Apps is our idP
Unfortunately we're getting an error which we can't solve.
403. That’s an error.
Error: app_not_configured_for_user
Service is not configured for this user.
Request Details
That’s all we know.
We're building on Laravel 5.2 + the aacotroneo/laravel-saml2 package.
Is anybody familiar with this error?
Just to be sure, SAML is enabled for this user in Google Apps.
I had this problem and it turns out that I had two google apps for work accounts and I had configured the app in the wrong one. As a result, I got this message. Hope this helps.

Accessing fb user using Parse' Cloud Code hosting

We are hosting a web app on Parse's Cloud Code Hosting service but I'm having a problem getting the logged in facebook user in Express code. I can see that the client side it working when I call Parse.FacebookUtils.logIn and I can get the user in main.js using request.user when the account is logged in from an iOS app, but the same doesn't work in app.js. I've tried following the cookie handling code in this guide but I still get undefined when I try and access it.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but I'm not sure where the process is failing.
This seems to be a reasonably common problem;
Then I finally came across this;
