Quicksight: Count only the duplicate string value - amazon-quicksight

Looking to count only the Duplicate values based on the example.
This is a Pivot table and I'm looking for a calculation in duplicate where it will show only the count if there are any same value on a field('Breed').
So for this example DOG | NOV2 |should show 1 count for duplicate


Wrong sorting while using Query function

I've been trying to do a report about the quantity of breakdonws of products in our company. The problem is that the QUERY function is operating as normal, but the sorting order is well - a bit strange.
The data I'm trying to sort are as follows (quantities are blacked out since I cannot share those informations):
Raw data
First column - name of the product, second, it's EAN code, third, breakdown rate for last year, last column - average breakdown rate. "b/d" means "brak danych" or no data.
What I want to achieve is to get the end table with values sorted by average breakdown rate.
My query is as follows:
=query(Robocze!A2:D;"select A where A is not null and NOT D contains 'b/d' order by D desc")
Final result
As You can see, we have descending order, but there are strange artifacts - like the 33.33% after 4,00% and before 3,92%.
Why is that!?
=INDEX(LAMBDA(x; SORT(x; INDEX(x;; 4)*1; 0))
(QUERY(Robocze!A2:D; "where A is not null and NOT D contains 'b/d'"; 0));; 4)

List.Distinct and List.Count Challenge

Within PQ, I have a table of data (below) to which I am trying to determine whether all the columns titled Plan Status-# are the same, excluding blanks, and if all the same, display that value and if not display "Varies across plans"
The PQ code is below where I use List.Distinct to create a list of all "unique values".
I then use List.Count to count this number in the list and if 1, set the column equal to the Distinct value.
If List.Count({List.Distinct({[#"Plan Status-H"],[#"Plan Status-D"],[#"Plan Status-S"],[#"Plan Status-M"],[#"Plan Status-C"],[#"Plan Status-U"]})})=1 then List.Distinct({[#"Plan Status-H"],[#"Plan Status-D"],[#"Plan Status-S"],[#"Plan Status-M"],[#"Plan Status-C"],[#"Plan Status-U"]}) else "Varies across plans"
As per the table above, the List.Count does not seem to working correctly as some of the records show a merged value of items in the list which means the List.Count for a list with multiple values is calcing as 1.
You have extra brackets in your code. Try this:
if List.Count(List.Distinct({[#"Plan Status-H"],[#"Plan Status-D"],[#"Plan Status-S"],[#"Plan Status-M"],[#"Plan Status-C"],[#"Plan Status-U"]}))=1
then List.Distinct({[#"Plan Status-H"],[#"Plan Status-D"],[#"Plan Status-S"],[#"Plan Status-M"],[#"Plan Status-C"],[#"Plan Status-U"]})
else "Varies across plans"

Google Sheets: When there are dupe values in a column, determine which value should be included by comparing corresponding dates in a date column

I have a dataset with an ID column and Edit Date column. There are some duplicate IDs but the Edit Dates will be different for each dupe ID. I created 2 helper columns to help me determine if I need to include the row of data in a separate analysis I'm working on. I included Notes in the sample dataset, with a short description of each column.
I want to include any rows that:
Have Count value = 1
Have Count value >1 but the Edit Date value for its corresponding ID is the lowest value of all Edit Dates listed in all rows this value is in
I don't want to include any rows that:
Have Count value >1 and Edit Date value that not the lowest Edit Date for the corresponding ID
So far all I have is the first part...I'm having trouble figuring out how to go about the comparison when Count >1, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is all I have so far...
Thank you in advance!
{SORT(A2:A&B2:B, B2:B, 1), IF(COUNTIFS(SORT(A2:A, B2:B, 1), SORT(A2:A, B2:B, 1),
ROW(A2:A), "<="&ROW(A2:A))=1, "yes", "no")}, 2, 0)))

Spotfire Expression Value for Max(Row Count)

I'm trying to make a Calculated Value Control expression on the below columns:
Row Count | Date | Value
What I want to get is the Value for the 'newest' date, which will also be the highest row count. How can I write an expression to get this, it seems like it ought to be simple. I'm having trouble writing it in only expression language, without SQL.
Using the expression below you can limit the records in your table to those with the highest (aka most recent) date which should have your Value of interest.
[Date] = Max([Date])
You can do the same with row count since you mentioned the record of interest being the highest row count:
[Row Count] = Max([Row Count])
If you're looking to create a calculated column you can use a case statement to spit out the value:
case when [Date] = Max([Date]) then [Value] end
Lastly, should you want to display this value in a Text Area to show off your value you can utilize the calculated column above:
1) Create a new Text Area
2) Type some text about what it is: "Value for newest Date: " (optional)
3) Click "Insert Dynamic Item" -> "Calculated Value"
4) Under "Data" ensure the appropriate data table is selected. Note: You can uncheck the "Use Current Filtering..." box here if you do not want your value to update as you filter.
5) Under Values, utilize our calculated column with "Max" wrapped around it to avoid Summing duplicate values:
Here is a screenshot of my work with random filler dates and values: http://i.imgur.com/hFapS8c.png
The larger text is to show the calculated value dynamic items. I used Max([Date]) for the date value.

Sum Formula Crystal Reports Inquiry

Ok, say I have a subreport that populates a chart I have from data in a table. I have a summary sum field that adds up the total of each row displayed. I am about to add two new rows that need to be displayed but not totaled up in the sum. There is a field in the table that has a number from 1-7 in it. If I added these new fields into the database, I would assign a negative number to this like -1 and -2 to differentiate it between the other records. How can I set up a formula so that it will sum up all of the amount fields except for the records that have an 'order' number we will call it of either -1 or -2? Thanks!
Use a Running Total Field and set the evaluate formula to something like {new_field} >= 0. So it will only sum the value when it passes that test.
The way to accomplish this without a running total is with a formula like this:
if {OrderNum} >= 0 Then {Amount}
