I tried to record an application which uses Microsoft Azure Totp. I couldn't handle otp. Please help.
Unable to disable toptp
You can generate a TOTP using i.e. this library, the relevant JSR223 Test Element and some Groovy code:
Can we automate firebase analytics(events/views) triggered from android/ios apps using appium-java?
i have just triggered the events that needs to be automated and stuck with proceeding further...
Is it possible to link to firebase analytics and query the data to validate?
Is there any other way that we can catch the analytic events while triggering the events from app?
I have gone through many articles not getting correct answer
Please advise, Thank you!
Option 1 -
Generate a build with unique build#.
After Appium execution for the events, initiate web browser through selenium.
Filter that specific build version in Firebase and check the events
Option 2 -
Track network calls and validate the requests.
I'm new to C# development and know we should be able to host the token generation C# api within the Bot Composer C# solution to safely use the DirectLine Secret to get a token.
Can anyone provide steps and/or sample code?
We have an API where, if i enroll some data it will reflect in mainframe system, i need to validate few details using selenium testNG framework..Could anyone help me on this?
Selenium is a Web Browser UI validation framework. If you are trying to validate api, then selenium is not going to be the right tool for you. You could look into SOAP UI or you could build your own custom api validation framework that hits an api endpoint, serializes it to an object and then validates the response values based on what you expect the response to be. I've also built hybrid frameworks where, I manipulate the browser via selenium and then at one point in the test I have to call an api to validate that another application was updated. But you wouldn't use anything from the selenium libraries for api validation.
Selenium is used to test GUI. If you want to implement API testing, you can use RestAssured framework if you like to code or SoapUI.
i am using tokbox api integration for conference calls between two people.however ,sometimes based on user choice in my web application,i want to have only audio enabled in the tokbox session.
Is there a way to do so.
i am using api calls to generate a session id and javascript workaround to generate a token,unable to use sdk as GAE doesnt support it.
Inputs appreciated.
You can use JavaScript to disable publishing video, which results in audio only. The code is publisher.publishVideo(false). See the docs for Publisher for more information: https://tokbox.com/developer/sdks/js/reference/Publisher.html#publishVideo
Which language Server SDK is not working on GAE to generate tokens? It's a very bad idea to generate your tokens in JS on the client because your API Secret will be sent in the clear to anyone who visits your page.
In windows Phone application, i added Enterprise.wsdl(obtained from my salesforce login id) as reference. I'm able to authenticate using Loginresult. But while using Create the above expense are thrown.
Using SoapHeader class in Web application inherited System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeader so referred the Server url and id.
It is not possible to use web in Windows phone. Plz help if you know any samples to solve it
Part of the results for the login call are a serverUrl, this url should be used to make all subsequent requests, typically in .NET you just set the .Url property of your stub to the provided value. While there are no win-phone specific examples, there are lots of .NET examples in the docs
My experience has been that you can't import the Partner or Enterprise WSDLs to a Windows Phone 7 project.
With Windows Phone 7 projects you can add a Service Reference (for WCF), but not a Web Reference.
Whenever I've imported the Salesforce WSDLs to a standard .NET project I've needed to use a Web Reference to get the APIs working correctly. Something about how WCF doesn't support the Salesforce WSDL defined SOAP headers that are needed to specify the session details.
I found using the REST API and JSON.NET to be the easiest with Windows Phone 7 projects.
That said, my phone app only works with Developer, Enterprise and Unlimited Salesforce editions. Professional and Group editions get the API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG error. I think I need to get the app certified to work with those editions.