How to fetch email internet headers in an on-send add-in? - outlook

We have a client that requires that an action take place when sending emails with certain Microsoft Information Protection/Azure Information Protection (MSIP/AIP) labels. We have a desktop Outlook add-in that does this perfectly.
Now however the client is requesting this same add-in but using the new modern style Outlook add-ins. We have created an on-send add-in to accomplish this, but we cannot get access to any internet headers in an Office.ComposeMessage. In fact, we cannot get any headers to be returned.
Here is our code:
async function fetchInternetHeaders(mailItem: Office.MessageCompose,
tags: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
let myTags: string[] = [
"msip_labels", // This is the value we need
"x-ms-has-attach", // This is for testing
"PR_SUBJECT_W", // This is for testing
"", // test
"", // test
"{00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/msip_labels/0x0000001F", // Another way to get msip_labels
mailItem.internetHeaders.getAsync(myTags, function(asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
debug.Log("onSend.fetchInternetHeaders", "Selected headers: " + JSON.stringify(asyncResult.value));
} else {
"Error getting selected headers: " + JSON.stringify(asyncResult.error)
} catch (error) {
debug.Log("onSend.fetchInternetHeaders", "Error occurred", error);
Note: We ignored the parameter "tags" to make everything as simple as possible.
The call succeeds but the returned array is always empty, even for simple properties like the email Subject. What are we doing wrong?

Both COM add-ins and Web add-ins don't provide any internet headers until the message is sent out. You may expect the internet headers set when the message is put to the Sent Items folder, but before that they are not created and stamped by the service/transport provider.
Most probably you need to access user properties, see the UserProperties object in the Outlook object model. But the Office JavaScript API (OfficeJS) doesn't provide anything for that out of the box, you need to use EWS or Graph API to access such properties from web add-ins.
You can specify data specific to an item in the user's mailbox using the CustomProperties object. For example, your mail add-in could categorize certain messages and note the category using a custom property messageCategory. Or, if your mail add-in creates appointments from meeting suggestions in a message, you can use a custom property to track each of these appointments. This ensures that if the user opens the message again, your mail add-in doesn't offer to create the appointment a second time.
Be aware, changes to custom properties are stored on in-memory copies of the properties for the current Outlook session. To make sure these custom properties will be available in the next session, use CustomProperties.saveAsync.
These add-in-specific, item-specific custom properties can only be accessed by using the CustomProperties object. Like I wrote earlier, these properties are different from the custom, MAPI-based UserProperties in the Outlook object model, and extended properties in Exchange Web Services (EWS). You cannot directly access CustomProperties by using the Outlook object model, EWS, or REST. To learn how to access CustomProperties using EWS or REST, see the section Get custom properties using EWS or REST.
You can post or vote for an existing feature request on Tech Community where they are considered when the Office dev team go through the planning process. Use the github label: Type: product feature request at .


Add information message when reading email

I would like to display an information message for the user when he read a specific email (i.e the email is tagged as external). The message should be displayed in the same way as outlook categories.
I know that I can use Exchange transport rule to achieve that but my client don't want to modify the message itself. He prefers displaying a message in the UI without changing the email body. The other option is to use the Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages interface but as I told, I don't want to modify the email item if possible.
Do you think it is doable with outlook JS addins ?
My need is similar to this one for VSTO addin: How can my Outlook VSTO Add-in modify the read email form?
The Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages interface provides the addAsync method which accepts the JSONMessage parameter which represents a JSON object that contains the notification message to be added to the item. It contains a NotificationMessageDetails object. Among properties you can find the persistent property which specifies if the message should be persistent. Only applicable when type is InformationalMessage. If true, the message remains until removed by this add-in or dismissed by the user. If false, it is removed when the user navigates to a different item. For error notifications, the message persists until the user sees it once. Specifying this parameter for an unsupported type throws an exception.
In case of categories, the message will be modified.
Do you know if it's possible to execute the function as soon as the read form is opened without having to click on an action button ?
Web add-ins are run under the context of currently selected item only. You can pin a task pane, then you'll be able to register an event handler to get notified of the change. The event handler should accept a single parameter, which is an object literal. The type property of this object will be set to Office.EventType.ItemChanged. When the event is called, the Office.context.mailbox.item object is already updated to reflect the currently selected item.
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// Set up ItemChanged event
Office.context.mailbox.addHandlerAsync(Office.EventType.ItemChanged, itemChanged);
function itemChanged(eventArgs) {
// Update on the new current item
Currently the event-based activation of add-in in Read mode is not supported. We track Outlook add-in feature requests on our Tech Community Page. Please submit your request there and choose the appropriate label(s). Feature requests on Tech Community are considered when we go through our planning process.
Currently, Event-based of activation of add-ins is only supported for Compose mode. You can explore more here- Configure your Outlook add-in for event-based activation - Office Add-ins | Microsoft Docs

Outlook VSTO error when saving appointment item

We have a VSTO add-in for Outlook, that supports booking of resources managed by our cloud system.
In addition we support resources that are also available in Exchange as rooms to support integration with other systems.
When we perform a booking of such a room, the add-in adds the corresponding Exchange email address for the room to recipients, so it will also be booked in Exchange.
This used to work fine, but now we have received a report from a customer that they can no longer create bookings for resources with Exchange integration. The error they receive is completely unhelpful:
System.ArgumentException: Der gik desværre noget galt. Du kan prøve igen.
ved Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.Save()
(in English: "Something went wrong. You can try again")
This happens when add-in attempts to save the item after adding some custom properties. I think the error is triggered by the add-in adding the Exchange rooms to recipients, since it does not happen for resources without Exchange integration.
Here is the code we use to add recipients:
var rec = ...; // custom DTO with recipient info
string recipientInfo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.Email)
? rec.OutlookName
: rec.Email;
var recRecip = appointment.Recipients.Add(recipientInfo);
recRecip.Type = rec.RecipientType;
if (Current.Settings.IsEnabled(FeatureFlag.ResolveAddedRecipients))
using (LogHelper.TimedTask($"resolving recipient [{rec}]", Log))
I can see from the logs, that the room recipient has email address, so above code will add by email. Also, the feature flag to resolve recipients is enabled, so the code will call resolve afterwards.
What could be going wrong here?
EDIT: Their Outlook version is
If the problem is isolated to the user's computer, we always recommend our IT staff to share the O365 Outlook Diagnostics Tool which analyses the outlook install, data files, plugins, cache and performs checks to identify source of issues on client computers.

Outlook Add-in ErrorInvalidMailboxItemId - Item Id doesn't belong to the current mailbox when downloading attachments

We have an office add-in where we get contents of email, its attachments and send them to our SaaS application to be filed/saved. This works as expected until we try to retrieve attachments of an email from shard mailbox.
This has been working fine, but recently users have reported that they cannot. On testing, we found that, we can get the contents of the shared email (Body) but not the attachments (we can see that the add-in shows the email body and lists all attachments) but there is no attachment content, so when saved in the application, the email is saved with empty files.
The error we get when downloading attachment is:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorInvalidMailboxItemId",
"message": "Item Id doesn't belong to the current mailbox."
API Call:<restId>/attachments/<attachmentId>/?$expand=Microsoft.OutlookServices.ItemAttachment/Item($expand=Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message/attachments
I've already had a look at this post but hasn't helped much. I am testing this on mac but will test on windows.
Any more info regarding this would be helpful.
For items from a Shared Mailbox, use the Shared Properties interface to construct the REST URL, as documented here. To determine whether to use Shared Properties or not, check for requirement set 1.8 as well as the existence of the getSharedPropertiesAsync method. For sample code on how to check for a requirement set, see this documentation.For sample code on how to check for and use the Shared Properties interface, see this other documentation.

Outlook API, Message Moved to "Sent Items" still beign marked as "[Draft]"

I'm working on an Outlook Add-in, using office.js, where users can send secure emails using backend service.
In compose mode, when the user sends the email, using the add-in of course, the add-in will then move the message to "Sent Items" folder using the Outlook API /message/{id}/move and everything goes OK with the exception that the message in question still being marked as "Draft" by Outlook which is really annoying and does confuse the user who just sent the email by telling him that "this message hasn't been sent"
I searched through the API to see if there is a way to mark an email as "SENT" in order to prevent Outlook from showing this RED hint but with no luck so far!
So, My Question Is: Is there any way to overcome this misleading msg by marking the email as it was sent by Outlook?
Thanks in advance.
Finally, I was able to achieve a perfect solution for this challenge.
Based on:
#BrianClink's comment
This answer (Which uses Graph API but Outlook REST API): Microsoft Graph API mail office 365: Is any option create inbox message NOT as Draft?
The approach/steps I followed to mark a mailItem as "SENT" (and not shown as 'draft') and put it in "SentItems" Folder are as follow:
First, Save the mailItem as "draft" using Office.context.mailbox.item.currentMail.saveAsync then retrieve its ID
Clone this draft mailItem properties eg: 'Sender', 'Subject', 'Body', 'ToRecipients'..etc so you get an exact copy of it.
With the newly cloned mailItem, add '[SingleValueExtendedProperties]' property with this value :
PropertyId: 'Integer 0x0E07',
Value: '1'
Serialize the new item as JSON and POST it to "sentitems" folder as follows:'POST', restHost + '/v2.0/me/MailFolders/sentitems/messages/');
On success, with xhr.status=201 [created], Remove the draft mailitem using a [DELETE] request
And you will end up having a new mail item created in your "sentItems" folder which appears as it was sent by Outlook :)
This was a very helpful solution to me because my users are using my add-in to send secure emails (using 3rd party API) and NOT Outlook, So, I wanted them to have the same UX/feeling as when they use Outlook.
Although the solution worked for me perfectly, it came with a price!
On slow internet connections or in case emails containing large attachments, the process can be remarkably slow, because the addin will first save the draft to the remote Exchange Server, get its ID, then duplicate it and send it again to the server, then remove the draft-ed one.

Get/change safe senders list and blocked senders list in C# VSTO

I'm working on an Outlook 2010 add-in that needs to prompt users before following a link found in an email. During the process I'd like to offer the user the choice to trust or block the sender of the email, thus I need to access both lists. I realize that Junk/Spam email options are not exposed by Outlook OM. Although I was successful in accomplishing the task using Redemption, unfortunately I'm not allowed to use it by my employer, so I need to find another way. I found this post (Get Safe sender list in Outlook 2007 C# Add in) that points in the direction of either MAPI properties or registry keys.
My preference would be MAPI props, but I'm not sure what object that property belongs to. Would it be the property of the default store?
Outlook.Store obj = Application.Session.DefaultStore;
Outlook.PropertyAccessor pa = obj.PropertyAccessor;
string list= pa.GetProperty(PR_SPAM_TRUSTED_SENDERS_W).ToString();
Unfortunately I'm getting an error message (translated to English) like 'Object doesn't have such property'. In production it would have to work with Outlook clients connected to Exchange 2007 mailboxes.
Ok found it. The actual property is called PidTagExtendedRuleMessageCondition and the Blob format is described here MS-OXCSPAM and in MS-OXORULE respectively.
