Is there a way to serialize any tree?
Mind maps are trees. Text is serial. I wonder if there is an elegant way to serialize trees.
An n-ary tree can be serialized, if we represent the absence of a node as NULL. But that is not intuitive. We do not think in terms of "two absences of new ideas".
Trees can be serialized recursively. But that solution is complicated, making use of lines and indentation. Git's commit history feels similar.
Trees, as graphs, can be described by their nodes and edges. Somehow that comes across as describing the behavior and history of a tree than itself to me, which may not even make sense.
Is there a well-known, simple, elegant way to serialize infinite -ary trees? Equivalently, is there an innate, implicit representation for trees, and trees alone? On a related note, how can I define a tree purely generatively, instead of "graphs that satisfy such and such qualities"? Or perhaps, is there a textbook on such topics that a non-CS major can read up on?
I just want to ask/clarify if decision trees are essentially binary trees where each node is a boolean, and it continues down until a desired result is reached?
Not necessarily. Some nodes may share children which is not the case in Binary trees. However, the essence of the decision tree is what you mentioned.
It's a tree where based on the probability of an outcome you move down the graph until you hit an outcome.
See Wikipedia's page on desicion trees for more info.
As mentioned by Ares, not all decision trees are binary (they can be "n-ary") although most implementation I have seen are binary trees.
For instance if you have a color variable (i.e. categorical) that can take three values : red, blue or green; you might want to split in three directly at a node instead of splitting in two and then again in two (or more).
The choice between binary and "n-ary" will usually depends on your data. I suspect that most people use binary trees anyway because it is relatively easier to implement and more flexible.
Then as you said the tree is developed until the desired outcome is reached. Decision Tree suffers major drawbacks such as overfitting and there exist many different ways to tackle this issue (pruning, boosting, etc.) but this is beyond the scope of the question/answer.
I recommend to have a look at this great visualization that explains well the decision tree :
Will be happy to give more details about decision tree
I have implemented a data structure in C, based upon a series of linked lists, that appears to be similar to a tree - but not enough to be referred as such, because in theory it allows the existence of cycles. Here's a basic outline of the nodes:
There is a single, identifiable root that doesn't have a parent node or brothers;
Each node contains a pointer to its "father", its nearest "brother" and the first of his "children";
There are "outer" nodes without children and brothers.
How can I name such a data structure? It cannot be a tree, because even if the pointers are clearly labelled and used differently, cycles like father->child->brother->father may very well exist. My question is: terms such as "father", "children" and "brother" can be used in the context of a graph or they are only reserved for trees? After quite a bit of research I'm still unable to clarify this matter.
Thanks in advance!
I'd say you can still call it a tree, because the foundation is a tree data structure. There is precedence for my claim: "Patricia Tries" are referred to as trees even though their leaf nodes may point up the tree (creating cycles). I'm sure there are other examples as well.
It sounds like the additional links you have are essentially just for convenience, and could be determined implicitly (rather than stored explicitly). By storing them explicitly you impose additional invariants on your tree operations (insert, delete, etc), but do not affect the underlying organization, which is a tree.
Precisely because you are naming and treating those additional links separately, they can be thought of as an "overlay" on top of your tree.
In the end it doesn't really matter what you call it or what category it falls into if it works for you. Reading a book like Sedgewick's "Algorithms in C" you realize that there are tons of data structures out there, and nothing wrong with inventing your own!
One more point: Trees are a special case of graphs, so there is nothing wrong with referring to it as a graph (or using graph algorithms on it) as well.
I am looking into using an Edit Distance algorithm to implement a fuzzy search in a name database.
I've found a data structure that will supposedly help speed this up through a divide and conquer approach - Burkhard-Keller Trees. The problem is that I can't find very much information on this particular type of tree.
If I populate my BK-tree with arbitrary nodes, how likely am I to have a balance problem?
If it is possibly or likely for me to have a balance problem with BK-Trees, is there any way to balance such a tree after it has been constructed?
What would the algorithm look like to properly balance a BK-tree?
My thinking so far:
It seems that child nodes are distinct on distance, so I can't simply rotate a given node in the tree without re-calibrating the entire tree under it. However, if I can find an optimal new root node this might be precisely what I should do. I'm not sure how I'd go about finding an optimal new root node though.
I'm also going to try a few methods to see if I can get a fairly balanced tree by starting with an empty tree, and inserting pre-distributed data.
Start with an alphabetically sorted list, then queue from the middle. (I'm not sure this is a great idea because alphabetizing is not the same as sorting on edit distance).
Completely shuffled data. (This relies heavily on luck to pick a "not so terrible" root by chance. It might fail badly and might be probabilistically guaranteed to be sub-optimal).
Start with an arbitrary word in the list and sort the rest of the items by their edit distance from that item. Then queue from the middle. (I feel this is going to be expensive, and still do poorly as it won't calculate metric space connectivity between all words - just each word and a single reference word).
Build an initial tree with any method, flatten it (basically like a pre-order traversal), and queue from the middle for a new tree. (This is also going to be expensive, and I think it may still do poorly as it won't calculate metric space connectivity between all words ahead of time, and will simply get a different and still uneven distribution).
Order by name frequency, insert the most popular first, and ditch the concept of a balanced tree. (This might make the most sense, as my data is not evenly distributed and I won't have pure random words coming in).
FYI, I am not currently worrying about the name-synonym problem (Bill vs William). I'll handle that separately, and I think completely different strategies would apply.
There is a lisp example in the article: About unbalancing the tree I think the data structure and the method seems to be complicated enough and also the author didn't say anything about unbalanced tree. When you experience unbalanced tree maybe it's not for you?
Which can be the beste data structures for the following case.
1.Should have operations like search, insert and delete. Mostly searching activities will be there.Around 90% of the operations will be search and rest are delete and insert.
2 Insertion,deletion and searching will be based on the key of the objects. Each key will point to a object. The keys will be sorted.
Any suggestion for optimal data structure will be highly appreciated.
AVL tree, or at least BST.
If you want to acces often the same elements you might want to consider splay trees too.
(Should I explain why?)
Not sure by what you mean with "data structures"
I would suggest MySQL.
Read more here: WikiPedia
Self-balancing tree of sorts (AVL, RB), or a hash table.
My guess is that you want to optimize time. Overall, a red-black tree will have logarithmic-time performance in all three operations. It will probably be your best overall bet on execution time; however, red-black trees are complex to implement and require a node structure meaning they will be stored using more memory than the contained data itself requires.
You want a tree-backed Map; basically you just want a tree where the nodes are dynamically sorted ("self-balanced") by key, with your objects hanging off of each node with corresponding key.
If you would like an "optimal" data structure, that completely depends on the distribution of patterns of inputs you expect. The nice thing about a self-balancing tree is you don't really need to care too much about the pattern of inputs. If you really want the best-guess as-close-to-optimal as possible we know of, and you don't know much about the specific sequences of queries, you can use a which is O(log(log(N))-competitive. This grows so slowly that, for all practical purposes, you have something which performs no worse than effectively a constant factor from the best possible data structure you could have chosen.
However it's somewhat grungy to implement, you may just be better using a library for a self-balancing tree.
If you're just Java, just use a TreeMap (red-black tree based) and ignore the implementation details. Most languages have similar data structures in their standard libraries.
As a programmer when should I consider using a RB tree, B- tree or an AVL tree?
What are the key points that needs to be considered before deciding on the choice?
Can someone please explain with a scenario for each tree structure why it is chosen over others with reference to the key points?
Take this with a pinch of salt:
B-tree when you're managing more than thousands of items and you're paging them from a disk or some slow storage medium.
RB tree when you're doing fairly frequent inserts, deletes and retrievals on the tree.
AVL tree when your inserts and deletes are infrequent relative to your retrievals.
I think B+ trees are a good general-purpose ordered container data structure, even in main memory. Even when virtual memory isn't an issue, cache-friendliness often is, and B+ trees are particularly good for sequential access - the same asymptotic performance as a linked list, but with cache-friendliness close to a simple array. All this and O(log n) search, insert and delete.
B+ trees do have problems, though - such as the items moving around within nodes when you do inserts/deletes, invalidating pointers to those items. I have a container library that does "cursor maintenance" - cursors attach themselves to the leaf node they currently reference in a linked list, so they can be fixed or invalidated automatically. Since there's rarely more than one or two cursors, it works well - but it's an extra bit of work all the same.
Another thing is that the B+ tree is essentially just that. I guess you can strip off or recreate the non-leaf nodes depending on whether you need them or not, but with binary tree nodes you get a lot more flexibility. A binary tree can be converted to a linked list and back without copying nodes - you just change the pointers then remember that you're treating it as a different data structure now. Among other things, this means you get fairly easy O(n) merging of trees - convert both trees to lists, merge them, then convert back to a tree.
Yet another thing is memory allocation and freeing. In a binary tree, this can be separated out from the algorithms - the user can create a node then call the insert algorithm, and deletes can extract nodes (detach them from the tree, but dont free the memory). In a B-tree or B+-tree, that obviously doesn't work - the data will live in a multi-item node. Writing insert methods that "plan" the operation without modifying nodes until they know how many new nodes are needed and that they can be allocated is a challenge.
Red black vs. AVL? I'm not sure it makes any big difference. My own library has a policy-based "tool" class to manipulate nodes, with methods for double-linked lists, simple binary trees, splay trees, red-black trees and treaps, including various conversions. Some of those methods were only implemented because I was bored at one time or another. I'm not sure I've even tested the treap methods. The reason I chose red-black trees rather than AVL is because I personally understand the algorithms better - which doesn't mean they're simpler, it's just a fluke of history that I'm more familiar with them.
One last thing - I only originally developed my B+ tree containers as an experiment. It's one of those experiments that never ended really, but it's not something I'd encourage others to repeat. If all you need is an ordered container, the best answer is to use the one that your existing library provides - e.g. std::map etc in C++. My library evolved over years, it took quite a while to get it stable, and I just relatively recently discovered it's technically non-portable (dependent on a bit of undefined behaviour WRT offsetof).
In memory B-Tree has the advantage when the number of items is more than 32000... Look at speedtest.pdf from stx-btree.
When choosing data structures you are trading off factors such as
speed of retrieval v speed of update
how well the structure copes with worst case operations, for example insertion of records that arrive in a sorted order
space wasted
I would start by reading the Wikipedia articles referenced by Robert Harvey.
Pragmatically, when working in languages such as Java the average programmer tends to use the collection classes provided. If in a performance tuning activity one discovers that the collection performance is problematic then one can seek alternative implementations. It's rarely the first thing a business-led development has to consider. It's extremely rare that one needs to implement such data structures by hand, there are usually libraries that can be used.